What-Makes-Your-Soul-Happy-Bob Davis Podcast 1144

What Makes Your Soul Happy

Above all what makes your soul happy? Recently after a week with a hundred plus degree fever I awoke to this question. Details in What-Makes-Your-Soul-Happy-Bob Davis Podcast 1144.

This Question

Firstly none other than Joseph Campbell suggested that as time goes on and we age we’re left with this question.

This Question Is Dangerous

Certainly when we’re young we don’t make the time for these kinds of thoughts,

Even more a thought like what makes your soul happy is even dangerous.

Because we’re bringing things into this world.

For example family, marriage, getting that great job, starting businesses and so on.

In short making our dreams come true.

But as we age eventually the world recedes and the body gives out.

Of course we know this.

Province of Any Age

Therefore while it is the province of age to nurture our soul it doesn’t hurt to devote some time to this question.

Another Year Of Nomad Life?

As a matter of fact as a nomad I had been considering whether I want to continue to do this.

Quartzsite Nomad Experience

In light of this question I suggest in this podcast that I felt I’d had it with the whole “Quartzsite Nomad Experience” last winter.

Wondering Why

And really wonder why I do this at all sometimes.

On the other hand there is the question of what makes my soul happy.

Looking Back

As an illustration some thoughts come to my about my own childhood.

Wild Child

Because I was a wild child much of my motivations and actions in life seemed impulsive.


No Plan Might Just Be A Plan

And yet my decisions to do this or that sometimes on a whim seemed to always work out.


Given these points I have been considering some changes and wondering whether I want to continue for a fifth year on the road.

To say nothing of the fever.

So when I woke up and asked myself that question…

The answers formed this podcast.

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What-Makes-Your-Soul-Happy-Bob Davis Podcast 1144

Living-In-The-Past-Bob Davis Podcast 886

Living In The Past?

These days it sure seems like there’s a lot of people living in the past. Glory Days. Happier Times. Why? We’ll talk about it in Living-In-The-Past-Bob Davis Podcast 886.

Friends Have A Deep Conversation

One of the great things about friendship are the deeper conversation friends often have. Recently a good friend and I had a talk after dinner. The country is changing. There were regrets, a memories of a world that was maybe simpler and more predictable.

Obsession With The Past

Especially relevant is the question of when in life does this obsession with the past begin?

This Time Is The Best Time

I think we’re living in extraordinary times. Despite the difficulties I wake up every day excited about what’s going to happen next.

Where do you live in time?

Certainly children live in the now. Most adolescents probably live in the future. In contrast it seems like people start mentally residing in the past at some point in middle age.

When does the past become an obsession?

Because this is the time when the days are shortest maybe we have time for more reflection. It’s natural we would yearn for the traditions of a bygone age. But I have recently encountered some evidence that suggests we’re doing more than yearning for traditions. For instance…

Losing Trust

First of all a Pew study was released recently which says most of us don’t trust the media. ‘Conservatives’ are much more likely to distrust the media than their so called ‘liberal’ counterparts.

YouTube Is My Bellwether

Second because I watch a lot of YouTube I come across some pretty weird stuff. Moreover my favorite genre are the people who predict the apocalypse.

Three Days Of Darkness

Recently I ran across a vein of gold when it comes to apocalypse videos on YouTube. The three days of darkness people. I’ll tell you all about it in Living-In-The-Past-Bob Davis Podcast 886. However sometimes I think those predicting the end of the world are really seeing their own world end.

A Preoccupation With Death For Boomers

Most noteworthy? We don’t usually want to talk about death but a preoccupation with it can begin pretty early in life. I wonder if the result of that is an increasing reliance on memories of an easier, simpler time.

Avoiding That Mindset

Finally I try to avoid that mindset. I really do think this is an amazing time. Even though we have many challenges today.

We Remember The Good

In conclusion the one truth about the past is, we generally remember only the good things.

Journey Through Time

Furthermore all of us alive today are on a journey together through time. Like a train trip. Some of us will have to get off the train before others. Also new people will get on as we get off. We all have a role to play on this trip, but eventually it dawns on us…No matter how much we might want to, we’re not driving the train.

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Living-In-The-Past-Bob Davis Podcast 886



Eyes On The Prize-Always A Student-Bob Davis Yoga Podcast-768

Distractions. We all have them these days. How do you keep your eyes on the prize. We’ll talk about it in Eyes On The Prize-Always A Student-Bob Davis Yoga Podcast-768.

Eyes On The Prize Please

Keeping your eyes on the prize means focus, goal setting and follow through. It’s all about reaching a positive result. A personal goal, or some kind of outcome.

More Practice Clearer Mind

Moreover one of the promises of a daily yoga practice is a clear mind. By refining and refocusing the mind through a yoga practice we hope to gain a clearer perception of ourselves.

Age Doesn’t Matter

It’s especially relevant that we understand we live in an age of swirling distractions. Despite all the talk about young people and their portable devices and screen time, age doesn’t matter. All of us are bombarded constantly with messages.


News of the day. Friends and family. Our personal and business networks. In addition all the demands of modern life. Greater distractions we don’t see. Society and Politics. Personal pressures. Judgements we have to make to survive.

Transcending Day To Day Pressures

Our practice every day is supposed to be free of judgements. A time for us to take for ourselves to clear our mind and refocus. Yoga starts out as part of a fitness routine for many. For others a response to the pressures of life. After practicing for a while, something else starts to happen. We transcend the day to day pressures. Learn more in Eyes On The Prize-Always A Student-Bob Davis Yoga Podcast-768.

Needs and Wants

In conclusion there’s a sort of transcendence with yoga. I started to understand the difference between needs and wants. I realized I really didn’t need that much ‘stuff’ to be happy. Keeping my ‘eyes on the prize’ means planting seeds every day, rather than trying to harvest every day.

Quiet The Mind Quite The Mind

With distractions and judgements about everything everywhere these days, being able to quiet the mind can be the beginning of big changes.

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