108-SunSalutes-Home-Yoga-Practice-Bob Davis Podcast 925

Creating A Solid Home Yoga Practice

These days if you want to do yoga in most places, you have to do it at home. Yoga studios closed. What do you do? Develop your own yoga practice. Join me on the journey in 108-SunSalutes-Home-Yoga-Practice-Bob Davis Podcast 925.

Twenty Years Of Practice

Most noteworthy for me is my twenty years of practicing yoga. So I should be able to do this right? Truthfully there are guides online, so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.

Not Worthy To Teach?

Even more I never felt I my practice was good enough for me to even think about teaching.

Always A Student

Moreover I always felt the best thing for me and my practice was to be a student.

Enter The Lock Down

Enter the lock down. The sequester. Shelter In Place. Quarantine. Whatever we call it, the pandemic is wreaking havoc for Yogis, Martial Artists and Gym Rats.

Get Creative

As the result of the studios and gyms being closed we have to get creative. Learn more in 108-SunSalutes-Home-Yoga-Practice-Bob Davis Podcast 925

Not As Easy To Practice At Home As I Thought

Consequently I decided to start practicing yoga at home. For someone who has practiced as much as I have, it should be easy. Right?

Long Term Goal To Have A Home Practice

In contrast developing my own practice was a little more challenging than I thought. I didn’t let that bother me though. Above all for years I have wanted to be able to have a practice I could do whether I was on an abandoned dirt road in the desert, or stuck at home during a quarantine.

Enter The Sun Salute!

One of the things I love about yoga are sun salutes. So the two series I developed for myself all start with 25 sun salutes.

Not Done, Until It’s Over Done

Likewise the other day I thought, we do 108 sun salutes twice a year to celebrate the change of seasons. Why not do that at home?

The Wow Factor

Wow! Probably one of the best things I have ever done.

We Can’t Predict The Future But We Can Practice Every Day

Finally some real talk. I think it’s most noteworthy we don’t really know when this will end, how it will end. We don’t even know where we’re going to be when it’s all over.

Now I Have A Strong Daily Yoga Practice

While I can hope for the best I know the only way I can keep balanced, and clear my head, is to have a strong daily yoga practice.

Missing My Yoga Community

In conclusion I want to dedicate this podcast to the my teachers and the yoga community where I live. I miss them so much. I know there are zoom classes and DVD’s but it’s not the same as hanging at the studio and talking yoga.

See you all soon.


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108-SunSalutes-Home-Yoga-Practice-Bob Davis Podcast 925



Eyes On The Prize-Always A Student-Bob Davis Yoga Podcast-768

Distractions. We all have them these days. How do you keep your eyes on the prize. We’ll talk about it in Eyes On The Prize-Always A Student-Bob Davis Yoga Podcast-768.

Eyes On The Prize Please

Keeping your eyes on the prize means focus, goal setting and follow through. It’s all about reaching a positive result. A personal goal, or some kind of outcome.

More Practice Clearer Mind

Moreover one of the promises of a daily yoga practice is a clear mind. By refining and refocusing the mind through a yoga practice we hope to gain a clearer perception of ourselves.

Age Doesn’t Matter

It’s especially relevant that we understand we live in an age of swirling distractions. Despite all the talk about young people and their portable devices and screen time, age doesn’t matter. All of us are bombarded constantly with messages.


News of the day. Friends and family. Our personal and business networks. In addition all the demands of modern life. Greater distractions we don’t see. Society and Politics. Personal pressures. Judgements we have to make to survive.

Transcending Day To Day Pressures

Our practice every day is supposed to be free of judgements. A time for us to take for ourselves to clear our mind and refocus. Yoga starts out as part of a fitness routine for many. For others a response to the pressures of life. After practicing for a while, something else starts to happen. We transcend the day to day pressures. Learn more in Eyes On The Prize-Always A Student-Bob Davis Yoga Podcast-768.

Needs and Wants

In conclusion there’s a sort of transcendence with yoga. I started to understand the difference between needs and wants. I realized I really didn’t need that much ‘stuff’ to be happy. Keeping my ‘eyes on the prize’ means planting seeds every day, rather than trying to harvest every day.

Quiet The Mind Quite The Mind

With distractions and judgements about everything everywhere these days, being able to quiet the mind can be the beginning of big changes.

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Eyes On The Prize-Always A Student-Bob Davis Yoga Podcast-768