Election2020-Andrew-Yang-Fairfield-Iowa-Bob Davis Podcast 894

On The Road In Iowa

I am live on the road covering the democrats in Iowa. With the much talked about Iowa Caucuses less than ten days away, the campaigning is in its final stages here. Most noteworthy is an appearance from a Fairfield favorite Marianne Williamson in Election2020-Andrew-Yang-Fairfield-Iowa-Bob Davis Podcast 894.

Fresh Approach To Campaign Coverage

I have a fresh approach to campaign coverage. In contrast to everyone else, I won’t tell you what to think and I am certainly not going to tell anyone who to vote for.

Taking You Inside

Because of my strict observance of this rule, my podcasts covering these events takes the listener inside the event. Moreover I’m not there to judge or tell subscribers and listeners whether the candidate is right or wrong.

No Judgements

Seems like all media outlets these days are bent on telling you what to think. As a result I think it’s time for political coverage that doesn’t do that.

Younger Voters

What’s especially relevant about Andrew Yang at this event is the appeal to younger voters and to the tech community.

Universal Basic Income and Tech

Yang’s self described signature proposal is a universal basic income for all Americans. He spends a lot of time talking about the inevitable loss of jobs due to artificial intelligence and robotics. Hear Andrew Yang in Election2020-Andrew-Yang-Fairfield-Iowa-Bob Davis Podcast 894.

Fairfield Iowa Is Unique

Fairfield Iowa isn’t just a farm town either. It’s home to a sizeable meditation community as well as a tech community.

Workers and Farmers

Finally Yang and other democratic candidates vying for a strong showing in the caucuses have been touring communities hit hard by the loss of manufacturing jobs over the last thirty years.

Where The Votes Are

Also important is the fact that many of the democrat candidates are going to where the democrat votes are, in the final week or so of campaigning.

Seven Days

I’ll talk more about the trip including my personal observations in the next podcast from the campaign trail.

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Election2020-Andrew-Yang-Fairfield-Iowa-Bob Davis Podcast 894





Person-Of-The-Year-Stunt-Bob Davis Podcast 884

Person Of The Year…A Waste Of Time

I am not often amused by what passes for news these days. Moreover our obsession with year end lists and rankings bores me to tears. On the other hand Time’s ‘Person of The Year’ stunt is always worth a few laughs. Learn more in Person-Of-The-Year-Stunt-Bob Davis Podcast 884.

Poster Child Greta

First of all the decision to put Climate Change Poster Child Greta Thunberg on the cover as person of the year for 2020 has upset your crazy Uncle Fred and all his baby boomer conservative friends.

Baby Boomers Love Their FaceBook

Even more no one would have paid any attention until these aging baby boomers took to FB to express their rage. Meanwhile we’re missing key issues that really matter.

Time! Number One! A Hundred Years Ago

Especially relevant is the fact that Time Magazine struggles to remain relevant.

What used to be the number one weekly magazine in the United States about a hundred years ago, is a shadow of a shadow of its former self.

Ask SIRI or Alexa

For example, without asking SIRI or Alexa, can you remember last year’s person of the year?

Crazy Uncle Changes Positions on Climate Change!

What’s more when was the last time anyone convinced anyone to change their position on Climate Change?

United Nations…Hotbed Of Capitalists!

Greta’s most noteworthy rage against the machine of conservative capitalists at the United Nations is pure comedy.

Stunt Culture and Person-Of-The-Year-Stunt-Bob Davis

Certainly we’re missing something here. I believe it must be said. Again. We live in a stunt culture. If the current president has proven anything it is drawing attention to yourself is the path to power and profit.

Constant Manipulation

As a result we are submerged in a fish tank of constant manipulation by all kinds of media in this country, feeding on one stunting public personality after another.

Like Moths To A Flame

They can’t help themselves and neither can we.

Taking The Bait Over and Over

Too bad so called conservatives have taken the bait. Again.

Kinda Funny Though

Although I must admit, some of the Greta Memes are pretty funny.

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Person-Of-The-Year-Stunt-Bob Davis Podcast 884


2018 Toss Up Elections-Final Thoughts-Podcast 758

The 2018 Midterm election season has been most noteworthy for its twists and turns. Now as we head into the final month of the campaigns, find out what to look for on election day in 2018 Toss Up Elections-Final Thoughts-Podcast 758.

Media Cherry Picks Stats

Then there’s the media’s habit of cherry picking statistics. They call it ‘political coverage’. Statistics prove the story line. Damn lies convince us none of this has ever happened before.

Predictions of Doom

The president’s approval rating has never been worse. Voters have never been more fired up. If things continue the way they are now, terrible outcomes are inevitable. The president’s political party always loses seats in a midterm. Are these predictions of doom true? Learn more in 2018 Toss Up Elections-Final Thoughts-Podcast 758.

Polls Don’t Lie. The Media Lies

Finally, in my experience making predictions about statewide and house elections based on national polls and baselines is problematic although some research suggests they may be reliable predictors in midterm elections. There just isn’t enough information to say one way or another what will happen. That’s why we wait and see what the vote actually turns out to be.

Labels and Beliefs

Meanwhile these days we’re awash in labels and broadly held beliefs in pure nonsense. So and so is a “transformational figure”. A “disaster” has changed voting in a district or state forever.

Be The Change

I believe it’s time to change how we cover politics and I am putting my podcasts where my mouth is in this series on the midterm election toss ups. A close look at the data. A fair shake for the candidates. Letting the listeners and subscribers decide for themselves. Putting all the data in the podcasts so you can compare on election night. That’s what it’s all about for The Bob Davis Podcasts for Election 2018 coverage.

In conclusion, through all of it, I have to say I have no idea what will happen on November 6th, 2018, and neither does anyone else.

That’s up to you.

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2018 Toss Up Elections-Final Thoughts-Podcast 758