Back To School 2017-Culling The Social Media Herd-Podcast 659

State Fair Time in Minnesota. A change in the weather. Time for Back to School. Back in the studio after summer traveling. An afternoon with FaceBook convinces me it’s time to start culling the social media herd. In Back To School 2017-Culling The Social Media Herd-Podcast 659.

Back In The Studio

These days all of my travel is on America’s back roads. Summer 2017 saw thousands of miles of travel for The Bob Davis Podcasts. All of it on two lane state and US highways. You see a different United States from the two lane highways. Whether it was Joliet, Illinois or Rapid City, South Dakota or traveling through rural Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, West Virginia or mining towns in Ohio. I did not see Americans consumed with politics.

Backroads Education

When you travel the backroads you see people doing what they do every day. Getting up and going to work. Running their businesses. Taking kids to baseball, football soccer and hockey games.  This is not a country of feral political beasts. It is not a country of angry supporters of either political fringe. Looks pretty much the same as it did when my family toured the country by the same highways, back when I was a kid.

Social Media Cesspool

On social media though, it is a different world. In Back To School 2017-Culling The Social Media Herd-Podcast 659 it’s time to cull the social media herd. Unfollowing those dear friends who post links to articles and demand your support or comment on the latest political and usually nonsensical missive from someone who exhorts you to think and act a certain way.

Where’s The Vision?

Back to School also means reengaging in a political process gone mad. Vision? Concrete plans for the future? Political organization? Those are relics of the past. What’s left are screaming matches, memes, reposts and going ‘live’ on FaceBook to grind your political axe. How does a podcaster add to this cacophony of ignorance and advance the story at the same time? In Back To School 2017-Culling The Social Media Herd-Podcast 659.

No Good Citizens

Neither mainline political party serves the interests of its adherents anymore. Part of the reason is demographic. Much of the reason is people seem to think negatively commenting on a congressman’s FB Live post or protesting is the same as involvement. There are no political movements to convince legislators to take a course of action because no one wants to do that work anymore. Maybe the reason people have turned away from politics are the loud mouths and those who fill their social media feeds with partisan posts, and demand reaction.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Back To School 2017-Culling The Social Media Herd-Podcast 659

Sturgis 2017 Shows How We Go With The Flow-Podcast 654

After three years at the motorcycle rally at Sturgis, South Dakota it gets harder to find the story. Lots of engine revving and people partying. Been there. Done That. This time I found a slightly more reserved part of the Sturgis Rally, in Sturgis 2017 Shows How We Go With The Flow-Podcast 654.

Travel Advice

I get a lot of requests for travel advice. Been all over and through the USA more than once in Mobile Podcast Command. Up and down both coasts. One thing I’ve learned. Planning is good. Throwing the plan out the window is better. As in life though, it is easier said than done. In Sturgis 2017 Shows How We Go With The Flow-Podcast 654.

Let It Go and Enjoy The Ride

We’ve all heard the stories about the job someone took on a lark and it worked out great. Or the unexpected and unplanned move. The mail order bride who turned out to be ‘the one’. Floating down the river instead of swimming against the current. This has always been a difficult concept for me. It’s the core of Sturgis 2017 Shows How We Go With The Flow-Podcast 654.

Goal Setting & Objectives

I believe in goal setting. Objectives. Working toward those objectives. I believe if you want to enjoy travel, each trip has to have a purpose. An objective. I set goals and objectives for travel, and life. In many ways they are similar concepts. We ‘travel’ through life. It seems to me that if we just float along anything may happen.

Throw The Plan Away

Achieving something means deciding what you want and working toward that goal. Right? Often, travel has no respect for goals and objectives the traveler holds dear. Life is very much like travel in this respect. On this trip, once again I learn frustration with myself, with goals. THE PLAN evaporates when I just go with it. That is a good thing. In Sturgis 2017 Shows How We Go With The Flow-Podcast 654.

Camping At Sturgis

Especially relevant were my visions of a fantastic campground at Sturgis, surrounded by the party. That would have been possible with more planning and a lot more money, come to think of it. Thinking about coming out to South Dakota for Sturgis 2018? Start saving now. Motorcycling these days means putting your bikes in the back of an RV,or trailer, trucking them to Sturgis, or Keystone, or the Badlands National Park, and cycling to the Rally from your campsite. In Sturgis 2017 Shows How We Go With The Flow-Podcast 654.

Bring Your Piggy Bank

You can also spend close to a thousand dollars for a campsite at the rally for a week, with your RV and trailer. It seems a far cry from the bad old days in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Then again, everyone is having a great time. Sturgis is still a place where people passionate about motorcycles can spend as much time as they want riding, and talking about their motorcycles. Getting work done. Buying accessories or even a new bike.

Freedom and Passion

Sturgis is still about freedom and passion. The riders are often a little older, wiser, and better off financially. Isn’t that what America is all about? We’ll talk about it in Sturgis 2017 Shows How We Go With The Flow-Podcast 654.

Sponsored by CIRO Motorcycle Products and Accessories

Sturgis 2017 Shows How We Go With The Flow-Podcast 654


Podcast 583-Summer Storm

Podcast 583-Summer Storm. Nothing better than a summer storm to help you forget the bitter cold. It’s well below zero in Minnesota. While Europe and parts of the South consider mid twenties to thirties ‘bitter’ cold, in the Upper Midwest we’re talking minus twenty, thirty or even forty below. This is the kind of cold you don’t need windchill to exaggerate. If you’re in the deep freeze this podcast is designed to provide a half an hour or so of relief.

Last summer I had a chance to record a huge summer storm that rolled through the area. The storm track on this podcast isn’t edited. It was recorded in real time, complete with bouts of heavy rain and thunder. Interspersed throughout the storm are some thought starters to help subscribers to the Bob Davis Podcasts mentally escape.

Maybe when you were a kid your family did a road trip to Florida. Or while in college you and your friends took a trip through the mountains, or the desert. Many have had one of those summer college jobs for some agricultural company that required rolling around on back roads across Iowa and North Dakota, recording the growth of corn, or whatever those companies require people to write down on clipboards.

For me, sitting in a broken down old ’67 Ford Galaxy in the fields and watching the storms roll in across the prairie in Rural Illinois, will always remind me of deep summer. It’s easy for people to say, “Why don’t you get on a plane and go to LA, or Hawaii”. Yes, it sure would be nice. Thing is, not all of us can do that.

As we head into the deep freeze, keep this podcast handy. Put on your headphones for Podcast 583-Summer Storm and prepare to be transported to my porch during an awesome summer storm. Of course, you’ll have to put up with me talking in your ear about places I’ve been and places to go, but it’s better than looking out the window wishing it wasn’t twenty five below.

It is true we welcome the cold weather, at least the first blush and especially at Christmas Time. Trust me, though. You’re going to want to escape. If you can’t get away as soon as you’d like to or at all this year, Podcast 583-Summer Storm is your ticket to paradise. Summer in the Midwest. Storms. Thunder. Steady Rain. The hum of summer insects. Thoughts of rolling down two lane roads cutting through green fields. Freedom is a clean windshield and a full tank of gas.

Sponsored By Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul and Hydrus Performance.