#Nomadlife-Lessons-Part One-Bob Davis Podcast 1139

#Nomadlife Lessons Part One

Altogether after many years as a nomad it’s time to share some lessons in #Nomadlife-Lessons-Part One-Bob Davis Podcast 1139.

With this purpose in mind I set out to cram all the lessons into one podcast.

But it turns out I have a lot of content to share when it comes to nomad lessons.

State Of Mind

In #Nomadlife-Lessons-Part One-Bob Davis Podcast 1139 I begin with our state of mind when we first test the nomad waters.

Accordingly there’s some discussion about economic conditions these days.

Conditions Before You Go

That is to say conditions which might drive people out on the road and into #Nomadlife.

Firstly there is the fact that housing has not decreased in price despite the reduction of inflation.


Even more most working people have thirty to forty percent less buying power than they did in 2019.

Certainly part of the reason I got rid of just about everything I owned was the increasing price of rent.

And the overbearing nature of efforts to contain the pandemic.

After that being on the road meant being free.

No More Free Money

In addition back in 2020 there were a number of pandemic relief funds and incentives which helped many to adopt the nomad lifestyle.

All of the sudden those measures are no longer available…

Back To Work Peasant

Significantly as well these days more businesses are exhorting workers to return to the office.

So I think the bloom might be off the rose slightly when it comes to hitting the road…

On the other hand this reality can also be a trigger for chucking the nine to five suburban lifestyle.

Especially when you consider some commutes are now seventy minutes long.

Romance Is Still Strong

However that does not diminish the romance of this alternative lifestyle.

Revenue Stream

Therefore these days one has to have some kind of revenue stream to do this.

Obviously retirees have savings, pensions and social security.

Contrarily younger people might not have those resources.

And you don’t want to hurt your own savings or future retirement.

Temporary Jobs

In view of this fact I spend a little time sharing what I know about some of the temporary jobs available ‘out there’.

Forget YouTube

On the negative side many future nomads imagine themselves making bank from their YouTube channel.

Of course if you have experience creating content that’s one thing…

But chances are a YouTube channel or Instagram is not going to foot the bill for a nomad life.

Most Nomad Content Include Lists

Finally I see a lot of content on line about ‘the three things you have to do before becoming a nomad’ or ‘the sixteen things you need’ and so on.

Certainly some of this is good advice…


Equally important though, is the sense of adventure that comes from not knowing too much about something before you do it.


And realizing you’re getting a lot out of something as you do it.


I’ll give you a little more content in detail about what this experience is like in the first of these two #nomadlife lessons podcasts.

No Regrets

In conclusion unlike many of the posts these days decrying the lifestyle I have not regretted doing this for one day.

Sponsored by 36LYN The Independently Owned Refueling Station

#Nomadlife-Lessons-Part One-Bob Davis Podcast 1139

Answer-The-Call-Bob Davis Podcast 991

Hey! When Your Passion Calls Answer The Call

First of all I am so excited to be back on the road and answer the call. Life is short. When passion calls. Answer! Details in Answer-The-Call-Bob Davis Podcast 991.

Back Roads

Secondly I travel back roads unless there’s an emergency.

Amazing Two Lane Highways

Therefore in Answer-The-Call-Bob Davis Podcast 991 I also review amazing highways. This time I’ll look at some two lane options between western Virginia and south central Kentucky.

Life and Death

Most importantly if you follow the podcasts you know I’ve been dealing with the aftermath of my mom’s death.


I mention this experience to clarify some key conclusions in this podcast.

Moving On

Certainly I don’t plan on belaboring this topic in coming podcasts.

Family Stuff Is Over

Above all I’ve been in Virginia for three months dealing with family stuff.

Back On The Road

As a result I was chafing at the bit to get back on the road.

Strong Passion

In addition the idea of following your passion feels very strong for me these days.

Answer The Call

Even more when your passion calls, answer the call.

Life Feels Long

In the same vein life feels like a long experience.


Sometimes we wonder why we do anything at all. Especially when we aren’t vibing with it.

And of course we all have to do things we don’t want to do.

But I’m here to endorse the idea that doing something we don’t want to do for very long is not a good idea.

But Life Isn’t Long

Furthermore we don’t how long we have to create on this plane.


Finally I am super Geeked about getting back out here.

Learn From The Road. A million things to talk about and a million more things to see and learn from.

More From The Road

So, more podcasts in the near future and more from the road.

Head West

Finally the plan is to head west with some visits here and there.

Ups and Downs

In conclusion following our passion isn’t without its ups and downs.

Smoothing It Out

However answering the call really does smooth out the good and bad days.

Here’s To…

Here’s to the sunny days, warm sun, and open road. And the Blue Ridge Parkway!

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Answer-The-Call-Bob Davis Podcast 991



Sturgis 2017 Shows How We Go With The Flow-Podcast 654

After three years at the motorcycle rally at Sturgis, South Dakota it gets harder to find the story. Lots of engine revving and people partying. Been there. Done That. This time I found a slightly more reserved part of the Sturgis Rally, in Sturgis 2017 Shows How We Go With The Flow-Podcast 654.

Travel Advice

I get a lot of requests for travel advice. Been all over and through the USA more than once in Mobile Podcast Command. Up and down both coasts. One thing I’ve learned. Planning is good. Throwing the plan out the window is better. As in life though, it is easier said than done. In Sturgis 2017 Shows How We Go With The Flow-Podcast 654.

Let It Go and Enjoy The Ride

We’ve all heard the stories about the job someone took on a lark and it worked out great. Or the unexpected and unplanned move. The mail order bride who turned out to be ‘the one’. Floating down the river instead of swimming against the current. This has always been a difficult concept for me. It’s the core of Sturgis 2017 Shows How We Go With The Flow-Podcast 654.

Goal Setting & Objectives

I believe in goal setting. Objectives. Working toward those objectives. I believe if you want to enjoy travel, each trip has to have a purpose. An objective. I set goals and objectives for travel, and life. In many ways they are similar concepts. We ‘travel’ through life. It seems to me that if we just float along anything may happen.

Throw The Plan Away

Achieving something means deciding what you want and working toward that goal. Right? Often, travel has no respect for goals and objectives the traveler holds dear. Life is very much like travel in this respect. On this trip, once again I learn frustration with myself, with goals. THE PLAN evaporates when I just go with it. That is a good thing. In Sturgis 2017 Shows How We Go With The Flow-Podcast 654.

Camping At Sturgis

Especially relevant were my visions of a fantastic campground at Sturgis, surrounded by the party. That would have been possible with more planning and a lot more money, come to think of it. Thinking about coming out to South Dakota for Sturgis 2018? Start saving now. Motorcycling these days means putting your bikes in the back of an RV,or trailer, trucking them to Sturgis, or Keystone, or the Badlands National Park, and cycling to the Rally from your campsite. In Sturgis 2017 Shows How We Go With The Flow-Podcast 654.

Bring Your Piggy Bank

You can also spend close to a thousand dollars for a campsite at the rally for a week, with your RV and trailer. It seems a far cry from the bad old days in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Then again, everyone is having a great time. Sturgis is still a place where people passionate about motorcycles can spend as much time as they want riding, and talking about their motorcycles. Getting work done. Buying accessories or even a new bike.

Freedom and Passion

Sturgis is still about freedom and passion. The riders are often a little older, wiser, and better off financially. Isn’t that what America is all about? We’ll talk about it in Sturgis 2017 Shows How We Go With The Flow-Podcast 654.

Sponsored by CIRO Motorcycle Products and Accessories

Sturgis 2017 Shows How We Go With The Flow-Podcast 654