Resolution-Free-New-Year-Gratitude-Bob Davis Podcast 889

Resolution Free New Year’s Podcast

I don’t do resolutions. First of all, these days everything has a ‘best practices‘ guide. Second I do two things on the New Year. I thank the people who meant the most, let the year go and move on. We’ll do that in Resolution-Free-New-Year-Gratitude-Bob Davis Podcast 889.

2019 Was A Slog

Above all each year seems to have a theme in my experience. Moreover 2019 was more of a slog than a dance. I think that’s true for most people.

Plenty Of Gratitude

A lot of friends and clients went above and beyond this year. Consequently I’ll use this podcast as an opportunity to show my gratitude to all of them.

Bob Davis Podcasts Hit Ten Year Mark

In addition this is my tenth year podcasting. I was an early adopter when it came to podcasting. I find it hard to believe I have managed almost one thousand podcasts, all with sponsors.

Creative Businesses

Certainly creative businesses are tough rows to hoe. These days running a creative enterprise can feel like walking around in the dark trying to find the light switch. Learn more in Resolution-Free-New-Year-Gratitude-Bob Davis Podcast 889.

Business Networking

In contrast to stumbling around in the dark, the new wrinkle for 2019 has been business networking. My business and my life has been greatly enriched by my business networking partners. They get a big thank you as do all my clients.

Contributors Take A Bow

Furthermore the people who have contributed to the Bob Davis Podcasts really deserve special mention. I often say that those contributions can often be the difference between not eating and eating, when I am on the road.

A Shift Away From Day To Day Politics

It’s most noteworthy that this year marks a decided shift away from day to day politics and this podcast.

I think all of us get tired of day to day arguments that lead nowhere.

Travel and Yoga

Above all travel and yoga have helped to make that transition.

Happy New Year!

Sponsored by Virtus Law

Resolution-Free-New-Year-Gratitude-Bob Davis Podcast 889

Mens Yoga Classes-Body Transformations-Yoga For Men-Always A Student-Podcast 694

Yoga studios are now marketing to men. Special deals and offers abound, in an effort to get more men to practice. There are many misconceptions about yoga by men. We’ll talk about some of them in Mens Yoga Classes-Body Transformations-Yoga For Men-Always A Student-Podcast 694.

Yoga For Men Is Always Good

I’ve practiced yoga in hot rooms for many years so you can imagine my surprise recently when a man told me this was unhealthy. Moreover, he went on, exercise in any kind of heat is ‘stupid’. I had to laugh because after almost twenty years and a lot of hot yoga I am still alive! In addition, I’ve talked a lot about yoga in hot rooms in some of my yoga podcasts.

Where Are The Men?

These days there’s quite a controversy in the yoga world about the origins of Yoga and men. Some say the discipline was the province of only men until recently. Go to any yoga studio in the United States and you’ll usually find more women than men. What happened? In Mens Yoga Classes-Body Transformations-Yoga For Men-Always A Student-Podcast 694.

Body Transformations

Especially relevant is the body transformation mentality. Guys want to be rough and tough. We want to build muscles. Lifting weights seems to be where most of us start because we think yoga would never build muscles fast enough. My experience has been that a daily yoga practice is the single best thing I can do for my own well being. Especially as I get older. What’s more, most of the CrossFit guys I know fully support yoga as a training option.

Yoga For Men Is Intense

Furthermore men and women have different kinds of energy. Certain practices can be just as intense and competitive as anything else men do for exercise but there’s so much more to yoga. It’s a community. The practice also results in a mental as well as physical transformation.

Always A Student

Many guys I know in great shape use yoga to cross train or just to relax. As someone who has always been an experiential learner I never stopped to ask whether yoga is ‘for’ men or women. For me, it was more about what yoga did for me rather than what all the so called experts say it does. Once I started there was no turning back. Find out why in Mens Yoga Classes-Body Transformations-Yoga For Men-Always A Student-Podcast 694.

Sponsored by Brush Studio in The West End Saint Louis Park Minnesota and Reliafund.

Mens Yoga Classes-Body Transformations-Yoga For Men-Always A Student-Podcast 694


First Official Bob Davis Yoga Podcast-Podcast 663

Welcome to the first monthly yoga podcast as part of The Bob Davis Podcasts. Through all the news and current events podcasts over the years, yoga has been a behind the scenes commitment. In First Official Bob Davis Yoga Podcast-Podcast 663, we’ll talk exclusively the practice.

Forever A Student

First and foremost I will be forever a student. There are many yoga podcasts about teaching, nutrition and the poses. Not many about the experience of the student. The first podcast in this series then has to be about my history. How I came to Yoga. How I came to integrate it into my day to day life.

Yoga Every Damn Day

The Bob Davis Podcasts have done podcasts about Yoga or about people who practice Yoga and the links for those shows are here. Yoga has been a part of my travel podcasts. Where I practice. What Yoga is like in one town versus another on the road. It’s time now to spend some time focusing on the practice. We’ll start doing this once per month. The first podcast in this series is here.

It’s All About Growth

Like many people I came to fitness later in life. I came to yoga later in life, starting at the gym. You grow tentatively, in fits and starts, until you find a daily practice. For me it was Bikram. Now I do all kinds of yoga, practicing every day. Get the details in First Official Bob Davis Yoga Podcast-Podcast 663.

Don’t Even Notice The Heat Anymore

This podcast covers what it’s like to start ‘hot’ style Yoga, not knowing anything about any of it. For the people (like me) who practice ‘everydamnday‘, how that works, and the effects. The so called promises of Yoga. In First Official Bob Davis Yoga Podcast-Podcast 663.

Humility and Awe

I wouldn’t begin to tell people what kind of Yoga they ‘should’ do. Wouldn’t begin to make suggestions about what kind of nutritional guidelines one ‘should’ follow. There’s a certain level of humility that is a result of this practice. A approach different from talking about news and current events that is, for me, refreshing. Join me in First Official Bob Davis Yoga Podcast-Podcast 663.

Sponsored By Reliafund

My First Official Yoga Podcast-Podcast 663