Relax-Its-Just-A-Game-Bob Davis Podcast 916

Lock Down, Stress, Relax

First of all it is spring in the Upper Midwest. Even more that calls for a Walk and Talk Podcast. Just a short time ago we were living our best lives. Now we’re in lock down. Time to relax and think of it as just a game. Learn more in Relax-Its-Just-A-Game-Bob Davis Podcast 916.

Stress Levels Redlining

These days stress levels are through the roof.

Stress Can Be A Silent Killer

In addition as stress increases we might not be aware of it.

Crisis From Distant Shores

I think it’s hard to believe just a short time ago we were running around doing our thing, oblivious to a silent crisis making its way to us from distant shores.

Social Media Isn’t Real

Certainly we’re spending way too much time with all kinds of media. Especially social media. The angst and intensity flowing through our veins isn’t real though. At least it doesn’t feel real on a warm spring night. I talk about how to dial down the stress in Relax-Its-Just-A-Game-Bob Davis Podcast 916.

Trump Changes Tone

In contrast the president suddenly says the first few weeks of April are going to the toughest on us, as a nation.

Worst Effects Haven’t Hit

Furthermore the economic effects of the corona crisis haven’t hit yet. Some analysts are predicting steep drops in economic output. Others are predicting huge increases in unemployment.

Human Costs and Sacrifice

Above all there will be human costs to the sacrifices we have had to make, and to the economic slow down. I’ve detailed what it might look like on a recent podcast you can find here.

Pretending It’s A Game Might Help

As the result of all these present and short term future difficulties I know I have to shift gears and prepare for the worst. It may not feel like a game, but it’s easier to parse it out and remain calm if we play it like one.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Relax-Its-Just-A-Game-Bob Davis Podcast 916


Resolution-Free-New-Year-Gratitude-Bob Davis Podcast 889

Resolution Free New Year’s Podcast

I don’t do resolutions. First of all, these days everything has a ‘best practices‘ guide. Second I do two things on the New Year. I thank the people who meant the most, let the year go and move on. We’ll do that in Resolution-Free-New-Year-Gratitude-Bob Davis Podcast 889.

2019 Was A Slog

Above all each year seems to have a theme in my experience. Moreover 2019 was more of a slog than a dance. I think that’s true for most people.

Plenty Of Gratitude

A lot of friends and clients went above and beyond this year. Consequently I’ll use this podcast as an opportunity to show my gratitude to all of them.

Bob Davis Podcasts Hit Ten Year Mark

In addition this is my tenth year podcasting. I was an early adopter when it came to podcasting. I find it hard to believe I have managed almost one thousand podcasts, all with sponsors.

Creative Businesses

Certainly creative businesses are tough rows to hoe. These days running a creative enterprise can feel like walking around in the dark trying to find the light switch. Learn more in Resolution-Free-New-Year-Gratitude-Bob Davis Podcast 889.

Business Networking

In contrast to stumbling around in the dark, the new wrinkle for 2019 has been business networking. My business and my life has been greatly enriched by my business networking partners. They get a big thank you as do all my clients.

Contributors Take A Bow

Furthermore the people who have contributed to the Bob Davis Podcasts really deserve special mention. I often say that those contributions can often be the difference between not eating and eating, when I am on the road.

A Shift Away From Day To Day Politics

It’s most noteworthy that this year marks a decided shift away from day to day politics and this podcast.

I think all of us get tired of day to day arguments that lead nowhere.

Travel and Yoga

Above all travel and yoga have helped to make that transition.

Happy New Year!

Sponsored by Virtus Law

Resolution-Free-New-Year-Gratitude-Bob Davis Podcast 889

Success-Wealth-Pope-Sin-Bob Davis Podcast 825

Pope Francis is at it again. In his latest attack on capitalism he says the pursuit of career, success and wealth is sinful. This is a popular position to take these days. Do you agree? We’ll talk about it in Success-Wealth-Pope-Sin-Bob Davis Podcast 825.


Anything taken to the extreme can certainly be a sin. Maybe the Pope has gone too far this time though.

I Am Poor Because You Are Rich. Right?

Pope Francis seems to be reinforcing the idea that one person is poor because someone else is rich. So did Karl Marx.

Tax Breaks Are Bad Unless I am Getting Them

Moreover this theme is often taken up by anti capitalist protesters. In Paris they are complaining that the billionaires offering to fund the rebuilding of Notre Dame should be helping the poor instead. Amazon is criticized by the media for employing legal tax breaks to bring its tax bill down to zero. Everyone else employs tax accountants. Why? To lower their tax bills.

How Big Is The Pie?

Finally Pope Francis reinforces the idea that the pie is only one size. When one person takes a slice less pie remains. Fact is capitalism and capitalists make the pie bigger.

Hard Work And Focus On Success Is Now A Sin?

The popular notion the Pope is reinforcing is investors and entrepreneurs receive income exceeding the value and contribution they make to the process of production. In fact, investors and entrepreneurs driven by a single focus make production possible. How is that a sin?

Define Capitalism

As a result of this Pope’s statements one can only conclude he is attacking capitalism. What is wealth? Prosperity? Success? How does one define capitalism? I do in Success-Wealth-Pope-Sin-Bob Davis Podcast 825.

Even Jesus Had To Work Hard

Above all accomplishing anything of human value isn’t easy. Any noteworthy contribution made by human beings from Lebron James to Jeff Bezos takes a lot of focus and work. The Pope might encourage that commitment rather than condemn it.

Dangerous Cynicism

In conclusion this Pope demonstrates a more dangerous cynicism. Especially when you consider the fact that the Catholic Church itself remains one of the largest real estate owners and tax free institutions in the world.

Sponsored by Whitetail Builders and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Success-Wealth-Pope-Sin-Bob Davis Podcast 825