Success-Wealth-Pope-Sin-Bob Davis Podcast 825

Pope Francis is at it again. In his latest attack on capitalism he says the pursuit of career, success and wealth is sinful. This is a popular position to take these days. Do you agree? We’ll talk about it in Success-Wealth-Pope-Sin-Bob Davis Podcast 825.


Anything taken to the extreme can certainly be a sin. Maybe the Pope has gone too far this time though.

I Am Poor Because You Are Rich. Right?

Pope Francis seems to be reinforcing the idea that one person is poor because someone else is rich. So did Karl Marx.

Tax Breaks Are Bad Unless I am Getting Them

Moreover this theme is often taken up by anti capitalist protesters. In Paris they are complaining that the billionaires offering to fund the rebuilding of Notre Dame should be helping the poor instead. Amazon is criticized by the media for employing legal tax breaks to bring its tax bill down to zero. Everyone else employs tax accountants. Why? To lower their tax bills.

How Big Is The Pie?

Finally Pope Francis reinforces the idea that the pie is only one size. When one person takes a slice less pie remains. Fact is capitalism and capitalists make the pie bigger.

Hard Work And Focus On Success Is Now A Sin?

The popular notion the Pope is reinforcing is investors and entrepreneurs receive income exceeding the value and contribution they make to the process of production. In fact, investors and entrepreneurs driven by a single focus make production possible. How is that a sin?

Define Capitalism

As a result of this Pope’s statements one can only conclude he is attacking capitalism. What is wealth? Prosperity? Success? How does one define capitalism? I do in Success-Wealth-Pope-Sin-Bob Davis Podcast 825.

Even Jesus Had To Work Hard

Above all accomplishing anything of human value isn’t easy. Any noteworthy contribution made by human beings from Lebron James to Jeff Bezos takes a lot of focus and work. The Pope might encourage that commitment rather than condemn it.

Dangerous Cynicism

In conclusion this Pope demonstrates a more dangerous cynicism. Especially when you consider the fact that the Catholic Church itself remains one of the largest real estate owners and tax free institutions in the world.

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Success-Wealth-Pope-Sin-Bob Davis Podcast 825

Podcast 471

Trump’s Sudden Inevitability. The shouting match between Senator Rubio, Senator Ted Cruz and Donald Trump in the Texas Debate recently, doesn’t change the almost daily lame reporting from the campaign trail and the utter emptiness of what they call ‘analysis’ these days. Now suddenly Donald Trump is the ‘inevitable’ candidate. Now suddenly there will be a contested Republican National Convention. Now suddenly the world quakes at the prospect of Donald J. Trump, President. Now suddenly Trump can beat Hillary Clinton, forget what was said earlier. Reporters, TV Stars, ‘consultants’ and ‘analysts’, Talk Radio Clowns and even the Pope can’t resist inserting themselves into ‘the process’ whatever that is. What a process it is. Thanks to the idiots at the RNC we have an almost weekly political wrestling match, with the winner declared before the show is over, because of the barbs thrown and the jabs and thrusts and innuendo. Why not do away with voting entirely and just have people call a number for their candidate at the end of these cage matches, and declare the winner with a mix of votes and judgements by the perfumed princes of media, chosen to look really serious and ask the candidates questions. Ted Cruz is George Washington. No Wait! Ted Cruz is the New Reagan. Trump is Mussolini. Clinton is Jimmy Carter. Bernie Sanders is uh…Larry David. The predictions from the ‘experts’. Trump has a lock on the nomination, even though we’ve only had two caucuses and two primaries, but there it is people. Step right up! See the bearded lady and the midget perform! The voters? The voters you say? Oddly enough The Bob Davis Podcasts is traveling, speaking with and listening to actual regular people and here in the South there are a lot of Trump signs and bumperstickers on brand new cars. People seem angry, and frustrated and ready to stick it to the man, and don’t seem to be taking it any more seriously than the half time show at the Super Bowl. Why should they? Meanwhile, once again the country is not falling apart. The infrastructure is not crumbling. People seem to be miraculously going about their business despite all the magpies telling them how to live and what to think. Have they already made a decision to stick it to the man? Only time will tell. Sponsored by X Government Cars and Brush Studio.

Podcast 385

The Pope and The Media Circus. After a long trip home from the East Coast in the Mobile Podcast Command Unit, it’s time for a full stereo podcast from just outside the Broadcast Bunker, on the flat, by a real fire, back in Minnesota. Sometimes getting you ready for the coming week is a tall order, especially when it comes to the ‘borg’; the modern media machine. Will the new technology revolution – and it is coming – disrupt institutions that have existed for generations? Government, and religion, all seem to have become cloying media whores, looking to make one more lurid statement so they can get another story written for the Daily Beast, or get on CNN, or get some kind coverage for something…anything to stay relevant. Here comes the Pope all tarted up, to condemn capitalism and the ‘filth’ in the world. Of course the reaction is already classified as right wing or left wing, in tweets, on FaceBook and any number of shout-fests, roundtable gabs, and table pounding orations. If there is one takeaway from the recent trip through the American Southeastern Coast, including Washington DC, and from a trip earlier this spring to the West Coast, its seems like the people in this country are living their lives in spite of the constant chatter. Is it possible that our government and other institutions are becoming irrelevant, thus their leaders struggle more and more to be heard, by making one lurid statement after another? The media, and the politician, even when he is a ‘man of the cloth’ have become all one thing, feeding on each other, feathering their own nests and advancing no one else’s fortune but their own. All of them busting into our living rooms, cars and onto our phones with their incessant nonsense. Most of the time we spend our time just trying to get out of the way, hoping whatever international initiative, legislation or some nonsense laden bill sponsored by a publicity hungry politician doesn’t ruin our business, our town, our life or the lives of someone we love. Sometimes you find yourself wishing they would just shut up. You know, maybe we need a new holiday in America. How about Dead Air Day. All the stations go dark, all the politicians shut up, and all the media whores take a day off, including and especially the Pope. Oh wait! That would mean passing another law. Never mind! On the longest day of the year, and the shortest night. Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing of Saint Paul