Six-Thousand-Miles-Backroads-Part1-Bob Davis Podcast-1135

Six Thousand Miles Backroads Part 1 Of A Series

I’ve traveled six thousand miles on the Backroads since I left Arizona in February. More than eleven states and many experiences. Details in Six-Thousand-Miles-Backroads-Part1-Bob Davis Podcast-1135.

Arizona to Wisconsin

Firstly I talk about the routes I’ve taken from Arizona to Wisconsin by way of several states.

From the Southwest

Secondly it all started in Quartzsite Arizona.

To clarify I spend my winters in the Southwest.

To The South East

So a spring wedding scheduled for March 15th in Sarasota Florida was a great motivator and trip goal.

Therefore on about February 26th, 2024 I left Quartzsite to begin what would turn out to be a six thousand mile trip.


Above all in Six-Thousand-Miles-Backroads-Part1-Bob Davis Podcast-1135 I detail the routes and experiences along the way.


In the same fashion I explain my motivation in staying to America’s BackRoads.

However every now and then I have to take an interstate.

But I try to keep that to a minimum.

Accordingly I headed out East along Interstate 8 in Southwestern Arizona.

Routes and Takeaways

Additionally I detail some takeaways from each state I traversed on my way to Florida.

One For The Books

All in all this trip through Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and eventually Florida is one for the books.

Desert Border

For one thing the whole trip was either along the US-Mexico border

Gulf Coast

Or the Gulf Coast.

Including at length beach towns and shores along the Gulf Coast.


In contrast this journey is a series because of my experiences in Florida and on up the East Coast.

Truck Stops To Parking Lots

From potential campgrounds to truck stops and parking lots it’s been quite an experience.

Overall deserts, mountains, beaches and swamps.

Small Towns

And some undeniably wonderful small towns along the way.

Low And Slow Travel

One of the points overlooked by many thinking about the nomad lifestyle is the fact that we travel low and slow.

That is to say that travel does not have to be compressed into a short period of time.

The Vast Nation

Even more the opportunity to observe and catalog vast swaths of the country seen from its back roads is key.

Media Disconnect

Most important is the country one sees from the back roads is not the country the media shows us.


In the positive side I saw a lot of development and activity this trip.


In a similar fashion I did not see mayhem on the US Border.


In conclusion aside from in season traffic and too much development in Florida…

There’s nothing like a long trip on the back roads.

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Six-Thousand-Miles-Backroads-Part1-Bob Davis Podcast-1135

Podcast 554-Latest Election State By State Polls

Podcast 554-Latest Election State By State Polls. For you political junkies, which includes me, it’s been a month since the last analysis of political polls state by state, and I promised another one at the end of September, 2016. If you want to compare the two state by state poll podcasts to really get a sense of movement check out Podcast 541. I do not intend to analyze the debate. I will not tell you who won the debate. I will not tell you whether people pay attention to the debates. None of the current state by state polls were taken after the debates so they do not reflect the effects on either candidate of the debates. With this in mind, over 80 million people watched the September 26th debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. The next state-by-state poll roundup podcast at the end of October will show what effect – if any – the debates may or may not have had. The biggest change between this podcast and the podcast in late August is that there are now more ‘toss up’ states — that is states with poll averages for president within the margin of error. In Podcast 554-State By State Polls, I am drawing on data from Real Clear Politics. Follow the link directly to an interactive electoral map of the United States and follow along, or may your own map. The tightening could be knock on effects from Clinton’s bad week of September 11th, or it could just be due to more polls closer to the election, when respondents start paying attention and are more likely to give responses. You’ll have to listen for my conclusions about whether more toss up states mean anything, but for the most part, both candidates are within the margins in 2012 and 2008 in the states they lead, or are trading leads. The big questions remain Florida, Ohio, Pennsyvania, Virginia, and to a lesser extent North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, and western states like Colorado, Arizona and Nevada. This is a state by state electoral election, so the national polls don’t matter, and the snap polls on who won the debate don’t matter. All that matters is the candidate’s performance, and get out the vote efforts for them in key electoral states. Listen and learn the state by state strongholds, battlegrounds, advantages and disadvantages, roughly a month out. We’ll come back at the end of October and again just before the election in early November, and see how the campaigning, media, and news events have changed the political landscape. Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing of Saint Paul.

Podcast 471

Trump’s Sudden Inevitability. The shouting match between Senator Rubio, Senator Ted Cruz and Donald Trump in the Texas Debate recently, doesn’t change the almost daily lame reporting from the campaign trail and the utter emptiness of what they call ‘analysis’ these days. Now suddenly Donald Trump is the ‘inevitable’ candidate. Now suddenly there will be a contested Republican National Convention. Now suddenly the world quakes at the prospect of Donald J. Trump, President. Now suddenly Trump can beat Hillary Clinton, forget what was said earlier. Reporters, TV Stars, ‘consultants’ and ‘analysts’, Talk Radio Clowns and even the Pope can’t resist inserting themselves into ‘the process’ whatever that is. What a process it is. Thanks to the idiots at the RNC we have an almost weekly political wrestling match, with the winner declared before the show is over, because of the barbs thrown and the jabs and thrusts and innuendo. Why not do away with voting entirely and just have people call a number for their candidate at the end of these cage matches, and declare the winner with a mix of votes and judgements by the perfumed princes of media, chosen to look really serious and ask the candidates questions. Ted Cruz is George Washington. No Wait! Ted Cruz is the New Reagan. Trump is Mussolini. Clinton is Jimmy Carter. Bernie Sanders is uh…Larry David. The predictions from the ‘experts’. Trump has a lock on the nomination, even though we’ve only had two caucuses and two primaries, but there it is people. Step right up! See the bearded lady and the midget perform! The voters? The voters you say? Oddly enough The Bob Davis Podcasts is traveling, speaking with and listening to actual regular people and here in the South there are a lot of Trump signs and bumperstickers on brand new cars. People seem angry, and frustrated and ready to stick it to the man, and don’t seem to be taking it any more seriously than the half time show at the Super Bowl. Why should they? Meanwhile, once again the country is not falling apart. The infrastructure is not crumbling. People seem to be miraculously going about their business despite all the magpies telling them how to live and what to think. Have they already made a decision to stick it to the man? Only time will tell. Sponsored by X Government Cars and Brush Studio.