#Nomadlife-Lessons-Part-Two-Bob Davis Podcast 1140

#Nomad Life Lessons Learned

Firstly #Nomadlife-Lessons-Part-Two-Bob Davis Podcast 1140 is a continuation of the line of thought I started in Part 1 in this series.

Welcome To The Anarchy

Secondly #Nomadlife itself is an anarchic world.

That is to say there are no set rules or “To Do’s” necessarily.

In other words there is no set way to be a ‘nomad’.

All About The Individual You

The lifestyle chiefly depends on the individual.

For instance what you need and what works for you.

Most Advice Is Useless

By all means my own interpretation of what is available when it comes to nomad content I have found to be pretty useless if you’re just starting out.


Accordingly having a conversation with yourself about your purpose is important.

Work Is No Picnic These Days

Certainly it’s necessary to reiterate current economic conditions make housing very expensive…

Even more rules about coming back to the office put people of all age groups in a vice.

Because with seventy minute commutes in most major cities and higher prices, keeping up has become difficult.

Not to mention the oppressive nature of corporate and work life.

Alternative Lifestyle

So wanting an alternative lifestyle is not just a romantic notion these days.

All in all #nomadlife is a consideration…

What To Expect

Therefore in #Nomadlife-Lessons-Part-Two-Bob Davis Podcast 1140 my goal is to give future nomads an idea of what to expect.

For the most part it’s a great experience.


However we all need a revenue stream and a purpose.

Vehicle or ‘Rig’

Thereafter almost everyone’s attention turns to what kind of vehicle to get.

Unquestionably this is is the fun part.

By the same token so is throwing all your crap away before you leave.

Don’t Borrow Money For An RV

But don’t borrow a bunch of money for an RV because they are not built for what we do..

Leave The Minivan At Home

And you might want to think twice about cramming into a minivan…

Although you will find videos and blogs that tell you this is a great idea.

To clarify there is a fair amount of desperation out there…

You need a little bit more room and capability than a minivan although some have made it work.

It’s a Personal Journey

Finally I don’t think the personal journey is emphasized enough.

Even more I think going out for the first year alone is a good idea.

In conclusion I spent a fair amount of time at the end of this podcast talking about the personal journey.

The Story Travel Tells

The story you are allowing time and space and travel to tell you.

And it’s so important to remember sometimes to have an adventure you have to just go.

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#Nomadlife-Lessons-Part-Two-Bob Davis Podcast 1140


Six-Thousand-Miles-Backroads-Part1-Bob Davis Podcast-1135

Six Thousand Miles Backroads Part 1 Of A Series

I’ve traveled six thousand miles on the Backroads since I left Arizona in February. More than eleven states and many experiences. Details in Six-Thousand-Miles-Backroads-Part1-Bob Davis Podcast-1135.

Arizona to Wisconsin

Firstly I talk about the routes I’ve taken from Arizona to Wisconsin by way of several states.

From the Southwest

Secondly it all started in Quartzsite Arizona.

To clarify I spend my winters in the Southwest.

To The South East

So a spring wedding scheduled for March 15th in Sarasota Florida was a great motivator and trip goal.

Therefore on about February 26th, 2024 I left Quartzsite to begin what would turn out to be a six thousand mile trip.


Above all in Six-Thousand-Miles-Backroads-Part1-Bob Davis Podcast-1135 I detail the routes and experiences along the way.


In the same fashion I explain my motivation in staying to America’s BackRoads.

However every now and then I have to take an interstate.

But I try to keep that to a minimum.

Accordingly I headed out East along Interstate 8 in Southwestern Arizona.

Routes and Takeaways

Additionally I detail some takeaways from each state I traversed on my way to Florida.

One For The Books

All in all this trip through Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and eventually Florida is one for the books.

Desert Border

For one thing the whole trip was either along the US-Mexico border

Gulf Coast

Or the Gulf Coast.

Including at length beach towns and shores along the Gulf Coast.


In contrast this journey is a series because of my experiences in Florida and on up the East Coast.

Truck Stops To Parking Lots

From potential campgrounds to truck stops and parking lots it’s been quite an experience.

Overall deserts, mountains, beaches and swamps.

Small Towns

And some undeniably wonderful small towns along the way.

Low And Slow Travel

One of the points overlooked by many thinking about the nomad lifestyle is the fact that we travel low and slow.

That is to say that travel does not have to be compressed into a short period of time.

The Vast Nation

Even more the opportunity to observe and catalog vast swaths of the country seen from its back roads is key.

Media Disconnect

Most important is the country one sees from the back roads is not the country the media shows us.


In the positive side I saw a lot of development and activity this trip.


In a similar fashion I did not see mayhem on the US Border.


In conclusion aside from in season traffic and too much development in Florida…

There’s nothing like a long trip on the back roads.

Sponsored by Garden Gurus MN

Six-Thousand-Miles-Backroads-Part1-Bob Davis Podcast-1135

Is-Nomad-Life-Over?-Bob Davis Podcast-1129

Is Nomad Life Over?

Firstly it’s a good time to ask Is Nomad Life Over? Details in Is-Nomad-Life-Over?-Bob Davis Podcast-1129.

Fully Committed

Secondly while I remain fully committed to the nomad lifestyle I wonder whether the trend is starting to fade.

Reality Bites

Certainly the longer I do something the more I see the reality in it.


But these days I am not feeling the much vaunted nomad community as much as I used to.

Social Media Presence

Another key point are the Vanlife and Nomadlife Instagram posts.

As well as YouTube videos.

And videos on other platforms.

False Reality?

Undeniably the reality is often not the picture presented in social media.

Unquestionably there are difficult days.

Sublime Moments

Notwithstanding those difficult days there are truly sublime moments.

In fact that’s why I still want to live the nomad life.

Trend Starting To Wear

In view of all this though it feels like the trend is starting to wear.

To put it another way I am seeing a lot more RV people out here these days than straight up nomads.

Attendance Spotty

In addition attendance at some venerated ‘nomad’ events has been spotty.

Economic Hardship

This is said to be on the account of economic hardship.

On the other hand it seems to me more Americans are being called back into the work place.

Therefore barnstorming around the country isn’t as easy as it used to be.

With that said it doesn’t mean there is a great desire to be physically present.

But there it is.

Meaning and Purpose

Even more I think there might be some questions about what it all means.

In fact a great purpose.

Negative Experiences

On the negative side I’ve had some experiences and there have been some situations out here this year that should raise eyebrows.


All in all one wonders what is needed to create a sustainable nomad experience?

Eventually further technology improvements will only make nomad life easier and more productive.

In the meantime we’ll see you out there.

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Is-Nomad-Life-Over?-Bob Davis Podcast-1129