Is-Nomad-Life-Over?-Bob Davis Podcast-1129

Is Nomad Life Over?

Firstly it’s a good time to ask Is Nomad Life Over? Details in Is-Nomad-Life-Over?-Bob Davis Podcast-1129.

Fully Committed

Secondly while I remain fully committed to the nomad lifestyle I wonder whether the trend is starting to fade.

Reality Bites

Certainly the longer I do something the more I see the reality in it.


But these days I am not feeling the much vaunted nomad community as much as I used to.

Social Media Presence

Another key point are the Vanlife and Nomadlife Instagram posts.

As well as YouTube videos.

And videos on other platforms.

False Reality?

Undeniably the reality is often not the picture presented in social media.

Unquestionably there are difficult days.

Sublime Moments

Notwithstanding those difficult days there are truly sublime moments.

In fact that’s why I still want to live the nomad life.

Trend Starting To Wear

In view of all this though it feels like the trend is starting to wear.

To put it another way I am seeing a lot more RV people out here these days than straight up nomads.

Attendance Spotty

In addition attendance at some venerated ‘nomad’ events has been spotty.

Economic Hardship

This is said to be on the account of economic hardship.

On the other hand it seems to me more Americans are being called back into the work place.

Therefore barnstorming around the country isn’t as easy as it used to be.

With that said it doesn’t mean there is a great desire to be physically present.

But there it is.

Meaning and Purpose

Even more I think there might be some questions about what it all means.

In fact a great purpose.

Negative Experiences

On the negative side I’ve had some experiences and there have been some situations out here this year that should raise eyebrows.


All in all one wonders what is needed to create a sustainable nomad experience?

Eventually further technology improvements will only make nomad life easier and more productive.

In the meantime we’ll see you out there.

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Is-Nomad-Life-Over?-Bob Davis Podcast-1129

Misinformation Disinformation Red Alert-How To Cope-Podcast 669

Walk and Talk Podcast focusing on all the bad coverage of recent events. Late night. Moonlight. The smell of fall in the air. Perfect setting to try and sort all this out. In Misinformation Disinformation Red Alert-How To Cope-Podcast 669.

Lies and Fairy Tales

The theme of these podcasts has always been the fact that most of what passes as ‘news’ is opinion. These days though, the fairy tale nature of news coverage has reached a new level of mendacity. This time it’s digital media.

Digital Media Is A Sea Of Disinformation

That’s right. Anyone you talk to can give you a dissertation on the failure of the so called mainstream media to ‘do their job’. Almost no one talks about the failures of digital media. Especially You Tube ‘correspondents’. We’ll talk about it in Misinformation Disinformation Red Alert-How To Cope-Podcast 669.

New Sources Require New Diligence

I watch a lot of You Tube stuff these days. Apparently so do many Americans. You Tube is the source of a great deal of what the American Public thinks it ‘knows’. While entertaining, You Tubers pump out a steady stream of false flag attack stories, end of the world proofs, predictions about the future, and ‘inside’ stories that can never be fact checked.

Aliens and False Flags

We’re walking around with a lot of nonsense in our heads when any new thing happens. Las Vegas? North Korea? Some kind of legislative initiative? We think we live in a society with a free exchange of information, but what do we really know about these things? In Misinformation Disinformation Red Alert-How To Cope-Podcast 669.

It’s A Ken Burns World

The world does not sluice down into a documentary series with music and pictures. Historians spend years studying events. New information changes conclusions. Building a framework to understand it all requires reading real books about real history. A framework also comes with experience and life.

And every now and then, maybe a quiet walk on a tree lined, leaf covered path on a beautiful fall night.

Sponsored by Brush Studio in The West End Saint Louis Park

Misinformation Disinformation Red Alert-How To Cope-Podcast 669

Podcast 435

How Tough Are You? How tough do you have to be? A new era is coming socially, economically, and politically. A selection of news stories about technology shows how quickly our world is giving way to something new. Socially our ideas about morality, fairness and even the nature of reality are evolving. Economically old systems are transitioning to new, even as industry and ideas minted at the turn of the twentieth century can still be dominant, new ideas in manufacturing, media, communications and the tools we use to do our work are beginning to take hold and to forge their own reality. Politically new issues, new ways to communicate and new kinds of candidates are emerging and wreaking havoc with ‘the process’. These are significant changes that make the world unfamiliar to people who became adults just twenty or so years ago. Our individual success, and our success as a country may depend on how tough we are and whether we adapt to these changes well enough not just to survive, but to thrive. It’s clear these days, that the new world will look nothing like the old. Even assumptions so called ‘experts’ make about the future are turning out to be not be so accurate. Rapid change can be disruptive and confusing to say the least. Especially when people have to live through it. With 64 percent of the working age population out of the work force in the United States, and the new jobs most vulnerable to new technology tough days might be ahead and we will have to be tough to deal with it. What is ‘tough’? What does it mean to be ‘tough’? We hear a lot about the difficulties individuals have these days, but we aren’t hearing enough examples of real toughness, and they’re out there. Maybe it’s time we started thinking that way as a nation? Sponsored by Pride of Homes and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul.