#Nomadlife-Lessons-Part-Two-Bob Davis Podcast 1140

#Nomad Life Lessons Learned

Firstly #Nomadlife-Lessons-Part-Two-Bob Davis Podcast 1140 is a continuation of the line of thought I started in Part 1 in this series.

Welcome To The Anarchy

Secondly #Nomadlife itself is an anarchic world.

That is to say there are no set rules or “To Do’s” necessarily.

In other words there is no set way to be a ‘nomad’.

All About The Individual You

The lifestyle chiefly depends on the individual.

For instance what you need and what works for you.

Most Advice Is Useless

By all means my own interpretation of what is available when it comes to nomad content I have found to be pretty useless if you’re just starting out.


Accordingly having a conversation with yourself about your purpose is important.

Work Is No Picnic These Days

Certainly it’s necessary to reiterate current economic conditions make housing very expensive…

Even more rules about coming back to the office put people of all age groups in a vice.

Because with seventy minute commutes in most major cities and higher prices, keeping up has become difficult.

Not to mention the oppressive nature of corporate and work life.

Alternative Lifestyle

So wanting an alternative lifestyle is not just a romantic notion these days.

All in all #nomadlife is a consideration…

What To Expect

Therefore in #Nomadlife-Lessons-Part-Two-Bob Davis Podcast 1140 my goal is to give future nomads an idea of what to expect.

For the most part it’s a great experience.


However we all need a revenue stream and a purpose.

Vehicle or ‘Rig’

Thereafter almost everyone’s attention turns to what kind of vehicle to get.

Unquestionably this is is the fun part.

By the same token so is throwing all your crap away before you leave.

Don’t Borrow Money For An RV

But don’t borrow a bunch of money for an RV because they are not built for what we do..

Leave The Minivan At Home

And you might want to think twice about cramming into a minivan…

Although you will find videos and blogs that tell you this is a great idea.

To clarify there is a fair amount of desperation out there…

You need a little bit more room and capability than a minivan although some have made it work.

It’s a Personal Journey

Finally I don’t think the personal journey is emphasized enough.

Even more I think going out for the first year alone is a good idea.

In conclusion I spent a fair amount of time at the end of this podcast talking about the personal journey.

The Story Travel Tells

The story you are allowing time and space and travel to tell you.

And it’s so important to remember sometimes to have an adventure you have to just go.

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#Nomadlife-Lessons-Part-Two-Bob Davis Podcast 1140


Nomads-Getting-Restless-Bob Davis Podcast 1104

Nomads Getting Restless

Nomads getting restless. It’s said restlessness is caused by anxiety. When nomads are getting restless it’s wanderlust. Details in Nomads-Getting-Restless-Bob Davis Podcast 1104.

Pace of Travel

Certainly the pace of my travel has changed since my first year as a nomad.

Indeed this year I spent 8 months in the desert.

And due to family stuff I have now spent almost four months lakeside in Western Wisconsin.

Winter To Spring

On the positive side I have been able to experience winter to spring…

To Summer

And now Spring to summer…

Lake Side

Here on the shore.

Ready To Travel

But now I am getting restless.

That is to say I am ready to travel.


Therefore it’s a great opportunity to talk about how my travel has changed over the years.

Back and Forth

For example in the first year of full time nomad life I barrelled back and forth across the country.

Border To Border

To say nothing of my trips to the Northern and Southern US Borders.

Experiential Desire

These days I am thinking I want my travel to be a little more experiential.

Bucket Lists

Comparatively many travelers hit all the national parks.

Or every major league baseball field.

People and Places Are My Jam

By comparison I’d like to find different places and people.


For instance a town I visited in Colorado last summer with people trying to live a different way.

New England

At the present time though I’m planning a trip to New England from Western Wisconsin.

Travel Preparation

Leaving in about a month.

Still Some Time

All in all I still have some time left.


Finally I talk a lot about travel and the travel experience.

The Drive

And I love to drive.

To Learn

To explain a little further, one of the reasons I do this to learn more about America.

Avoid Judgements

By the same token one of the things I’ve learned is to avoid categorization and judgement when it comes to the places I’ve been and the people I’ve met.

Whole World

To sum up we nomads know there is a whole world out there.

Opposite Of Anxiety

Hence our restlessness is the opposite of anxiety.

We can’t wait to get out there.

As much as we love hanging out lakeside.

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Nomads-Getting-Restless-Bob Davis Podcast 1104


OffGrid-Freedom-Utah-Bob Davis Podcast-1067

OffGrid Freedom Utah

Firstly OffGrid Freedom Utah isn’t about solar powered homes. OffGrid-Freedom-Utah-Bob Davis Podcast-1067 is about having no cell coverage and the actual freedom that results from being ‘OffGrid’.

Garbage Minds

Secondly the amount of garbage that our minds are filled with from these phones is epic.

Heavy Users

Above all I know because I am a heavy user of my device.


And due to the fact that when I experience outages I’ve noticed I can think!


Even more I can actually hear myself think!


So look for some internal revelations as the result of spending a lot of time with a boat anchor known as the iphone.

At least when you’re OffGrid in Utah.


Consequently I took the opportunity to review the last year or so of travel.

Life Decisions

In addition I was able to review some life decisions.

Mega Trips A Thing Of The Past?

For example last year at this time I was in the middle of a mega trip.

To clarify up the west coast. Out through the upper mountain west. Down through the Midwest. Across the Great Lakes to New England. Back through Massachusetts, New York, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and so on.

Granular Travel

On the other hand this summer’s travel has focused on Northern Arizona, Colorado and Utah.


That is to say I am way out in the deserts and mountains.

Even more down dirt roads and in primitive campgrounds or no campground!

Out Of Area

No cell service.


Subsequently no distractions!

Stories and Realizations

In short it’s great to think again!

And I have some stories and realizations to share in OffGrid-Freedom-Utah-Bob Davis Podcast-1067.

Modern Communications

Firstly I don’t think anyone really thinks about how influential modern communications can be.

The Wanting

Secondly as a result it’s the wanting that makes us all feel like we have and are less.

Certainly we don’t call it ‘the wanting’.


These days it goes by the name ‘Manifesting’.


Most importantly what happens when you ‘manifest’ right past your original goal?

What Do You Need?

Finally sometimes what you have is enough to do what you need.

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OffGrid-Freedom-Utah-Bob Davis Podcast-1067