2025-High-Vibe-Death-Valley-Bob Davis Podcast 1154

2025 High Vibe In Death Valley

It’s time for a higher vibe to ring in the New Year and Death Valley is the place to do it. Details in 2025-High-Vibe-Death-Valley-Bob Davis Podcast 1154.

Staying To The Maximum

I came here to stay one or two nights and ended up extending to the maximum time.

As a matter of fact I could live here if they let me.

What a contrast to the Truck Stops of Las Vegas.

Especially the stars.

Largest National Park

Of course this is the largest National Park in the Lower 48.


But at the holiday time of year I was surprised by the number of people camping up here.

Primitive Man

Certainly it’s true that our end of year rituals rooted in primitive man.

So it’s fair to suggest Christmas and New Year’s celebrations precede the Christian Era.

And our commercial hustle and bustle suggests a return to pagan roots for some.

Camping For Christmas and New Years

But I am still surprised at the number of people camping here for Christmas and New Years.

Primitive Roots

Accordingly this place has a lot of primitive history.

With this in mind the ghosts of Ancients, American Indians and Pioneers have a certain currency.


As well as the miners and entrepreneurs that built some of the best attractions in the Park as well as in the region around it.


Up to the present time this place has a lot of history.


Furthermore as a nomad I am grateful for the ability to enjoy places like this at length.


The first thing to remember is the vibe in the campgrounds is high.


Firstly every night there is a lot of talk around the campfire of where people camped and what they saw that day.

Crush Of Holiday Activities Back Home

Secondly and chiefly a huge relief and respite from the shopping and food and family intensity of Thanksgiving through the New Year.

Winter Solstice

Meanwhile the Winter Solstice is supposed to be for resting and refitting.

In addition for preparing our seeds to be planted in Spring.

In summary Death Valley is a special place with a lot of life!

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2025-High-Vibe-Death-Valley-Bob Davis Podcast 1154


New-Day-Headed-SouthWest-Again-Bob Davis Podcast 1114

New-Day-Headed-SouthWest-Again-Bob Davis Podcast 1114

Firstly it’s a new day headed southwest again and back on the road. After spending a month in New England there’s a lot to review and talk about in New-Day-Headed-SouthWest-Again-Bob Davis Podcast 1114.

Details On The First Half Of September

In detail I planned to camp for the first half of September in New Hampshire.


But it poured rain.

And camping is no fun in the rain.

When Conditions Change

Of course when conditions change plans change.

Notwithstanding the first half of September in New Hampshire was spectacular.

Beaches and Mountains

To explain there were visits to the beach and mountains.

Good Food

As well as a lot of good eating.

Finally most of those experiences are explained in previous podcasts here.

Back On The Road Feels Brand New

Secondly getting back out on the road after only about three weeks feels brand new.

Headed Southwest

Especially when I am headed Southwest.

All in all getting back in the travel and recording groove is surprisingly unfamiliar.

Live From The Forest

So live from the Allegheny National Forest I update podcast subscribers and listeners.

History and Experiences

With this in mind there’s some discussion of the history of the national forests.

And a review of some of experiences at the end of summer in New England.

Brunch On The Atlantic

Afterwards topped off with an emotional family and wedding experience.

Ending with a fabulous brunch on the Atlantic Ocean.

Hit The Road

Thereafter I hit the road with a vengeance.

Three States

Subsequently covering three states before finally getting to the Allegheny National Forest.

Feels Good

Above all I can’t believe how good it feels to be back on the back roads!

Nomad Life Is Good

As a result New-Day-Headed-SouthWest-Again-Bob Davis Podcast 1114 includes some observations about Nomad Life.

Behind The Windshield

For one thing I continue to be amazed at how different the back road world is from behind a windshield.

Rather than what we think the world is like scrolling….

Freewheeling Podcast

By and large this podcast is freewheeling.

Stories and Plans

In any event I’ll tell you some stories and share some plans.

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New-Day-Headed-SouthWest-Again-Bob Davis Podcast 1114


Pipeline-Fire-Flagstaff-Arizona-Bob Davis Podcast 1058

Pipeline Fire In Flagstaff Arizona

Above all I am about 3 miles from the Pipeline Fire in Flagstaff Arizona. However my experiences South of here inform what happened here. Learn more in Pipeline-Fire-Flagstaff-Arizona-Bob Davis Podcast 1058.

Coconino National Forest

Firstly I was camping in the Coconino National Forest about 20 miles South of Flagstaff.

Blatant Disregard

Secondly what I saw there was blatant disregard of the no fire rule by campers.


Of course we all want freedom.


Certainly nobody likes rules.

Don’t Be An Idiot

But freedom doesn’t mean being an idiot.

Negligence Caused Pipeline Fire

For example a local was arrested leaving the scene of the fire in Flagstaff. He had ignored the burn ban and started the fire.

Park Ranger View

I had a great conversation with a park ranger in the same vein.

Too Many People

To clarify there are too many visitors and according to the ranger they don’t listen.

And she said the rangers would rather tell people what they can do.

Due to the number of visitors in paid sites the National Forest shunts people to dispersed camping sites North of Sedona and South of Flagstaff.

Dispersed Camping Is Primitive

As a result there are no vault toilets or trash facilities.

Modern Americans Don’t Do Primitive

Apparently modern Americans don’t know what to do with that.

Let’s Have A Campfire!

Furthermore if they want a campfire then they light one.

Stories To Tell

In Pipeline-Fire-Flagstaff-Arizona-Bob Davis Podcast 1058 I’ll tell some stories about some of the things that went on in that dispersed campground this weekend.

Forest Service

Moreover things that provoked a visit in force from the Forest Service.

These Are Spaces To Appreciate

To sum up it’s amazing to me that people don’t fully appreciate how lucky we are to have these spaces to experience.

Not Destroy

Even more a forest fire is incredibly destructive during and after the burn.


And it’s sad when the fire starts because someone just wants to do what they want to do.

In conclusion I don’t get into the debate about how they manage these forests. Truth is there is a generational drought in the west.

A sign that says no fires means no fire.

Sad that has to be said.

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Pipeline-Fire-Flagstaff-Arizona-Bob Davis Podcast 1058