Three-Years-On-The-Road-Bob Davis Podcast 1119

Three Years On The Road

Three Years On The Road and embracing a fourth without reservation. Hear the story in Three-Years-On-The-Road-Bob Davis Podcast 1119.

First of all I started nomad life out with a podcast the very first night I was on the road.

Halloween Podcast

So every year my Halloween is a podcast day.

Fourth Year Of Nomad Travel Coming Up

Second of all I am fully embracing a fourth year on the road starting in November 2023.

Full Commitment

That is to say I have made a full commitment to so called nomad life.

Life On The Road

Altogether these commemorative podcasts provide a record of observations and stories about my life on the road.

Many Thanks

And many people to thank as always.

Certainly I will not have a full list of those to thank.

But the names that come up here I will assume fit this particular podcast.


Above all many people ask me about all the ‘crazy’ people and situations I must encounter.

However sometimes the almost mundane nature of our lives as nomads might surprise those back in the world.


In fact the change we encounter is more significant personally than anything else about this life.


The pace of travel and my life have changed in these three years without a doubt.


Surprisingly positive change.


One point often overlooked is the depth and quality of the relationships we form out here.

Face Value

Even more the fact that people accept you at face value.

Same Plane

That is to say we meet and begin our friendships on the same plane.

In The Moment

Regardless of who we thought we were or what we may have done what’s important is who we are in the moment while out here.


Furthermore I wouldn’t trade the vistas I have seen through the windshield for anything.

Of course I have missed a lot of TV Shows in the last three years.


Nevertheless I have gained timeless friendships and life experiences.

Like A Dream

Accordingly it has been more like a dream than anything else.

Of course I’d point out the details are in Three-Years-On-The-Road-Bob Davis Podcast 1119.

Not Always Easy

All in all I wouldn’t say it was easy.

But it was easier than staying back in the world.

Don’t Wait For Paradise

All things considered if you have something you want to do…

Don’t wait for paradise.

In summary whatever it is…reach out and grab it.

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Three-Years-On-The-Road-Bob Davis Podcast 1119


Nomads-Getting-Restless-Bob Davis Podcast 1104

Nomads Getting Restless

Nomads getting restless. It’s said restlessness is caused by anxiety. When nomads are getting restless it’s wanderlust. Details in Nomads-Getting-Restless-Bob Davis Podcast 1104.

Pace of Travel

Certainly the pace of my travel has changed since my first year as a nomad.

Indeed this year I spent 8 months in the desert.

And due to family stuff I have now spent almost four months lakeside in Western Wisconsin.

Winter To Spring

On the positive side I have been able to experience winter to spring…

To Summer

And now Spring to summer…

Lake Side

Here on the shore.

Ready To Travel

But now I am getting restless.

That is to say I am ready to travel.


Therefore it’s a great opportunity to talk about how my travel has changed over the years.

Back and Forth

For example in the first year of full time nomad life I barrelled back and forth across the country.

Border To Border

To say nothing of my trips to the Northern and Southern US Borders.

Experiential Desire

These days I am thinking I want my travel to be a little more experiential.

Bucket Lists

Comparatively many travelers hit all the national parks.

Or every major league baseball field.

People and Places Are My Jam

By comparison I’d like to find different places and people.


For instance a town I visited in Colorado last summer with people trying to live a different way.

New England

At the present time though I’m planning a trip to New England from Western Wisconsin.

Travel Preparation

Leaving in about a month.

Still Some Time

All in all I still have some time left.


Finally I talk a lot about travel and the travel experience.

The Drive

And I love to drive.

To Learn

To explain a little further, one of the reasons I do this to learn more about America.

Avoid Judgements

By the same token one of the things I’ve learned is to avoid categorization and judgement when it comes to the places I’ve been and the people I’ve met.

Whole World

To sum up we nomads know there is a whole world out there.

Opposite Of Anxiety

Hence our restlessness is the opposite of anxiety.

We can’t wait to get out there.

As much as we love hanging out lakeside.

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Nomads-Getting-Restless-Bob Davis Podcast 1104


Go-East-Young-Man-Bob Davis Podcast 1005

Go East Young Man

Go East Young Man. Certainly I love the west. But I’ve never been to Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. Ride along with me in Go-East-Young-Man-Bob Davis Podcast 1005.

Summer Travel

Firstly summer is the time to make this trip.

No Drought Here

Secondly we’re hearing a lot of drought talk because of the situation out west.

Lush Fields

However the fields through central Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and New York are lush.

Small Town Love

Meanwhile all along Route 2, US 6 and US 20 are some amazing small towns and places of interest.


Now what is interesting to me is unique.

Certainly history.

Industrial Revolution In Reverse

Therefore I am subtitling this podcast, “The Industrial Revolution Tour In Reverse”.

In other words the Industrial Revolution began in Rhode Island in the late 1700’s.

Then spread west.

Because I am headed east across America’s Industrial Heartland it’s the Industrial Revolution…in reverse!

Rust Belt?

In short they used to call this part of the country The Rust Belt. It’s not descriptive these days.

Help Wanted

These days there help wanted signs are everywhere through Indiana and Ohio.

Back Roads Rule

Even more back roads travel allows the nomad to get granular.

US and State Two Lane Highways

To clarify on these state and US Highways you see details you’d never see on the Interstates.

Mennonites On Bicycles

For example Mennonites on bicycles.

Not a band name.

A real thing.

Twentieth Century Story

Most importantly I get a sense of the development all across this area in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s.

Firstly the farmers. Secondly the railroads. Finally the development of these small towns across northern tier.

As a result some of those towns became the big towns that wrote the twentieth century story.

Nomad Vibe

Above all this is one of the big reasons I became a nomad.

And why I love back roads.

Drive and Talk

To sum up sometimes the best thing is to drive and talk.

In conclusion that’s what Go-East-Young-Man-Bob Davis Podcast 1005 is all about.

Road Trip!

I’ve been on a lot of road trips with friends and they have always gotten a huge kick out of my observations.

So climb in and let’s go.

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Go-East-Young-Man-Bob Davis Podcast 1005