Three-Years-On-The-Road-Bob Davis Podcast 1119

Three Years On The Road

Three Years On The Road and embracing a fourth without reservation. Hear the story in Three-Years-On-The-Road-Bob Davis Podcast 1119.

First of all I started nomad life out with a podcast the very first night I was on the road.

Halloween Podcast

So every year my Halloween is a podcast day.

Fourth Year Of Nomad Travel Coming Up

Second of all I am fully embracing a fourth year on the road starting in November 2023.

Full Commitment

That is to say I have made a full commitment to so called nomad life.

Life On The Road

Altogether these commemorative podcasts provide a record of observations and stories about my life on the road.

Many Thanks

And many people to thank as always.

Certainly I will not have a full list of those to thank.

But the names that come up here I will assume fit this particular podcast.


Above all many people ask me about all the ‘crazy’ people and situations I must encounter.

However sometimes the almost mundane nature of our lives as nomads might surprise those back in the world.


In fact the change we encounter is more significant personally than anything else about this life.


The pace of travel and my life have changed in these three years without a doubt.


Surprisingly positive change.


One point often overlooked is the depth and quality of the relationships we form out here.

Face Value

Even more the fact that people accept you at face value.

Same Plane

That is to say we meet and begin our friendships on the same plane.

In The Moment

Regardless of who we thought we were or what we may have done what’s important is who we are in the moment while out here.


Furthermore I wouldn’t trade the vistas I have seen through the windshield for anything.

Of course I have missed a lot of TV Shows in the last three years.


Nevertheless I have gained timeless friendships and life experiences.

Like A Dream

Accordingly it has been more like a dream than anything else.

Of course I’d point out the details are in Three-Years-On-The-Road-Bob Davis Podcast 1119.

Not Always Easy

All in all I wouldn’t say it was easy.

But it was easier than staying back in the world.

Don’t Wait For Paradise

All things considered if you have something you want to do…

Don’t wait for paradise.

In summary whatever it is…reach out and grab it.

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Three-Years-On-The-Road-Bob Davis Podcast 1119


Podcast 544

Podcast 544-Self Definition. How would you describe yourself to someone you did not know? Are you defined by how you look, what kind of job you have, what kind of car you drive? Are you defined by material possessions? Do you define yourself according to the political spectrum as being of ‘the right’ or ‘the left’. A question that started out in Yoga class has been resonating with me all weekend. Time for Podcast 544-Self Definition. In a daily Yoga practice the question of how one defines themselves has to do with attaching yourself to how you do certain poses, how you look, how strong you are in comparison to others. Reaching a deeper practice requires the student to let go of those kinds of hard and fast definitions of themselves. In this podcast I expand on this idea to fit into society in general. Asking how we define ourselves certainly isn’t an original thought of mine, it came from my fantastic Yoga Teacher, Angela T. But expanding it to society as a whole is an interesting exercise. We’re living through a period of change, with new tools and new ways of doing things people could only imagine just twenty years ago, and thirty years ago the things we think of as everyday weren’t on anyone’s mind. All kinds of changes are taking place due to these new tools, yet many of us remain in the old world, deeply attached to outmoded perceptions and ideas about who we are. Historians like to name ‘eras’ well after they have passed. For example, historians refer to the United States just before the Civil War ‘antebellum’. Historians refer to the period between World War I and World War II as the ‘interwar’ period. People living in those times did not think of them as ‘antebellum’ or ‘interwar’, just their time. How we define ourselves has a big impact on whether we are resistant to change, which we all are to some degree or another. Big changes are underway now, and will gather momentum in the near future. Given the advances we see almost everyday, more change is on the agenda going forward. Hanging on too tightly prevents us from seeing solutions, using ideas, and being happy. How do you define yourself? In this podcast I share how I have defined myself in the past, how it effected me, and how I think about these things today. Sponsored by Karow Contracting.

Podcast 514-Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-31

Podcast 514-Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-31. This week’s edition of the radio show, now heard Sunday’s at 4PM on AM1280 The Patriot in Minneapolis and Saint Paul with new affiliates as we get them through the syndicator, This is a great review of the week, with some new content for the radio show that hasn’t been in the podcasts. The mission of this show is to bring content from the podcasts back to the radio. This week – in podcast time – has been a difficult week, in the wake of the Orlando Terror Attack. The social and political debate has followed the path I predicted last Sunday night. Gun Control advocates on one side, people who think the failure is the President’s and it is because he refuses to use the term Radical Islam to describe the enemies of the United States. Again predictably, the same lines of argument played out in Congress, and across the board in the media. Most of what happened this week has been useless in protecting Americans from potential ‘lone wolf’ terrorists, and the fact is, little will be done as we have a presidential election, and then the inauguration of a new president and congress in January of next year. It will take time for the new president and congress to grapple with these issues, and form new policy ideas and formulate plans to ‘deal’ with whatever the problem is. The fact that the argument follows predictable pathways is as depressing as the event itself. We’ll change the energy a little bit in Podcast 514-Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-31, to talk about creativity, business and being an entrepreneur. If you listened to Podcast 513 it will be amusing to listen to the edited version of that podcast for the final segment of Podcast 514-Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-31, because it is edited for radio station programmers and owners, slightly softening some of the harshest criticism of the radio business heard in Podcast 513. Still, some of the points are applicable to any American business institution these days, whether it is corporate America, or even some elements of politics. Given the technology we have to amplify the individual, there’s still a lot of old thinking in business and politics these days. Sponsored by Karow Contracting and Hydrus Performance.