First Official Bob Davis Yoga Podcast-Podcast 663

Welcome to the first monthly yoga podcast as part of The Bob Davis Podcasts. Through all the news and current events podcasts over the years, yoga has been a behind the scenes commitment. In First Official Bob Davis Yoga Podcast-Podcast 663, we’ll talk exclusively the practice.

Forever A Student

First and foremost I will be forever a student. There are many yoga podcasts about teaching, nutrition and the poses. Not many about the experience of the student. The first podcast in this series then has to be about my history. How I came to Yoga. How I came to integrate it into my day to day life.

Yoga Every Damn Day

The Bob Davis Podcasts have done podcasts about Yoga or about people who practice Yoga and the links for those shows are here. Yoga has been a part of my travel podcasts. Where I practice. What Yoga is like in one town versus another on the road. It’s time now to spend some time focusing on the practice. We’ll start doing this once per month. The first podcast in this series is here.

It’s All About Growth

Like many people I came to fitness later in life. I came to yoga later in life, starting at the gym. You grow tentatively, in fits and starts, until you find a daily practice. For me it was Bikram. Now I do all kinds of yoga, practicing every day. Get the details in First Official Bob Davis Yoga Podcast-Podcast 663.

Don’t Even Notice The Heat Anymore

This podcast covers what it’s like to start ‘hot’ style Yoga, not knowing anything about any of it. For the people (like me) who practice ‘everydamnday‘, how that works, and the effects. The so called promises of Yoga. In First Official Bob Davis Yoga Podcast-Podcast 663.

Humility and Awe

I wouldn’t begin to tell people what kind of Yoga they ‘should’ do. Wouldn’t begin to make suggestions about what kind of nutritional guidelines one ‘should’ follow. There’s a certain level of humility that is a result of this practice. A approach different from talking about news and current events that is, for me, refreshing. Join me in First Official Bob Davis Yoga Podcast-Podcast 663.

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My First Official Yoga Podcast-Podcast 663

Podcast 551

Escapism. Given the sour nature of our political discourse these days what do you do to escape. A morning ritual turns into a content generator for the Bob Davis Podcasts in Podcast 551 Escapism. Lately I have been bingewatching TV shows on Netflix and iTunes, with the HBO series “Shameless’ and especially this weekend to watching the entire first series of the Netflix show “Stranger Things”. Stranger Things does such a great job creating an alternate reality, you just can’t get enough. Usually when people recommend TV shows I’m like, “Yeah whatever”. Stranger Things is the exception. What a great show. Getting back to the morning ritual; Every morning I get up, make coffee and head over to the park. I sit on a hill, drink my coffee and am alone with my thoughts. No phone. No social media. No talking to myself at least for that first few minutes of awake time. It’s been great for listening to the thoughts bubbling up from the subconscious and figuring out how to do podcasts about them. This weekend’s binge viewing of Stranger Things made me think about Escapism and how important it has apparently become considering the election year we’re having and coverage of it. When I first talked about the News Cleanse about three years ago on these podcasts, I had no idea it would end up having the power it has to generate new and different things to talk about in the podcasts. I know that, given the current discourse, I don’t want to be a contributing factor to what amounts to misinformation on breaking news stories like the attack at the Mall in Saint Cloud this weekend or the daily and predictable back and forth between presidential candidates trying to capitalize on these kinds of events. Aside from the stuff that actually moves the needle; shifts in the polls, candidates collapsing in public, huge breaking stories like a financial collapse or some major shift in policy from the current administration, it’s ok to check and once in awhile on political news, but I just can’t muster the intellectual interest in the day to day nonsense that seems to animate everyone on the radio, television and on the Internet. What do you do to escape? Movies, Trips to the Wilderness? Binge Watching shows. Drugs and alcohol? How much escape is too much escape. What is healthy escape? How many want to escape, and what happens after the new president is inaugurated in January 2017. Sponsored by Hydrus Performance.