iHeartradio-Firings-Bankrupt-Media-Future-Bob Davis Podcast 893

Radio Talk

I don’t always talk about radio in my podcasts these days. However when something most noteworthy happens, I do. Learn more in iHeartradio-Firings-Bankrupt-Media-Future-Bob Davis Podcast 893.

Displacements Or Firings?

Recently the biggest radio company in the United States unexpectedly announced it was firing over a thousand employees. Especially relevant is the fact that the company used such obtuse language in its press releases, it confused news writers and listeners.

You Got A Future?

Moreover this event has kicked off a lot of discussions about the ‘future of radio‘ in this country. In addition suddenly all my friends and clients are asking me to comment.

Not much

First of all, radio doesn’t have much of a future. At least not as we have known it. I’ll tell you why in iHeartradio-Firings-Bankrupt-Media-Future-Bob Davis Podcast 893 and in a recent podcast I did about the history of top forty radio. You can find it here.

Content Creators Struggle Too

Furthermore all not rosy in the digital media world either.

It’s All About Revenue

While it seems like everyone who has ever worked in the radio business has an opinion about how iHeart ‘screwed up’, the bottom line is revenue. An industry that scaled to a certain point based on the old business model, simply can’t support that scale anymore.

Digital Marketing

In contrast various forms of digital marketing are all the rage, sucking all the revenue from ‘traditional’ forms of advertising as well as media production. Digital platforms are producing huge numbers while we haven’t quite figured out how to monetize individual content creators very well yet.

Disruptive Technologies Rule

Finally we’re living through an extraordinary moment in history. Due to disruptive technologies we’ve seen more traditional businesses destroyed and whole industries laid to waste. Broadcast radio and television are just two of them.

Tower of Babel

Even more, considering the tower of babel that is American Corporate Business Speak, I wonder how well other industries and businesses are actually doing.

On The Beach

In conclusion it’s tough to lose your job no matter what you do. Because of the realities in radio these days, I am afraid there will be many more people on the beach.

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iHeartradio-Firings-Bankrupt-Media-Future-Bob Davis Podcast 893



Political Content Boring Audiences-Podcast 672

First of all political content is everywhere. Seems like adding to it is spitting into the wind. Especially relevant is a reality star president who has turned government into a cartoon. In Political Content Boring Audiences-Podcast 672.

Saturated With Political Content

Furthermore journalists, TV Stars, entertainers, and athletes have become players in the daily drama. The last refuge was sports. Most of all sports channels have now joined the melee.

Gets Older Everyday

Political content as entertainment emerged over thirty years ago. It was new then but these days, political content is saturating our lives. It wasn’t always this way. We’ll talk about it in Political Content Boring Audiences-Podcast 672.

What Would Johnny Do?

Millions watched a decidedly nonpolitical show during the peak years of ‘The Tonight Show’ with Johnny Carson. The opposite is true today. Or is it?.

Hundreds of Millions Are On New Platforms

Most noteworthy are entertainment channels on new platforms like SnapChat, Instagram, and You Tube, with more viewers and subscribers than ‘The Tonight Show’ at its peak. Political offerings on any channel pale in contrast. Find out what the stats are in Political Content Boring Audiences-Podcast 672.

Think Different

Much as we believe traditional media is king maybe it’s time to think differently. Furthermore digital platforms for newspapers and radio boast hundreds of millions of subscribers and listeners. As purely entertainment offerings on new platforms get hundreds of millions of views and subscriptions traditional media keeps banging away on politics.

It’s Wallpaper

In conclusion when something is everywhere it isn’t unique or interesting. With so much political stuff it’s natural for content creators to wonder whether audiences are getting bored with it.

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Political Content Boring Audiences-Podcast 672



The Strange Case of Susan Rice and Other Mysteries-Podcast 619

Different Mysteries Left and Right

Susan Rice is the leaker. A political Flack. Running an operation to discredit the new president before he took office. Rice is at least guilty of a felony. At least that’s the story the right wing commentators are telling. In The Strange Case of Susan Rice and Other Mysteries-Podcast 619.

On the left it’s a different story. National security became a top concern after someone hacked the DNC computers. The Russians did it. The Russians did it because Trump did some kind of back room deal.

Opinion Is Not News

In America’s increasingly partisan media most people only want their beliefs confirmed. There’s no chance a political point of view different from my own can be right. Is there? A sea of information. Where opinion masquerades as fact and personalities beat the drums. We’re supposed to dance to their rhythm.

We Know Nothing…yet

Real Facts? In The Strange Case of Susan Rice and Other Mysteries-Podcast 619 we’ll see there are few facts. Russians hacking the DNC? Not so fast. Trump making deals behind the scenes with Putin? Obama ordering illegal surveillance of a president elect? Maybe. Maybe not.

Tin Foil Hats Anyone?

Evidence supporting claims of the right and left in this case is thin. All of it has the classic elements of conspiracy theory. So we’ll take a moment in The Strange Case of Susan Rice and Other Mysteries-Podcast 619 to detail the known facts. You can draw your own conclusions. Mystery lovers beware though. We’re along way from wrapping this one up in the final chapter.

Basic Framework

Is Susan Rice a political operative? What is the legal framework regarding National Security Agency intercepts. Why did the Trump administration leak NSA documents to a congressmen? What provoked the president to tweet he was ‘wiretapped’ in the first place? Is there a difference between a wiretap and an NSA intercept? Who gets to see intercepts? What are the significant legal justifications for executive orders in 2011 and 2017 allowing sharing in the first place. Lots of questions.

Where There’s Smoke

One thing is true. The dust kicked up by the Susan Rice story obscures real developments. North Korean Missiles. Syrian chemical weapons. Congressional action on the ACA, Tax Reform and Immigration. We’ll talk about it in The Strange Case of Susan Rice and Other Mysteries-Podcast 619.

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