Unhappy-#Vanlifers-Doing-It-Wrong-Bob Davis Podcast 1133

Unhappy #Vanlifers Doing It Wrong

Are unhappy #Vanlifers really doing it wrong? A recent Wall Street Journal post about the hash tag Van Life again points out the obvious. Details in Unhappy-#Vanlifers-Doing-It-Wrong-Bob Davis Podcast 1133.

Nomad Coverage

Firstly I have rarely seen positive coverage of the nomad experience.

Hard Life

Secondly the recent Wall Street Journal piece reports on a few #vanlife people complain about how hard the life is.


And say Instagram has it all wrong.

As a result I’ll ask again whether anyone actually believes anything they see on social media?

Best Foot

Of course we put our best foot forward.

Or show our best face to the world.

In other words analogous to cleaning your house before guests arrive.

But there’s more.

Negative Experience

Because the article in question illustrates a number of negative experiences for the vanlifers interviewed.

For example, no place to sleep.

And not being able to take showers.

Or being lonely because the dating life out here sucks.

Finally the unexpected costs of mechanical problems and fuel.

As I have said many times in many different podcasts…

Not A Bowl Of Cherries

In general life is not always a bowl of cherries.


In fact part of the experience in #nomadlife is overcoming setbacks and solving problems.

Won’t Quit

To sum up the article on a positive note all of the van life people interviewed said they won’t quit.

Great Potential

All in all I believe there’s great potential in nomad life.

And as I have noted as the infrastructure for digital nomads gets better…

In time more may choose this lifestyle.

Establishment Media Hates Nomads

However I don’t think the establishment back home or the establishment media will give our lifestyle a break.

Presently reporters and editors seem to love the idea that social media is ‘lying’ about living on the road.

Don’t Dream

In essence don’t dream of a different life.

It’s too dangerous.

Stay Back In The World

Meanwhile keep paying ridiculous amount of rent and commuting four hours a day.

By and large living in huge expensive cities and stepping over homeless people to get to the subway.

Of course doing a digital job and being required to work in an office…

When even in the present time you can work from anywhere.

Just In Case

Just in case you’re thinking about buying a van and dumping your absurdly expensive efficiency in said large city…

Take a look at these poor idiots in this Wall Street Journal story without delay.

After that you’ll accept your life as it is.


In reality over time nomad life can be easy and satisfying.

Lots To Learn

Of course there is a lot to learn.

Yes You Can

But if you can do it and you want to try.

Go for it.

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Unhappy-#Vanlifers-Doing-It-Wrong-Bob Davis Podcast 1133



Return-Of-The-Light-Bob Davis Podcast 1080

Return Of The Light

Most importantly the shortest and darkest days of the year also celebrate the return of the light. Details in Return-Of-The-Light-Bob Davis Podcast 1080.

Their Celebrations

Certainly we have our winter celebrations.

Birth Of Light

Above all they celebrate the birth of light.

Human Race

These days I think a lot about how old the human race is.

And how these celebrations have evolved over the eons.


That is to say they resonate with us because they are ancient.

Old West

Firstly when I am in the desert I think about the Old West.

Secondly and perhaps more importantly there is evidence of the Spaniards here.

And the Indians before the Europeans came.

Even more there’s evidence of those who came before the Indians, who were immigrants to this region at one time too.

And all the ancients.

Standing On Their Shoulders

We stand on their shoulders today.


Finally I’ve done some podcasts recently about potential economic difficulties.

Future Dread

The result has been some listeners and subscribers feeling dread about the future.

Winter Rituals Give Us Hope

However even when times are tough this winter celebration and ritual gives us hope.

Picking Up The Pieces

Because no matter what happens we’ll pick up the pieces and start again.


Above all we don’t like change.

Can’t Always Plan

In fact we react to more than plan for setbacks and difficulties.

Take A Breath

On the other hand I think it’s fair to say we use these rituals at different times of the year to take a breath.

To draw strength.

And keep on keeping on.

Message Of Hope

Therefore here’s a message of hope for everyone.

In conclusion things may get worse before they get better.

We Make Sure

But they always get better sooner or later. We make sure of that.


Finally take a moment to join your ancestors this season and look to the heavens.

Stars and Moon

See the same stars, moons and planets they saw, going back thousands and thousands of years.

Light and Hope On The Way

And look for the signs of light and hope for the future.

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Return-Of-The-Light-Bob Davis Podcast 1080

Ridiculous-RV-Rig-Prices-Bob Davis Podcast 1078

Ridiculous RV Rig Prices

Most importantly when people are paying fifty percent more for fuel they can’t afford these ridiculous RV and Rig Prices. Details in Ridiculous-RV-Rig-Prices-Bob Davis Podcast 1078.

Paid Shills

Furthermore it’s the paid prognosticators on YouTube doing the RV salesperson’s work by telling people rig prices can’t come down.

Engaging On This Issue

Firstly I got into a little bit of a tiff on Instagram recently because I decided to engage on this price issue.

Prices Cuts

Secondly this podcast explains why price cuts are on the horizon.

And I reference another podcast I did some months ago on economic issues.

Nomad Perspective

Certainly I see things from the nomad perspective.

That is to say we don’t like to spend money.

Some Have More Resources

Certainly some people come to this lifestyle with more resources than others,

In addition others buy an RV to use every now and then.

Sticker Shock Prevails Among All

But even the causal RV person is shocked at what dealers are asking for these rigs.

Rising Interest Rates

Even more there is the issue of rising interest rates and less liquidity in the banking system.

Breaking Point

To clarify most financial people these days say we’re reaching the breaking point on inflation.

Wholesale Prices Plummeting

It’s early yet but as a result wholesale prices for used cars in particular are plummeting.

Dealers Jacking Up Prices

However dealers are jacking up prices to get the most out of the consumer before the whole thing goes south.

And it will.

RV Dealers Playing The Same Game?

One wonders whether RV and Rig sellers are playing the same game.

Finally we nomads usually operate with rigs cobbled together from heavier duty vehicles

Moreover we are often very choosy about creature comforts.

Versatility and Reliability Win The Day

And we’ll often choose versatility and reliability over hardwood floors and double door refrigerators.

Experience Is The Best Teacher

That is due to the fact that experience is the best teacher.

You Don’t Need A Double Door Fridge Out Here

To sum up to the nomad borrowing tens of thousands of dollars to overpay for a shiny new rig is just not an option.

Change Is Coming

Finally the overall economic picture suggests things are about to change.


In fact big price reductions on almost everything may be in the picture soon.

Sales People Always Say This Is The Best Time To Buy

However sales people will always tell prospects it’s a great time to buy.

YouTubers Too

Including those prognosticators on You Tube.

Eye Opener

In conclusion always do your own research.

But don’t forget to look at the overall economic picture at the same time.

It’s an eye opener.

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Ridiculous-RV-Rig-Prices-Bob Davis Podcast 1078