Return-Of-The-Light-Bob Davis Podcast 1080

Return Of The Light

Most importantly the shortest and darkest days of the year also celebrate the return of the light. Details in Return-Of-The-Light-Bob Davis Podcast 1080.

Their Celebrations

Certainly we have our winter celebrations.

Birth Of Light

Above all they celebrate the birth of light.

Human Race

These days I think a lot about how old the human race is.

And how these celebrations have evolved over the eons.


That is to say they resonate with us because they are ancient.

Old West

Firstly when I am in the desert I think about the Old West.

Secondly and perhaps more importantly there is evidence of the Spaniards here.

And the Indians before the Europeans came.

Even more there’s evidence of those who came before the Indians, who were immigrants to this region at one time too.

And all the ancients.

Standing On Their Shoulders

We stand on their shoulders today.


Finally I’ve done some podcasts recently about potential economic difficulties.

Future Dread

The result has been some listeners and subscribers feeling dread about the future.

Winter Rituals Give Us Hope

However even when times are tough this winter celebration and ritual gives us hope.

Picking Up The Pieces

Because no matter what happens we’ll pick up the pieces and start again.


Above all we don’t like change.

Can’t Always Plan

In fact we react to more than plan for setbacks and difficulties.

Take A Breath

On the other hand I think it’s fair to say we use these rituals at different times of the year to take a breath.

To draw strength.

And keep on keeping on.

Message Of Hope

Therefore here’s a message of hope for everyone.

In conclusion things may get worse before they get better.

We Make Sure

But they always get better sooner or later. We make sure of that.


Finally take a moment to join your ancestors this season and look to the heavens.

Stars and Moon

See the same stars, moons and planets they saw, going back thousands and thousands of years.

Light and Hope On The Way

And look for the signs of light and hope for the future.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Return-Of-The-Light-Bob Davis Podcast 1080

Pagan-Roots-Of Christmas-Bob Davis Podcast 887

Christmas Is Indeed A Pagan Holiday

I know there are religious people who don’t want to hear this but Christmas is a pagan holiday. These days we’re disconnected from history and our ancestors. I’ll explain in Pagan-Roots-Of Christmas-Bob Davis Podcast 887.

Winter Solstice

The winter solstice is especially relevant here. The shortest day in the northern hemisphere. December 21st. The next day the sun starts its journey back toward us and the days will start getting longer.

A Time To Rest, Repair And Recharge

Second people have taken this time to hunker down, rest and prepare for the coming brighter and warmer months. This goes back millennia.

The Shortest Darkest Days

In contrast to those in warmer and brighter places those of us who live in the far northern reaches of North America and Northern Europe know only too well how dark it gets. Even more how long those dark and cold nights can be.

Jesus Was Not Born On December 25th

We are told Jesus Christ the bringer of light, was born in December. Truth is the bible doesn’t say when the savior was born.

The Bringer Of Light Was A Summer Baby

Moreover astronomers believe Christ was probably born in the summer, or fall somewhere between 6 or 7 BC, and 3 or 2 BC.

Rome and Saturnalia

Finally it was the Roman Catholic Church that set Christ’s birth on December 25th. Oddly enough, the new celebration would coincide with the celebration of the Roman God Saturn.

Santa IS A Pagan Symbol

Even more, Santa’s origins are rooted both in a Greek Saint in about 300 AD, and the Norse god Odin. Above all once Artist Norman Rockwell and the advertising industry shaped and advanced the idea of Saint Nick as a rosy cheeked white bearded grandfatherly symbol. Our modern Santa. For more on Odin, click here.

Holiday Season

This year I spent a little time and thought about our Winter Holiday Season, which starts with the celebration of the harvest on Thanksgiving, includes a parade of totems in New York City, and ends with New Year’s.

Natural Rhythms

Are we immune to natural human rhythms? Were our ancestors dumb? How has commerce and communication in the modern age obscured the pagan roots of Christmas, and New Year’s? Does this change the nature of Christmas for the faithful? I don’t think so.

Happy Holidays

And of course, Merry Christmas

Sponsored by Reliafund Payment Processors and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Pagan-Roots-Of Christmas-Bob Davis Podcast 887