Winning-With-Procrastinaton-And-Laziness-Bob Davis Podcast 1142

Winning With Procrastination and Laziness

All things considered maybe we need to consider winning with procrastination and laziness. That is to say we’re over tasked and under appreciated. Details in Winning-With-Procrastinaton-And-Laziness-Bob Davis Podcast 1142.

Feeling Overwhelmed

Furthermore I am seeing plenty of posts from disaffected workers about how overwhelmed we feel.

Natural Man

Therefore in this podcast I first consider Natural Man or Ancient Man.

Chiefly the original hunter-gatherers in the mists of time.

For example the Celts…

Or the Plains Indian.


In fact primitive clocks only go back to around 3500 BC. (By the way I announced the source for this statement as a ‘blogger’ named Jack Mason. In fact it is brand name for a watch!)

The Sun Moon And Stars

Balanced against our minute by minute and second by second world primitive man told time with the sun, the moon and the stars.


Of course the clock was a major technological improvement.


Even more I won’t go so far as to suggest that human beings are ever going to get anything done if they can work as a team to complete tasks.

However life today is getting a little ridiculous.

Time To Ourselves

To put it another way even at the dawn of the industrial age on through the 1980’s people had time to themselves.

Allow The Mind To Wander

Comparatively they had more time to allow their minds to wander.

Consequently while they were riding the train or bus…

Or driving to and from work…

Problem Solve

Their minds could rest and ‘problem solve’.

No Time For That Now

With this in mind the most compelling evidence for the use of procrastination and laziness as a tool for success is the fact that we have almost no time to do this these days.

Demand The Time

Hence we have to demand or take the time to be lazy and to put things off.

Laziness and Procrastination Are No Longer Negatives

With this in kind Winning-With-Procrastinaton-And-Laziness-Bob Davis Podcast 1142 is all about why procrastination and laziness are no longer negatives.

Recognizing The Need For Organization

So firstly while recognizing the need for organization and goal setting in business, family and corporate life…

What We Think We Have To Do

It’s also secondly realizing most of what we think we have to do isn’t really necessary.

Summer By The Lake

Finally the more I sit by the lake this summer…and to simplify.

Nightly Campfire

And mediate on the nightly campfire…


The more I think giving ourselves permission to win with procrastination and laziness the happier we will be!

Let Our Minds Work In The Background

In the final analysis I think a lot of the work of life takes place when we allow our minds to wander and attack a problem subconsciously.

Controlled By Modern Devices And Nonsense

Having said that often the problem is our devices and so called demands of life won’t allow our minds to work.

Given these points I understand why people demand remote work options and enjoy it so much.

In essence it’s time to realize if you put something off so you can be lazy…

You’re not a bum.

In fact you might be the smartest person in the room.

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Winning-With-Procrastinaton-And-Laziness-Bob Davis Podcast 1142

Pagan-Roots-Of Christmas-Bob Davis Podcast 887

Christmas Is Indeed A Pagan Holiday

I know there are religious people who don’t want to hear this but Christmas is a pagan holiday. These days we’re disconnected from history and our ancestors. I’ll explain in Pagan-Roots-Of Christmas-Bob Davis Podcast 887.

Winter Solstice

The winter solstice is especially relevant here. The shortest day in the northern hemisphere. December 21st. The next day the sun starts its journey back toward us and the days will start getting longer.

A Time To Rest, Repair And Recharge

Second people have taken this time to hunker down, rest and prepare for the coming brighter and warmer months. This goes back millennia.

The Shortest Darkest Days

In contrast to those in warmer and brighter places those of us who live in the far northern reaches of North America and Northern Europe know only too well how dark it gets. Even more how long those dark and cold nights can be.

Jesus Was Not Born On December 25th

We are told Jesus Christ the bringer of light, was born in December. Truth is the bible doesn’t say when the savior was born.

The Bringer Of Light Was A Summer Baby

Moreover astronomers believe Christ was probably born in the summer, or fall somewhere between 6 or 7 BC, and 3 or 2 BC.

Rome and Saturnalia

Finally it was the Roman Catholic Church that set Christ’s birth on December 25th. Oddly enough, the new celebration would coincide with the celebration of the Roman God Saturn.

Santa IS A Pagan Symbol

Even more, Santa’s origins are rooted both in a Greek Saint in about 300 AD, and the Norse god Odin. Above all once Artist Norman Rockwell and the advertising industry shaped and advanced the idea of Saint Nick as a rosy cheeked white bearded grandfatherly symbol. Our modern Santa. For more on Odin, click here.

Holiday Season

This year I spent a little time and thought about our Winter Holiday Season, which starts with the celebration of the harvest on Thanksgiving, includes a parade of totems in New York City, and ends with New Year’s.

Natural Rhythms

Are we immune to natural human rhythms? Were our ancestors dumb? How has commerce and communication in the modern age obscured the pagan roots of Christmas, and New Year’s? Does this change the nature of Christmas for the faithful? I don’t think so.

Happy Holidays

And of course, Merry Christmas

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Pagan-Roots-Of Christmas-Bob Davis Podcast 887