Time Like No Other-Bob Davis Podcast 826

We’re living through a time like no other. Talking heads constantly compare our time to other times. Does that make sense these days? We’ll talk about it in Time Like No Other-Bob Davis Podcast 826.

Fall Of Rome Anyone?

We’re living through an era ‘like’ the end of the Roman Empire, the foundation of the American Republic, the Civil War, even the 1920’s, say pundits.

Civil War?

Our political divisions are ‘just like‘ those before the Civil War. Is this valid? We’ll talk about it in Time Like No Other-Bob Davis Podcast 826.

World War One On The Menu?

In addition our time is supposedly just like the time before World War One because we face trouble in Eastern Europe and the Middle East and there is a backlash to free trade. Does this make sense?

Trump and Hayes

Hapless political figures are compared to President Trump. Andrew Jackson. James Buchanan. Even Abe Lincoln, Andrew Jackson and Richard Nixon. Rutherford B. Hates and George Wallace. These comparisons are inaccurate. Comparisons suggest an outcome. Also inaccurate.

Ours Is A Unique Era

Finally these comparisons hide the fact that we are living through a unique time. Institutions that have existed for hundreds and even thousands of years appear to be in rapid decline today. At the same time scientific and technological advancements promise even more disruption in the days to come.

Borders, Drones, Social Media As A Weapon and AI

From Border issues to Artificial Intelligence to the rise of Social Media as a weapon. New companies and new products generate unprecedented profits. People seem to be losing faith in their governments. How will we handle these issues?

This Is Not A Movie

Above all comparing our population and technology to ancient and bygone times might make great movies, but bad reality.

In conclusion, we don’t address critical challenges when we look to the past.

By all means let’s learn from history but history isn’t a simple template you can apply to the present time. We’re making it up as we go. Maybe it’s time to accept this really is a new and unique age and act accordingly.

(Editor’s Note: This is a complex podcast. When I do these kinds of podcasts I rush a little to get through necessary details, so I can get to the conclusions. And of course, when rush I can misspeak. The most glaring example in this podcast? I confused President Andrew Jackson with President Andrew Johnson. Seconds before speaking about Jackson, I jumped ahead to the 1860’s when Johnson, not Jackson was impeached.)

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Time Like No Other-Bob Davis Podcast 826



Unity Confidence Game-American Tribes-Bob Davis Podcast 772

Tensions are high these days. People fear violence. The media sells a coming Civil War. Now we’re hearing calls for ‘Unity’. Is it a con? Learn more in Unity Confidence Game-American Tribes-Bob Davis Podcast 772.

Now We’re Tribes

A popular word these days is ‘tribal‘. People who think a certain way are a ‘tribe’. I thought we were all Americans. One tribe. Apparently not.

We’re Supposed To Disagree

Aren’t we supposed to disagree? Moreover we have a system designed to use disagreement to find the best path forward.

Is Unity Tyranny?

In this freewheeling talker, I suggest unity implies we all have to agree. Especially relevant is the problem pushing for ‘unity’ creates. You have to agree with me. I have to agree with you. Those who disagree or say things ‘we’ don’t agree with should be ‘sent away’. Listen to Unity Confidence Game-American Tribes-Bob Davis Podcast 772.

Emotionally Charged Environment

In addition media goes for the emotional hook. Because we’re in an emotionally charged environment, there’s no context. Even more, trends of thought or story lines pass for ‘news’. Large swaths of the population get their information without history or context from social media.

False Choice

Most noteworthy in a world fueled by feelings, talking heads tell us we have to choose “between war and peace”. Civil war or Civil peace. Certainly this is a false choice and a very dangerous suggestion. More in Unity Confidence Game-American Tribes-Bob Davis Podcast 772.

Celebrate Factionalism

Finally factionalism is a natural human tendency. That’s ok. Social systems designed to weed out factions are tyrannies. If we both agree, one of us is unnecessary.

Read History Gain Perspective

In conclusion beware of all this unity talk. If we can’t disagree and talk about problems, we can’t solve them. Celebrate differences. Read history. Consequently gain perspective.

Freedom Isn’t Easy

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Unity Confidence Game-American Tribes-Bob Davis Podcast 772

Podcast 562-Father Son Debate Recap

Podcast 562-Father Son Debate Recap. Live from Los Angeles, California. Time for a father and son recap of the last debate between the presidential candidates in the 2016 election cycle. Mercifully, at least this part of the process is completed. Now its the beginning of the final stretch of campaigning for Donald J. Trump and Hillary Rodham Clinton for the White House. In Podcast 562-Father Son Debate Recap, you’ll hear the differences between how the younger generations see this election versus their parents. My view is, while Trump was more disciplined in this last debate in Las Vegas, he still doesn’t tell anyone exactly how he will do these wonderful things he wants to do. More frightening is the fact that Hillary Clinton knows exactly how to do what she wants to do. Both candidates offer state solutions to all that ails the nation. One wants to offer ‘free’ college and health care, the other will grow the moribund US economy by getting our allies to pay the US for their defense. The problems are much more complicated than that. Moreover, solutions that aren’t state oriented are more challenging to foster. We’re living in an age when more people in the US are getting used to ‘free’ stuff from the government. Building walls, getting allies to ‘pay’, ‘free’ college and ‘fixing’ ObamaCare are only going to add to the deficit and deepen our fiscal and social problems. This is why I say the current two-party system, stepped in old thinking, has produce two of the most ill suited candidates in modern history, perhaps in all US History. My son, Andrew Davis, has some slightly different views and he presents them quite well. All in all it was probably as substantive a debate as we’re going to get from Trump and Clinton. Our analysis touches on the debate, the style of the candidates, some of the current state by state polling, foreign policy, aid to allies and foreign trade. Sponsored by X Government Cars.