Unity Confidence Game-American Tribes-Bob Davis Podcast 772

Tensions are high these days. People fear violence. The media sells a coming Civil War. Now we’re hearing calls for ‘Unity’. Is it a con? Learn more in Unity Confidence Game-American Tribes-Bob Davis Podcast 772.

Now We’re Tribes

A popular word these days is ‘tribal‘. People who think a certain way are a ‘tribe’. I thought we were all Americans. One tribe. Apparently not.

We’re Supposed To Disagree

Aren’t we supposed to disagree? Moreover we have a system designed to use disagreement to find the best path forward.

Is Unity Tyranny?

In this freewheeling talker, I suggest unity implies we all have to agree. Especially relevant is the problem pushing for ‘unity’ creates. You have to agree with me. I have to agree with you. Those who disagree or say things ‘we’ don’t agree with should be ‘sent away’. Listen to Unity Confidence Game-American Tribes-Bob Davis Podcast 772.

Emotionally Charged Environment

In addition media goes for the emotional hook. Because we’re in an emotionally charged environment, there’s no context. Even more, trends of thought or story lines pass for ‘news’. Large swaths of the population get their information without history or context from social media.

False Choice

Most noteworthy in a world fueled by feelings, talking heads tell us we have to choose “between war and peace”. Civil war or Civil peace. Certainly this is a false choice and a very dangerous suggestion. More in Unity Confidence Game-American Tribes-Bob Davis Podcast 772.

Celebrate Factionalism

Finally factionalism is a natural human tendency. That’s ok. Social systems designed to weed out factions are tyrannies. If we both agree, one of us is unnecessary.

Read History Gain Perspective

In conclusion beware of all this unity talk. If we can’t disagree and talk about problems, we can’t solve them. Celebrate differences. Read history. Consequently gain perspective.

Freedom Isn’t Easy

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Unity Confidence Game-American Tribes-Bob Davis Podcast 772

Podcast 527

RNC Dies At Cleveland? Day One of the Republican National Convention. While the mainstream media covers the convention from inside, The Bob Davis Podcasts is on the streets outside Quicken Arena. Some insiders would agree with the headline; RNC Dies At Cleveland. Some are actually saying that a rules fight that resulted in a few walkouts signals the end of the grassroots movement in republican politics, and certainly the end of something once known as a ‘principled’ conservative. While pundits point to a platform they say is the most conservative in history they ignore rule changes that give the RNC complete control over future conventions. The takeaway? No more Ron Paul insurgencies and no more Ted Cruz and evangelist grassroots movements. While the chance always existed for the Republican Establishment to join forces with the grassroots movements to ‘Dump Trump’, instead the establishment joined forces with the Trump campaign. In the end, the grassroots are out. Permanently. As some republicans – including various state party officials – cracked under the pressure of hard ball politics, it’s the same old story with republicans. Why rock the boat? Why make a spectacle of yourself and your state for the media? While there’s talk of a walkout, with each passing moment, the majority of the GOP, passive to the core, will go along to get along. Some see this outcome as necessary to unify the party for victory. Others see it as the death of the grassroots movement in republican politics, and the republican party. Outside the exclusion zone around the convention venue, delegates and politicos taking a break mixed with Cleveland’s downtown workers, and street people milling around bars and restaurants. It was a street fair featuring network TV studios and bloviating rather than kielbasa. Hit the streets with the Bob Davis Podcasts, starting with a woman who lives on the streets giving her analysis of the political situation, moving onto a protest, plus Blaze Correspondent Mike Opelka and more. Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating and Hydrus Performance.

Podcast 505 – The Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-28

The Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-28. All eyes shift to the Democrats and California for once, as Bernie Sanders challenges Hillary Clinton in the Golden State. If Sanders wins Cali, there’s going to be some soul searching among democrat super-delegates. It might mean the ambitious former Secretary of State will face a challenge from yet another progressive who is doing a better job exciting the Democrat base. The last progressive who excited the Democratic base? Barack Obama. Democrats, do you think Bernie Sanders the logical successor to President Obama? I think many would answer yes. Meanwhile on the Republican side there’s suddenly a lot of talk about ‘Unity’. Unity behind what? What does Donald Trump stand for? What does the Republican Party stand for? Sadly, it seems like Republicans want to ‘unify’ for no other reason than winning. While winning in itself certainly has its benefits, if that’s the only goal what happened to all that talk about ‘principled conservatives’? What pools of Republican votes are left? What’s left of the old so called Reagan Coalition? Is the conservative movement, and by default Republican party dead if Trump wins the nomination, or especially if he wins the nomination? And of course it’s Memorial Day weekend. Some people think of it is as a ‘holiday’, which it isn’t. It also isn’t a day to celebrate those serving or ‘veterans’. It’s a day specifically set aside since 1868 to honor those who gave their lives in service to the United States of America in war. We do not say, ‘Happy Memorial Day’, as there will be many silently thinking about those who will not be enjoying this summer weather in the upper midwest. In Podcast 505, The Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-28, we condense all the podcasts from the week, and add some original content in each of the four segments. Live from the basement studio at The Bob Davis Podcasts Broadcast Bunker, while we do laundry. Sponsored by Hydrus Performance.