Summer Without Air Conditioning-Reading More News-Midnight Walk Talk-Bob Davis Podcast 738

Some people turn off their air conditioning as some kind of statement. I just don’t like air conditioning and it doesn’t matter how hot it is. It’s perfectly still outside at midnight. Storms on the way. Time for a walk and talk podcast in Summer Without Air Conditioning-Reading More News-Midnight Walk Talk-Bob Davis Podcast 738.

Back To Reading

These days in my world I feel the need to start reading in depth again. During my talk radio days it wasn’t uncommon to read two to three hundred pages of information a day. Most noteworthy here is podcasting doesn’t require that level of prep. Unfortunately you lose the detail on key issues.

So it’s back to scanning, printing and reading. I feel like I am in summer school!

Two Big Stories

In Summer Without Air Conditioning-Reading More News-Midnight Walk Talk-Bob Davis Podcast 738 we’ll take a look at two big developing stories with an eye toward pointing out how story lines force us to anticipate outcomes rather than waiting until a story plays out.

Telling Us What’s Going To Happen Again

It has been a week since the president slapped tariffs on US trading partners. There has been no measurable economic effect to this date but that doesn’t stop commentators and reporters from telling us how Trump’s actions are already ‘having an economic effect’.

In addition the president’s comments on NATO are generating all kinds of talk. What’s going to happen? Why don’t we wait and see?

No Information Means Shouting Matches Not Conversations

Do you feel confident discussing trade and international defense agreements with strangers? Maybe it’s because you don’t have enough information.

Finally if we’re being fed a constant stream of speculation with no real information, is it any wonder our conversations about issues turn into shouting matches?

Join me on the walk and talk as the storms roll in and we’ll talk it out.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul and Reliafund Payment Processors

Summer Without Air Conditioning-Reading More News-Midnight Walk Talk-Bob Davis Podcast 738

YouTube Doomer Alert-Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse-Flat Earth-FEMA-Podcast 696

The end of the world was predicted for September 2017. It did not happen. The doomers are back on YouTube with new timelines and predictions. Find out what they are in YouTube Doomer Alert-Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse-Flat Earth-FEMA-Podcast 696.

Truth Tellers

I spend a lot of time on YouTube. It’s great entertainment. Some people believe YouTube creators are truth tellers. YouTube is one of the only places on the Internet you’ll find details on the Flat Earth, Hollow Earth, FEMA camps, and the super blue blood moon eclipse coming up at the end of January.

Details The Mainstream Media Doesn’t Report

Therefore I wonder whether viewers distinguish between story telling for entertainment and actual news. Especially relevant are details missing in day to day news reports. Details revealed on YouTube truth teller channels. We’ll talk about it in YouTube Doomer Alert-Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse-Flat Earth-FEMA-Podcast 696.

Most noteworthy are missile alerts in Hawaii and Japan, the closing of Sam’s Club stores across the country and the flu virus. What details are the normal media channels missing about these stories?

Alien Satellite

Most of all an alien satellite has been over our heads for thousands of years. Furthermore aliens have been transmitting information to Star Seeds. Hear what they say in YouTube Doomer Alert-Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse-Flat Earth-FEMA-Podcast 696.

Sam’s Club Closing

While this is going on, the global elite plan to use disease and war to get rid of billions of us. We will be herded into closed retail centers and FEMA camps around the country. Furthermore the flu virus is just the beginning of the end.

End Times Update

As a result it is especially comforting to know that the timelines for the end times and the return of Christ have been updated. With the super blue blood moon eclipse on January 31st comes the beginning of the end.

Wake Up America!

In conclusion YouTube creators show us a side of society we don’t often see. Fears of disease, war, tyranny, famine. We get details we never knew about on stories we see and hear everyday. Most noteworthy is the question of whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.

Sponsored by Brush Studio In The West End Saint Louis Park and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

YouTube Doomer Alert-Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse-Flat Earth-FEMA-Podcast 696








If You’re Looking For Truth You’re Getting Conned-Podcast 639

Coverage of former FBI director Comey testifying forces a political podcast. As a result, a velvet summer midnight in Western Virginia is the backdrop for  If You’re Looking For Truth You’re Getting Conned-Podcast 639.

People Actually Watch This Crap?

Out here the Internet is slow. With no movie packages we’re stuck with reality shows, local news and lots of commercials. I’ve seen a lot of drug commercials. I’m getting a lot of screen time on my ‘device’ because of the long commercial breaks. You know, the device get-off-my-lawn types complain about. Time to blow off some steam In If You’re Looking For Truth You’re Getting Conned-Podcast 639.

The Mighty Wurlitzer

Do I have to say it again? Everyone is selling a point of view. Like a thickener for soup. Depending on who owns or funds one of these partisan ‘news’ websites, it’s their point of view sold through shares on social media. And why not? If you agree with something, share it. Right? Truth is those shares aren’t aren’t news. Not ‘fake news’. Propaganda. In If You’re Looking For Truth You’re Getting Conned-Podcast 639.

Believe Whatever You Want But It’s Not The Truth

For example. the ‘biased mainstream media’ reported the FBI was investigating Trump, right? Are the Hillary Clinton emails and the Russia hack question one and the same? Does the now famous Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch conversation in the tarmac have anything to do with the Trump administration? Are you sure? How do you know?

Join Us As We Con America!

When you can’t tell the difference between the good stuff and formaldehyde and rubbing alcohol you take your life in your hands. Or so the story went in the 1920’s. As a result, we don’t know the difference between snake oil and snake oil.  Most of all, readers don’t fact check. We don’t know who funds these outlets. Eyeballs don’t google the author. Clicks. Shares. Numbers reached. Get your propaganda on twitter and Facebook. A majority of Americans get their news from social media. Especially relevant is the fact that Americans are being conned as never before. In If You’re Looking For Truth You’re Getting Conned-Podcast 639.

The End Of Politics In The United States?

Seems like we live on opposite shores of an ocean of opinion. Due to storms raging shore to shore, driven by outside forces seemingly beyond our control. As much as this may seem true the antidote is talking to each other. Especially relevant is the question, when was the last time you had coffee with someone to talk about solutions? Do we have discussions anymore about what actually works? Seems like our conversations are all about whether ‘we think’ this is or that is true. Furthermore, we live under brands and act as if our brand is the best. Are Republicans going make an already dangerous government less powerful. Moreover, who pays for minimum incomes and free health insurance, and free education Democrats promise? Meanwhile, a ‘conservative’ president pushes to borrow another trillion dollar stimulus for roads and bridges we don’t need.

Getting Nothing Done

Any analysis of the day’s news I might do inevitably leads to the conclusion very little coverage sheds much light on anything. On the contrary, it is designed to convince us to support a person or point of view. The bottom line is, while republicans have large majorities at most states and the federal level, they’re not getting much done while Democrats move further left every day.

Sponsored by X Government Cars.

If You’re Looking For Truth You’re Getting Conned-Podcast 639