YouTube Doomer Alert-Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse-Flat Earth-FEMA-Podcast 696

The end of the world was predicted for September 2017. It did not happen. The doomers are back on YouTube with new timelines and predictions. Find out what they are in YouTube Doomer Alert-Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse-Flat Earth-FEMA-Podcast 696.

Truth Tellers

I spend a lot of time on YouTube. It’s great entertainment. Some people believe YouTube creators are truth tellers. YouTube is one of the only places on the Internet you’ll find details on the Flat Earth, Hollow Earth, FEMA camps, and the super blue blood moon eclipse coming up at the end of January.

Details The Mainstream Media Doesn’t Report

Therefore I wonder whether viewers distinguish between story telling for entertainment and actual news. Especially relevant are details missing in day to day news reports. Details revealed on YouTube truth teller channels. We’ll talk about it in YouTube Doomer Alert-Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse-Flat Earth-FEMA-Podcast 696.

Most noteworthy are missile alerts in Hawaii and Japan, the closing of Sam’s Club stores across the country and the flu virus. What details are the normal media channels missing about these stories?

Alien Satellite

Most of all an alien satellite has been over our heads for thousands of years. Furthermore aliens have been transmitting information to Star Seeds. Hear what they say in YouTube Doomer Alert-Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse-Flat Earth-FEMA-Podcast 696.

Sam’s Club Closing

While this is going on, the global elite plan to use disease and war to get rid of billions of us. We will be herded into closed retail centers and FEMA camps around the country. Furthermore the flu virus is just the beginning of the end.

End Times Update

As a result it is especially comforting to know that the timelines for the end times and the return of Christ have been updated. With the super blue blood moon eclipse on January 31st comes the beginning of the end.

Wake Up America!

In conclusion YouTube creators show us a side of society we don’t often see. Fears of disease, war, tyranny, famine. We get details we never knew about on stories we see and hear everyday. Most noteworthy is the question of whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.

Sponsored by Brush Studio In The West End Saint Louis Park and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

YouTube Doomer Alert-Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse-Flat Earth-FEMA-Podcast 696








Podcast 441

Shopping, Trump, Lies & Liquor. Welcome back from the big Thanksgiving weekend. The weeks starts with the National Retail Federation, AKA The Propaganda Ministry for the Big Box Retailers. If they’re not making up stories about how many people will shop the day after Thanksgiving, they’re blaming lackluster retail numbers on … wait for it … The Internet and specifically This is the latest nonsense cooked up to convince lawmakers ‘something has to be done’, and that something is regulation of the Internet, so people will continue to shop at obsolete brick and mortar retailers located inside something called ‘The Mall’. Do we have data that shows the Internet is killing the Mall? Not really. Meanwhile ‘Black Friday’ is more and more an example of all that is wrong in America, and provides a great ‘look at the fat Americans fighting over flat screen TV’s’ story often seen in the foreign media. Maybe people aren’t shopping because they don’t believe the fairy tail about our growing economy, or because the new job only pays half what the old job pays, or because there’s a double digit health insurance premium. Yeah, right. We’re going to ‘spend the savings on two dollar gasoline’ at the mall. You know, like a tax cut. Meanwhile, Political Information Lag produced a lot of surprises at the Thanksgiving table as relatives discovered each other were rooting for Trump, or Bernie Sanders. Both candidates are outside the ‘establishment’ Republican and Democrat story line. Everyone HATES Washington and they HATE mainstream media charlatans who lie to them, while they work for candidates like Hillary Clinton. Once real people actually start voting, we’ll see whether anti-establishmentarianism is a ‘thing’, or not. Jeb! shouldn’t hold his breath tho. Meanwhile the City of Edina’s liquor store apparently can’t complete with ‘cut throat’ discount liquor stores (that actually have a responsibility to their stock holders to make money; how quaint.) Thus, the Mayor of Edina wants a liquor store tax, to make up the loss. “It’s a good business, and we’re going to stay in it”. Why are municipalities in the business of selling liquor? Bottom line, if government can’t even make money selling liquor apparently its incompetence knows no bounds. Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul and X Government Trucks.