Coronavirus-Madness-Hack-Travel-Bob Davis Podcast 911

Coronavirus Madness Hack With Travel

These days it’s getting to the point where all this talk about Coronavirus is wearing me out. I thought, what’s a hack for all this stress? A podcast about travel. Here it is in Coronavirus-Madness-Hack-Travel-Bob Davis Podcast 911.

Too Much Social Media and News

Moreover whether it’s social media or TV News sometimes it can be just a little bit too much.

It’s Madness

Time for a Madness Hack. Talk about back roads travel across the United States. Above all there are some great places to visit and experience in the United States. Since I just got a new road atlas, time to talk.

Back Roads Routes For Bug Out

Since I only travel on back roads these days, some of the discussion of routes and places might come in handy. You never know when you might have to bug out.


Especially relevant is the word Freedom. The wide open feeling you get on a back road.

All Fifty States

In Coronavirus-Madness-Hack-Travel-Bob Davis Podcast 911 I’ll go through all fifty of the states.

Alaska and New England

I’ve crisscrossed all these states many times. In contrast there are just a few states I’ve never been to. I’ll tell you about my plans for the New England coastal states, and Alaska.

RV Talk

Also we’ll talk a little but about RV’s. In contrast to Van Life people and some RV folks, I tend to cover a lot of ground. My RV needs might be a little more robust than hauling a trailer or driving a behemoth with three bedrooms. Even though are they are super cool.

Always More

Finally the more I talk about hitting the back roads the more places I remember I’ve been. I couldn’t possibly cover them all in one podcast. There’s always more when it comes to travel.

Travel Tips Too

From Alabama to Wyoming I’ve been there. I’ll share routes, locations and places to see. Plus some tips for making travel a little easier.

Take A Break From The Madness

Above all just doing this podcast made me feel a lot better. It’s double length just to make your break from the madness even more enjoyable.

(Editor’s Note: I absolutely forgot Hawaii. Can’t drive there. But, I really want to visit Hawaii too!)

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Coronavirus-Madness-Hack-Travel-Bob Davis Podcast 911

No-Small-Talk-Agorafest-2019-Bob Davis Podcast 863

No Small Talk

I’ve never been good at small talk. These days conversation is safe. Sports. Weather. Don’t discuss religion or politics at party. Above all there’s one group where the reverse is true. Learn more in No-Small-Talk-Agorafest-2019-Bob Davis Podcast 863.

Live In South Dakota

I am live in Mobile Podcast Command in Gary South Dakota at the Buffalo Ridge Resort. It’s especially relevant that I am hanging with my anarchist friends at a little festival they put together called ‘Agorafest‘. And Buffalo Ridge is a great place to have it.

Ongoing Conversations

In contrast to pointless weekend conversation I come to Agorafest for the discussions about everything from home brewing to the meaning of life. In this podcast subscribers and listeners will get a little taste of our style of conversation.

Let’s Face It. Anarchy is Fun!

For political listeners most noteworthy is the question what is an anarchist? Moreover what brand of anarchism is the primary focus this weekend?

Anderson, Johnson and Davis

First of all to give you an idea of our fireside chats Cole Anderson and Mark Johnson join the podcast.

Life Is Suffering. Or Not!

Above all Mark and I have been debating whether life is suffering all weekend. That debate continues in this podcast, with some asides about home brewing and politics. How’s that for small talk?

Agorafest Stays With You

Certainly you’ll hear anarchy isn’t as threatening as some people think. Indeed maybe you’ll hear something you’ll think about weeks from now. That’s usually the case with me.


Even more most of us feel we’re at a turning point in history. That deserves more than small talk.

Talk It Out As Friends

It’s great when people with very different ideas about how the world works to come together, hash it out and still be friends.


Everyone probably agrees that affecting change in your own community is more satisfying. Therefore learning how to do that constructively is a byproduct of these weekends.

Sponsored By Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul and Reliafund Integrated Payment Processing Solutions

No-Small-Talk-Agorafest-2019-Bob Davis Podcast 863




Peak-Summer-Triggers-Transformation-Bob Davis Podcast 847

Peak Summer

We’re living through a pretty intense time these days. Moreover I noticed something I call ‘peak summer‘ recently. It’s a pristine moment when time seems to stop and you can’t get enough. Learn more in Peak-Summer-Triggers-Transformation-Bob Davis Podcast 847.

A Time To Transcend The BS

In addition I think summer has a transformational quality. You can transcend all the BS. Especially in that moment when evening turns to dusk, the moon rises, and night starts to come on.

Power of Sound Gets It Across

I am fascinated with the power of sound. You can’t really film peak summer. Oh sure, some movies capture it. Pictures sometimes get it. On the other hand recording peak summer bottles the experience.

Evening Becomes Night and You Are There

As a result I have been out recording blocks of sound. In Peak-Summer-Triggers-Transformation-Bob Davis Podcast 847 listen to evening become night. You’ll have to put up with my explanation of why summer is transformative and some summer memories.

Summer Memories

I first experienced peak summer when I was a kid. Seems like around twelve, thirteen or fourteen. When you hit that age there is a natural separation from the family and a yearning for freedom.

Freedom and Independence

Maybe due to age, maybe by my insistence, my parents relaxed the rules a little during those times. I got to stay out later. Spent the night on the front porch, or in my fort in the backyard.

A Night Owl Returns To His Roots

I’ve always been a night owl. Consequently I spent a lot of time on the front stoop on those summer nights, listening to the radio and dreaming the way a kid dreams about the future.

It’s most noteworthy that these days I seem to have returned to those halcyon days. The glow of the street lights. Wind in the trees. The sound of trains in the big switching yard in my home down.

Don’t Forget To Enjoy It

We’re at the moment of peak summer right  now. Enjoy It.


I don’t have to tell people who live in the Upper Midwest, it’s a fleeting and magical moment. But I can share it with you…

Sponsored by Reliafund Payment Processors

Peak-Summer-Triggers-Transformation-Bob Davis Podcast 847