Peak-Summer-Bob Davis Podcast 1105

Peak Summer

Every summer there’s a point in time I call Peak Summer. This year for Peak Summer I feel like sharing some sounds and memories in Peak-Summer-Bob Davis Podcast 1105.

Only In A Podcast

With this in mind I’d like to say this is something one can only do in the Podcast format.

To enumerate these days I have reactivated my YouTube Channel available here.

This Won’t Work On Video

I’d like to point out I could not do a video feature like this in the video format.

Or a video form of this podcast that would do the topic justice.


All things considered I started with sound.

Summer Sound

For example every year at the peak of winter I do a Summer Sounds podcast.

When I produce these summer sounds podcasts they are constructed with several tracks of ambient audio from peak summer.

Secondly I love sound.


And sound generally evokes emotions and memories.

Therefore this podcast features some great summer sounds…

And memories.


It’s important to realize most of the time summer sounds dredge up childhood memories.

Hoping To Trigger Your Childhood Summer Memories

So I’ll relate a few in the hopes your own halcyon memories will be triggered.

Try Headphones

In the same fashion I should recommend headphones.

But only if you can’t fully hear the sound behind the voice in Peak-Summer-Bob Davis Podcast 1105.

Pure Freedom Summers

Above all in childhood we had six or seven weeks of pure freedom every summer.

In spite of whatever else was going on these were the only moments of pure freedom many of us have experienced in our lives since.

All in all we can be sad about that…

Or accept the responsibilities of adult life.

Vacation From Today’s Tense Times

However there’s nothing like sound and memories to take a brief vacation from adult life.

For a brief moment in any event.

2023 Summer

In truth so far the summer of 2023 has been one of the best.

Even more in a few weeks the adventure will continue as I head to New England.

And then back to the South West in September.

Yes I Love Summer

I summary of course I love summer.

And Love Sharing It

And I love sharing it with listeners.

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Peak-Summer-Bob Davis Podcast 1105

Peak-Summer-Triggers-Transformation-Bob Davis Podcast 847

Peak Summer

We’re living through a pretty intense time these days. Moreover I noticed something I call ‘peak summer‘ recently. It’s a pristine moment when time seems to stop and you can’t get enough. Learn more in Peak-Summer-Triggers-Transformation-Bob Davis Podcast 847.

A Time To Transcend The BS

In addition I think summer has a transformational quality. You can transcend all the BS. Especially in that moment when evening turns to dusk, the moon rises, and night starts to come on.

Power of Sound Gets It Across

I am fascinated with the power of sound. You can’t really film peak summer. Oh sure, some movies capture it. Pictures sometimes get it. On the other hand recording peak summer bottles the experience.

Evening Becomes Night and You Are There

As a result I have been out recording blocks of sound. In Peak-Summer-Triggers-Transformation-Bob Davis Podcast 847 listen to evening become night. You’ll have to put up with my explanation of why summer is transformative and some summer memories.

Summer Memories

I first experienced peak summer when I was a kid. Seems like around twelve, thirteen or fourteen. When you hit that age there is a natural separation from the family and a yearning for freedom.

Freedom and Independence

Maybe due to age, maybe by my insistence, my parents relaxed the rules a little during those times. I got to stay out later. Spent the night on the front porch, or in my fort in the backyard.

A Night Owl Returns To His Roots

I’ve always been a night owl. Consequently I spent a lot of time on the front stoop on those summer nights, listening to the radio and dreaming the way a kid dreams about the future.

It’s most noteworthy that these days I seem to have returned to those halcyon days. The glow of the street lights. Wind in the trees. The sound of trains in the big switching yard in my home down.

Don’t Forget To Enjoy It

We’re at the moment of peak summer right  now. Enjoy It.


I don’t have to tell people who live in the Upper Midwest, it’s a fleeting and magical moment. But I can share it with you…

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Peak-Summer-Triggers-Transformation-Bob Davis Podcast 847