Summer-Sounds-2024-Bob Davis Podcast 1132

Summer Sounds 2024

Most importantly it’s still winter in the North. Perfect for a dose of summer sounds. So, put your headphones on and prepare to be immersed in summer in Summer-Sounds-2024-Bob Davis Podcast 1132.

Summer Sounds Podcasts Every Year

Equally important is the fact that I do these summer sounds podcasts every year.

No Talk

Accordingly I only talk at the beginning and end of Summer-Sounds-2024-Bob Davis Podcast 1132.


As a result you can sit back and be completely immersed in summer.


And if you need a thought starter…

Imagine an undeniably weather beaten cabin on a bluff overlooking a golden lake.

In the same fashion you can almost feel the breeze through the ancient screens…

In like manner the boats on the lake.

At length as the sun slowly sets across the lake song of the summer bugs rises to greet you.

Meanwhile you can drift off with summer washing over you.

While snow falls outside your window…


You are transported to high summer.

In fact trust me…

From time to time while producing this podcast I found myself feeling better and better.


Firstly there are a few disclaimers.

As has been noted I have posted several summer sounds podcasts through the years.

By and large these podcasts have been a whole summer encapsulated.

For example the sounds of kids at the pool…

Even thunderstorms

And of course the Fourth Of July Fireworks.

Smooth Ambient Sound

But this time I decided to go with smooth ambient sound.

For this reason there are no sharp sounds to wake the listener from their reverie.

Time To Run

We all know that in reality in the far North winter has some time to run.

Even more Spring can sometimes be even more trying.

Mental Health

Having Summer-Sounds-2024-Bob Davis Podcast 1132 at hand can make a big difference in mental health up North this time of year.

In due time summer will be here.

Or you can have it right now.

Summer-Sounds-2024-Bob Davis Podcast 1132


How-Nomads-Battle-Loneliness-Bob Davis Podcast 1113

How Nomads Battle Loneliness

Firstly How-Nomads-Battle-Loneliness-Bob Davis Podcast 1113 is a response to a subscriber’s question. Secondly it’s a good question. How do nomads battle loneliness?.

Secondly I had to think about this one.

Lonely Isn’t On My Agenda

Because the state of being lonely is foreign to me.

Being Lonely Versus Solitude

Therefore I think the real question is what’s the difference from being lonely

…and enjoying solitude?

In fact solitude is a feature of nomad life.

Certainly from the outside it might appear to be lonely.

But my experience is that it isn’t.

For example consider Thoreau’s musings about solitude.

Getting Away From People

To explain I decided to go on the road permanently in part to get away from people!

Spending Time Learning And Exploring

With this in mind I also have to point out nomad life isn’t always spent alone.

I am spending more time in places I visit for one thing.

And that means time with friends and family.

Nomad Life Is Social Too

In addition in the campgrounds where we gather life is actually quite social.

Okay With Yourself

The first thing to remember if you’re hitting the road is you will spend a lot of time alone.

Accordingly you have to be okay being by yourself.

Hence How-Nomads-Battle-Loneliness-Bob Davis Podcast 1113.

Melancholy Cousin

Given these points nomad life is a celebration of solitude with no thought given to its melancholy cousin.

Too Much Social

Above all I think there’s too much influence in our society on the social aspects of life.

For instance people at Yellowstone Park recently running to capture selfies with a black bear and her cubs.

Or racing from one overlook to the next at the Grand Canyon to take pictures…

Never actually experiencing the canyon.

Digital Tether

Without a doubt we are uncomfortable without our digital tethers.

Equally important is the emphasis placed on social intelligence.

Even more getting along with others.

I think too much emphasis.

Finally how do we battle loneliness?

Embrace It

To sum up we embrace the wide nomad world as it is.

Endless Vista

All in all our world is an endless vista waiting to be explored.

Often in solitude.

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How-Nomads-Battle-Loneliness-Bob Davis Podcast 1113

Peak-Summer-Bob Davis Podcast 1105

Peak Summer

Every summer there’s a point in time I call Peak Summer. This year for Peak Summer I feel like sharing some sounds and memories in Peak-Summer-Bob Davis Podcast 1105.

Only In A Podcast

With this in mind I’d like to say this is something one can only do in the Podcast format.

To enumerate these days I have reactivated my YouTube Channel available here.

This Won’t Work On Video

I’d like to point out I could not do a video feature like this in the video format.

Or a video form of this podcast that would do the topic justice.


All things considered I started with sound.

Summer Sound

For example every year at the peak of winter I do a Summer Sounds podcast.

When I produce these summer sounds podcasts they are constructed with several tracks of ambient audio from peak summer.

Secondly I love sound.


And sound generally evokes emotions and memories.

Therefore this podcast features some great summer sounds…

And memories.


It’s important to realize most of the time summer sounds dredge up childhood memories.

Hoping To Trigger Your Childhood Summer Memories

So I’ll relate a few in the hopes your own halcyon memories will be triggered.

Try Headphones

In the same fashion I should recommend headphones.

But only if you can’t fully hear the sound behind the voice in Peak-Summer-Bob Davis Podcast 1105.

Pure Freedom Summers

Above all in childhood we had six or seven weeks of pure freedom every summer.

In spite of whatever else was going on these were the only moments of pure freedom many of us have experienced in our lives since.

All in all we can be sad about that…

Or accept the responsibilities of adult life.

Vacation From Today’s Tense Times

However there’s nothing like sound and memories to take a brief vacation from adult life.

For a brief moment in any event.

2023 Summer

In truth so far the summer of 2023 has been one of the best.

Even more in a few weeks the adventure will continue as I head to New England.

And then back to the South West in September.

Yes I Love Summer

I summary of course I love summer.

And Love Sharing It

And I love sharing it with listeners.

Sponsored by Garden Gurus Mn

Peak-Summer-Bob Davis Podcast 1105