Corona-Recession-Becoming-Depression?-Bob Davis Podcast 941


Firstly chances of a happy ending to this pandemic are fading. Learn more in Corona-Recession-Becoming-Depression?-Bob Davis Podcast 941.

Going Against The Optimists

Secondly I know what I have to say goes against the optimists.


However there’s optimism, then there’s Pollyanna.

Mental Health

Thirdly and most importantly are concerns and questions about our overall mental health.

Giving In To Reopening Pressure

Certainly it’s now clear some states gave in to political pressure to reopen.

Shutting Back Down

As a result we face the specter of shutting back down. One of the reasons I ask whether the Corona Recession Is Becoming A Depression?

Negative Economic Impacts

Above all the big concern is additional negative impacts on the US Economy.

Relief Running Out

Even more unemployment benefits and business relief packages are running out.

The Sheriff Is Here With Your Eviction Notice

Finally as the grace period on evictions ends people are forced to move.

“This Is All Going To End, You’ll See”

This was all supposed to be over by now, right?

Taxpayers Are Broke…So Is The Government

Meanwhile Congress and the White House are negotiating new relief that starts at one trillion dollars. Where is the production and the tax revenue to pay for it?

Enormous Debt To Stop The Panic

More debt, more money printing and more borrowing future growth to stop the bleeding now.

The Boom Was A Dream

In addition the bill for the central bank’s propping up the world economy for at least ten years is coming due. Our economic boom was a dream. Corona is the shock that ended it.

Good Morning Sunshine!

In short it is not a pretty picture.

Optimism Rests On Stock Market and Unemployment Numbers

Similarly you’re going to hear a lot about unemployment numbers, the stock market and so on. But these are not how we measure the economy.

Top Guys Hedging Their Bets

In conclusion top financial people are already hedging their bets. Warning of gathering storm clouds and trouble ahead.

Kanye West, Protests and Karen

The fact that these stories have not seeped into the mainstream is especially relevant. But when you have riots, Kanye West and Karen’s antics at the WalMart to share on social media, who cares about the economy?

Really Hope The Optimists Are Right

To sum up, batten down the hatches America, in about a month we all may wish the eternal optimists were right.

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Super-Blood-Wolf-Moon-Eclipse-Endgame USA-Podcast 797

First of all they say an eclipse brings change. Do you think we need change or have we had enough? Learn more in Super-Blood-Wolf-Moon-Eclipse-Endgame USA-Podcast 797.

Shouting Across the Aisle

These days all you hear about is the latest insult. What one is doing to the other. What the other said about the one. Meanwhile there are lessons to be learned from the longest ‘government shut down in history’, even if it is over by the time you listen to this podcast.

Feds Furloughed. What About The Rest Of The Country?

As federal workers head into their second pay period with no paycheck, certainly they have concerns about the future. What about the rest of the country?

US Federal Government. Too Big To Fail?

In contrast to the furloughed feds, the rest of us are learning just how important the federal government is to the overall US Economy. In my state the federal government is one of the top five employers. The same is true to varying degrees in most other states. Find out more in Super-Blood-Wolf-Moon-Eclipse-Endgame USA-Podcast 797.

Fruits Of Government Not Labor

Consequently all the talking heads seem to be focused on the fruits of the government, and what happens when those fruits are taken away.

While the rest of the world bemoans the state of the federal employee, what about the impact of government spending? It’s all in Super-Blood-Wolf-Moon-Eclipse-Endgame USA-Podcast 797.

New Theory Spend, Borrow, Print

A new modern monetary theory everyone in Washington is taking about says it doesn’t matter how much we borrow and spend. Or tax. All we have to do is print more money. There’s no sunset to the wonderful things we can do for Americans and the rest of the world. Rome had the same idea.

We’re All Globalists Now

Furthermore younger demographics don’t have a problem with the supreme sovereignty of the state or spending. And there is a fair amount of support in younger demographics for globalism, despite Brexit and the Yellow Vest Protests.

Republicans want to borrow for things they want, and so do democrats!

Spending and Borrowing? Both Political Parties Are Bankrupt

When it comes to spending it doesn’t matter whether there is a R or a D in front of a name. For example, what’s the argument against borrow and spend when you spend and borrow?

Pass Me The Soma!

Finally one thing about an eclipse. We get to see just how fast things are moving. As the soma from our biggest satellite faded from the sky recently, one wonders how long it will be before the benefits of individual sovereignty and freedom fade also.

Out With The Old…

In conclusion, isn’t that what an eclipse is all about? Out with the old…In with the new. ( Editor’s Note: That fantastic picture of the blood moon Sunday, January 21st was taken by Mitch Rossow, of Mitch Rossow Photography, from his roof in Uptown Minneapolis.)

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Super-Blood-Wolf-Moon-Eclipse-Endgame USA-Podcast 797

Podcast 580-Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-56

Podcast 580-Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-56. Four mini podcast for your weekend. It’s time to move beyond talk about fake news and false narratives. Time to work on becoming better citizens. We have to get beyond reactions to get what is needed to create better political structures for the future. People have very high expectations about a Trump presidency. Whether you fear the future or can’t wait for it, the President-Elect’s cabinet nominations are moderate and establishment republicans. Trump’s ideas are philosophically all over the road. The new republican administration may end up being just as statist as a Hillary Clinton presidency. One example is Trump’s penchant for roads and bridges and airports. Given the establishment congress of republican moderates expecting a reduction in the cost and power of the federal government is too much to ask for. Fake News is still ‘in the news’. There were suggestions from the CIA at the end of last week that the Russians ‘could have’ been responsible for the Wikileaks hack. Still no proof though. That doesn’t stop the media from feeding into the Clinton camp narrative that Russia put Trump in the White House. It’s impossible to say what influenced voters in Ohio, Pennsyvania, North Carolina and Florida where Trump won by tight margins. None of these facts stop demands to ‘do something’ about ‘fake news’. FaceBook is caving and censorship is suddenly now a big topic. There have also been reports that Electors (members of the electoral college for 2016) have received death threats. What happens if Trump doesn’t have a majority of electors? What is the goal of people supporting the effort to influence the Electoral College? Have you driven around the country lately? If you had, you would know the United States does not have an ‘infrastructure’ problem. Building new airports, roads and bridges will not create enough new jobs to influence a 16 trillion dollar economy. Moreover, trade protection, cutting taxes on the middle class, increasing spending and government power including military spending is fraught with problems and probably won’t result in economic growth. Where does the money come from for these shiny objects? It has to be taxed or borrowed, sooner or later. For those who supported Trump because he ‘isn’t Hillary’, there are no guarantees he’ll be materially different from Clinton, when it comes to results. Sponsored by Brush Studio in the West End and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul.[Powerpress]