United States-Emergency-Spectacle-Bob Davis Podcast 807

I am so sick of the media speculating on what’s ‘about’ to happen and predicting the future these days. So when something actually happens it’s worth talking about. Learn more in United States-Emergency-Spectacle-Bob Davis Podcast 807.

Trump Loves Bombshells and So Does The Media

Moreover when it’s a bombshell that triggers uproar from all sides of the so called political spectrum, it’s news.

All About Trump

The president has been talking about declaring an emergency for weeks. In addition there have been rumors his unhappiness with a legislative compromise that netted only about one fifth of what he wanted for his ‘big beautiful wall’ on the southern US border. It’s been a spectacle. It’s about to become a most noteworthy example of a political dumpster fire.

Can He Really Do That?

Especially relevant is the question of whether the president can actually declare an emergency to build a border wall. Obviously the Administration thinks so. There are currently thirty states of emergency already declared by presidents going back to Jimmy Carter. This will be number 31. We’ll talk about in United States-Emergency-Spectacle-Bob Davis Podcast 807.

All About The Approval Rating

There will be court challenges and lots of and lots of news coverage. Here’s the thing. Immigration and the border wall is a good issue for the president. Already some polls have his approval rating over fifty percent. As to whether a wall will actually work? I guess that remains to be seen.

Big Spending Big Government Republicans

Lost in the shuffle is a new budget bill that substantially increases federal spending. With the national debt at 22 trillion and more than 100 percent of the nation’s GDP you could call Trump President Donald Baines Nixon. With this spending bill you could call him Donald Barack Trump. (Editor’s Note: I refer to the debt of the US as the Budget Deficit which is probably somewhere around half a trillion. The 22 trillion dollar figure is in actuality the total debt of the US, currently at about 105 percent of the country’s GDP).

So Long Suckas

Suddenly the guy many republicans thought was ‘conservative’ is taking fire from the right as well as the left.

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United States-Emergency-Spectacle-Bob Davis Podcast 807





Super-Blood-Wolf-Moon-Eclipse-Endgame USA-Podcast 797

First of all they say an eclipse brings change. Do you think we need change or have we had enough? Learn more in Super-Blood-Wolf-Moon-Eclipse-Endgame USA-Podcast 797.

Shouting Across the Aisle

These days all you hear about is the latest insult. What one is doing to the other. What the other said about the one. Meanwhile there are lessons to be learned from the longest ‘government shut down in history’, even if it is over by the time you listen to this podcast.

Feds Furloughed. What About The Rest Of The Country?

As federal workers head into their second pay period with no paycheck, certainly they have concerns about the future. What about the rest of the country?

US Federal Government. Too Big To Fail?

In contrast to the furloughed feds, the rest of us are learning just how important the federal government is to the overall US Economy. In my state the federal government is one of the top five employers. The same is true to varying degrees in most other states. Find out more in Super-Blood-Wolf-Moon-Eclipse-Endgame USA-Podcast 797.

Fruits Of Government Not Labor

Consequently all the talking heads seem to be focused on the fruits of the government, and what happens when those fruits are taken away.

While the rest of the world bemoans the state of the federal employee, what about the impact of government spending? It’s all in Super-Blood-Wolf-Moon-Eclipse-Endgame USA-Podcast 797.

New Theory Spend, Borrow, Print

A new modern monetary theory everyone in Washington is taking about says it doesn’t matter how much we borrow and spend. Or tax. All we have to do is print more money. There’s no sunset to the wonderful things we can do for Americans and the rest of the world. Rome had the same idea.

We’re All Globalists Now

Furthermore younger demographics don’t have a problem with the supreme sovereignty of the state or spending. And there is a fair amount of support in younger demographics for globalism, despite Brexit and the Yellow Vest Protests.

Republicans want to borrow for things they want, and so do democrats!

Spending and Borrowing? Both Political Parties Are Bankrupt

When it comes to spending it doesn’t matter whether there is a R or a D in front of a name. For example, what’s the argument against borrow and spend when you spend and borrow?

Pass Me The Soma!

Finally one thing about an eclipse. We get to see just how fast things are moving. As the soma from our biggest satellite faded from the sky recently, one wonders how long it will be before the benefits of individual sovereignty and freedom fade also.

Out With The Old…

In conclusion, isn’t that what an eclipse is all about? Out with the old…In with the new. ( Editor’s Note: That fantastic picture of the blood moon Sunday, January 21st was taken by Mitch Rossow, of Mitch Rossow Photography, from his roof in Uptown Minneapolis.)

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Super-Blood-Wolf-Moon-Eclipse-Endgame USA-Podcast 797

Podcast 604-We Don’t Need No Stinking Principles

Bob Davis Podcast Radio Show #67

In Podcast 604-We Don’t Need No Stinking Principles. He is known as Milo. A self described agent provocateur. A guy who took it to the left using the left’s tactic. A person who could cause left wingers to spontaneously combust. Taken down by the right. Another personality raised up to do people’s thinking for them. Someone to speak for so called conservatives.

These days videos and articles by personalities suffice as arguments. Someone getting the best of you on FaceBook? Don’t like someone’s tweet? Bam! Throw up the Milo video and the other guy is toast. Want to say something about politics? Post someone’s video or article about what you think. It’s the ‘What He Said’ method of political discourse. Of course the bigger they are the harder they fall.

Suddenly a heavily edited video tape from the near past emerged. Milo allegedly appearing to condone pedophilia, Goodbye Breitbart. See ya later Book Deal. Forget about taking the purple at the Vatican Conclave known as ‘CPAC‘. Post that Milo video now and you’re a pedophile too. There’s a vacuum in the market for ‘What He Said’ videos and articles. Don’t worry. Plenty of future Milo’s into the breech, boys.

Principles Over Personalities

We’re urged to put principles over personalities. What principles? What are the principles of the republican party? Free markets. Oh wait. We’re talking about trade protection. Republicans and so called conservatives are for Freedom too. Oops! Not if you’re taking about increasing NSA surveillance of people we don’t like. The GOP is for lower deficits and ‘smaller’ government. Oh wait. We’re going to have a trillion dollar stimulus package and cut taxes. So. Yeah. Before people can support principles over personalities a political movement has to have some principles. Neither the republicans or the democrats have any. Welcome to Podcast 604-We Don’t Need No Stinking Principles.

Business Unfriendly

Also in Podcast 604-We Don’t Need No Stinking Principles. A new study ranks the most business friendly states. Vermont and Minnesota lead the least business friendly states. Nevada, Texas and South Dakota lead the most business friendly. The biggest problem according to the study is that the least business friendly states seemingly have no intention of addressing the thicket of taxes and regulations that prevent the formation of small scalable businesses. A little principle here might be useful. Of course most of the time its republicans in states like Minnesota that often are the first to propose more government solutions to problems created by too much government.

Taxing Robots

Robots and AI are nothing more than sophisticated tools. People think nothing of using the wheel or a wrench but break out in a cold sweat when confronted with the feared robot. Bill Gates has a solution for all that. Tax Robots. Employees are usually the biggest cost center for businesses. Its natural to want to cut those costs as much as possible. Cutting costs and freeing human capital to do better things is a natural part of human progress. Let’s slow it down by making robots more expensive. Principles? Lots to talk about in Podcast 604-We Don’t Need No Stinking Principles.

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