Super-Blood-Wolf-Moon-Eclipse-Endgame USA-Podcast 797

First of all they say an eclipse brings change. Do you think we need change or have we had enough? Learn more in Super-Blood-Wolf-Moon-Eclipse-Endgame USA-Podcast 797.

Shouting Across the Aisle

These days all you hear about is the latest insult. What one is doing to the other. What the other said about the one. Meanwhile there are lessons to be learned from the longest ‘government shut down in history’, even if it is over by the time you listen to this podcast.

Feds Furloughed. What About The Rest Of The Country?

As federal workers head into their second pay period with no paycheck, certainly they have concerns about the future. What about the rest of the country?

US Federal Government. Too Big To Fail?

In contrast to the furloughed feds, the rest of us are learning just how important the federal government is to the overall US Economy. In my state the federal government is one of the top five employers. The same is true to varying degrees in most other states. Find out more in Super-Blood-Wolf-Moon-Eclipse-Endgame USA-Podcast 797.

Fruits Of Government Not Labor

Consequently all the talking heads seem to be focused on the fruits of the government, and what happens when those fruits are taken away.

While the rest of the world bemoans the state of the federal employee, what about the impact of government spending? It’s all in Super-Blood-Wolf-Moon-Eclipse-Endgame USA-Podcast 797.

New Theory Spend, Borrow, Print

A new modern monetary theory everyone in Washington is taking about says it doesn’t matter how much we borrow and spend. Or tax. All we have to do is print more money. There’s no sunset to the wonderful things we can do for Americans and the rest of the world. Rome had the same idea.

We’re All Globalists Now

Furthermore younger demographics don’t have a problem with the supreme sovereignty of the state or spending. And there is a fair amount of support in younger demographics for globalism, despite Brexit and the Yellow Vest Protests.

Republicans want to borrow for things they want, and so do democrats!

Spending and Borrowing? Both Political Parties Are Bankrupt

When it comes to spending it doesn’t matter whether there is a R or a D in front of a name. For example, what’s the argument against borrow and spend when you spend and borrow?

Pass Me The Soma!

Finally one thing about an eclipse. We get to see just how fast things are moving. As the soma from our biggest satellite faded from the sky recently, one wonders how long it will be before the benefits of individual sovereignty and freedom fade also.

Out With The Old…

In conclusion, isn’t that what an eclipse is all about? Out with the old…In with the new. ( Editor’s Note: That fantastic picture of the blood moon Sunday, January 21st was taken by Mitch Rossow, of Mitch Rossow Photography, from his roof in Uptown Minneapolis.)

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Super-Blood-Wolf-Moon-Eclipse-Endgame USA-Podcast 797

Doug Jones Beats Roy Moore-Trump-Alabama-GOP Chaos-Podcast 685

Is the South suddenly turning blue? Democrats have handed the GOP a shocking defeat in the Alabama US Senate Race. Coverage in Doug Jones Beats Roy Moore-Trump-Alabama-GOP Chaos-Podcast 685.

A Stinging Defeat

What are the takeaways from this race? What about winners and losers? Where do the President and Republicans in the Senate go from here? Where does the President’s former chief strategist Steve Bannon go from here?

Comedy of Errors

This was a race that captured the whole country’s attention. First there was the botched appointment of Luther Strange to the Senate Seat held by Jeff Sessions by an embattled Governor. A controversial primary election followed. Especially relevant were salacious allegations of misconduct leveled against republican candidate Judge Roy Moore. We’ll talk about it in Doug Jones Beats Roy Moore-Trump-Alabama-GOP Chaos-Podcast 685.

Welcome To The Blue South?

This is the second state to elect a democrat in a state wide race this fall. With Virginia electing a democrat governor in November and now a Senator in Alabama in December republicans are suddenly concerned about a lot more than their majority in the US Senate. What about the 2018 races coming up?

The Tax Bill Suddenly Got More Expensive

Republicans have a thin majority in the Senate. With the democrats adding a seat and a few republicans soft on the President’s agenda, suddenly passing legislation like the Tax ‘Reform’ Bill, Confirmations and Treaty Votes will be a little more uphill. In 2018 you can be sure past histories of congressmen and senators and their relationships with women will be on the ballot. But there’s more.

Get That Old Religion

In Doug Jones Beats Roy Moore-Trump-Alabama-GOP Chaos-Podcast 685 we’ll talk about the failure of something called ‘Republican Populism‘ in Alabama. Truth is, many people have overlooked Roy Moore’s decidedly far right and ‘populist’ political ideas because of the allegations against him. While those allegations certainly had an effect, his politics couldn’t have helped.

Time For A Plan

Finally, do republicans have a plan for the future beyond, “We can’t let democrats win”. Is there a plan beyond barnstorming politicians who say whatever enters their mind and blame of the media? We’ll talk about it in Doug Jones Beats Roy Moore-Trump-Alabama-GOP Chaos-Podcast 685.

Trump Has To Take The Blame

The president, his former chief strategist and the republican party have suffered a stinging defeat. The idea was, go out and campaign for our guy because he is our guy and we can’t afford another ‘liberal’ democrat in the senate. Well, that is exactly what happened. President Trump has no one else to blame for this defeat, but himself.

(Editor’s Note: A late night meant I was a little fuzzy with my Senate numbers. With the GOP losing this seat they lose a vote in the Senate. Democrats gain one. So it’s GOP 51, DEM 49. Add two independents who caucus with democrats…and it’s 51 51. With a soft majority for the republicans – they don’t necessarily vote as a block – the future could be uphill for the President and Republicans.)

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Doug Jones Beats Roy Moore-Trump-Alabama-GOP Chaos-Podcast 685