Blood-In-The-Streets-Yet?-Bob Davis Podcast 909

Blood In The Streets

First of all the phrase ‘blood in the streets’ means you buy when everything goes to hell, learn more in Blood-In-The-Streets-Yet?-Bob Davis Podcast 909. Second of all you have to wonder if we’re getting to that point.

Predicting The Future Is For Suckers

I don’t like predicting the future. I like to wait and see what happens and consequently make judgements.

Streets Are Sensitive To Shocks

On the other hand word travels fast these days. We’re very sensitive to shock. We often are responding at the same time leaders are responding. Long before any in depth facts can be determined.

Perception Is Reality

Moreover in this environment the old saw ‘Perception Is Reality‘ is more true than ever.

Wait and See

I am often asked what I think of some political development. Joe Biden’s ‘sudden surge’. The ‘Super Tuesday‘ results. I still think ‘wait and see’ is the best approach.

Markets Rule The Roost Right Now

Especially relevant now is the course Coronavirus will take. More importantly the economic effects triggered by the real time reactions to the virus.

Each Podcast Needs Clarification

I have been podcasting about just these topics. Furthermore it seems like each podcast needs more clarification.

Primaries and Candidates

In Blood-In-The-Streets-Yet?-Bob Davis Podcast 909 there’s clarification and amplification. There is also most noteworthy additional thoughts about the primaries and potential presidential candidates.

It’s A Long Way To November

Finally we have a long way to go until early November when we actually vote for candidates and initiatives in local, state, house and senate elections. And when we cast our preference for president.

Electoral College Or Congress?

Even more it will be mid December when the electoral college will choose a president. Or, God forbid, the US Congress. A lot can happen between now and then.

About That Blood In The Streets Question

Maybe it would be better to return to the question at the beginning of this blog. Is there blood in the streets yet? And what does it mean.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Blood-In-The-Streets-Yet?-Bob Davis Podcast 909



Election2020-Amy-Klobuchar-DesMoines-Bob Davis Podcast 896

Jury Duty All Week, Campaigning All Weekend

First of all US Senators are the jury in the Impeachment trial of the president. Or so some of them say. So weekends in Iowa are for campaigning. Learn more in Election2020-Amy-Klobuchar-DesMoines-Bob Davis Podcast 896.

How Candidates Interact

Moreover these podcasts give listeners a sense of how candidates are interacting with potential caucus goers.

Senior Senator

Especially relevant? Klobuchar’s status as a senior Senator and moderate Democrat, running in a field of progressives.

Practical Progressive

She calls herself a ‘practical progressive‘.

Lots Of Talk

Certainly politicians talk a lot. Some of these events seem to go on forever.

Editing and Accurate Representation of Events

Due to this circumstance I have to edit. Hopefully these podcasts will be accurate representations of these events.

Taking You Inside Events So wear Headphones

Above all the effort is to take you inside an event so you can experience it. In addition with shorter length podcasts you’ll get an impression of as many candidates as I can record before caucus night!

Trump Is A Big Part Of Campaign

Seems like all the democratic candidates want to talk about the impeachment. They all talk a lot about the President.

Republicans Take Note

Because of this republican leaning listeners and Trumpers may find it difficult to listen all the way through.

Organization and Pivot Counties

However one of my takeaways already is the depth of democrat arguments and the detail of their proposed agendas, should they become president. Even more the level of organization I am seeing here.

Listen and Learn

Finally republicans and Trumpers would be well advised to listen to these arguments and ideas.

Democrat Strategy

In conclusion one thing is sure to be a factor in 2020. Democrats are targeting pivot counties here in Iowa in preparation for a national strategy along those lines later in the campaigns.

Testing Ideas and Arguments For Campaigning This Fall

Therefore it might be a good idea to hear and understand the arguments they’ll use.

Some of them are pretty good.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Election2020-Amy-Klobuchar-DesMoines-Bob Davis Podcast 896





Suburban-Pledge-Fight-Goes-Viral-Bob Davis Podcast 846

Media Hurricane

These days you never know when you’re going to be in a media storm. That’s what happened when a suburban city council decided to stop saying the Pledge of Allegiance at some of their meetings. We’re going inside a meeting Saint Louis Park held to discuss the decision. Learn more in Suburban-Pledge-Fight-Goes-Viral-Bob Davis Podcast 846.

City Council Votes To Stop Saying Pledge At Some Meetings

Saint Louis Park is a first ring western suburb of Minneapolis. The City Council voted 5-0 on June 17th, 2019 to stop saying the pledge at some meetings. The city’s mayor wasn’t in attendance at the June 17th meeting.

Public Outcry

Even more, after news accounts of the ‘ban’ on the Pledge, the story went viral. Public outcry overwhelmed city staff and the council offices.

Study Group Meeting Disrupted

As a result Saint Louis Park held another meeting to discuss the vote. This was a ‘study group’ meeting. It’s most noteworthy that it wasn’t supposed to include public comments or conclude with a vote.

Many Non Residents

It’s especially relevant for Suburban-Pledge-Fight-Goes-Viral-Bob Davis Podcast 846 that mostly non residents showed up at the July 8th meeting to loudly express their dismay and anger.

Experience The Meeting

This podcast takes you through the meeting without very much comment from me.

Story Told By The People There

First of all I think the story is best told by the voices of the council and the people who were there.

You’re In The Seats In This Podcast

In addition if you wear headphones or turn it up you’ll be in the seats and you’ll hear the meeting as it went down. That includes hard to hear public officials and screaming protesters.

Shouting And Screaming

Finally I conclude the podcast with some historical facts and one short observation. In conclusion I wonder whether this protest flatters Tea Party and other ‘activists’ that showed up. You will hear them shout and scream, forcing council members to plead for a chance to finish statements often in support of restoring the pledge.

Pledge Written By Socialist and Anti Capitalist

Many of the protesters will celebrate President Trump’s vow to ‘restore the pledge in Saint Louis Park’. Emotional and understandable attachments to a pledge rewritten and made famous by an avowed socialist and anti capitalist notwithstanding, they may have done more damage to their movement in this suburb and in the fifth congressional district, than they know.

(Editor’s Note: It has been asserted that a requirement to say the pledge of allegiance is in the Saint Louis Park City Charter. Upon reading it I can find no such requirement. Click here and read for yourself. Maybe I missed it. In addition, it has been asserted again and again that naturalized citizens have to say the Pledge of Allegiance at their citizenship ceremony. On the contrary, they swear an oath to uphold and defend the US Constitution, and to disavow loyalty to any other sovereign. Read for yourself here. That is not the pledge of allegiance!)

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating Of Saint Paul

Suburban-Pledge-Fight-Goes-Viral-Bob Davis Podcast 846