New-Media-Same-Message-Bob Davis Podcast 929

Media Is The Big Trigger Word

These days the word media triggers all kinds of responses. We think we’re living in a new age. IIn fact the medium may have changed but the message is the same. Learn more in New-Media-Same-Message-Bob Davis Podcast 929.

TV Shows and You Tube

First of all I’ve been watching a lot of clips from old TV shows on You Tube.

Miss The Old Days?

Second, saw a meme on social media the other day. Seems like we miss the old days, when there were only a few trusted sources when it came to news.

Have Things Really Changed That Much?

Certainly there is a nostalgia for the old ways and the old days for older Americans. However it begs the question, have things really changed?

New Media Same Message

In New-Media-Same-Message-Bob Davis Podcast 929, some easy talk about those old days plus some observations about the current time frame.

Media Outlets and Choices

For example back in the day most people might have been able to get two local newspapers, three or four local TV stations and a few local radio stations. Commentary was available on the editorial pages and a few news magazines.

Big Audiences Back In The Day

Even more audiences were larger for those few sources. There were no smart phones, computers or Internet.

Digital Age Changed Everything Right?

Due to the advent of cable, internet, computers and smart phones we now live in what we call the ‘digital age’.

The Message Was Always To Conform

During the so called old days media served an important purpose. Among other things, it was a tool to encourage people to conform.

New Platforms Different Mission

Finally the truth is we have the same number of major platforms we had back in the day. The difference is these platforms provide an opportunity for millions to be heard and seen.

We’re Still Pushed To Conform

However today’s supposedly complex media in the same vein as the old, pushes people to conform.

Tribes, Villages, Birds of A Feather

We speak to our tribe and not everyone. Our instinct to conform is reinforced by social media and other platforms.

The Message Is Manipulation and Control And We’re Still Buying It

In short no matter how sophisticated apparently we’re still ripe for manipulation and control.

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New-Media-Same-Message-Bob Davis Podcast 929

Blood-In-The-Streets-Yet?-Bob Davis Podcast 909

Blood In The Streets

First of all the phrase ‘blood in the streets’ means you buy when everything goes to hell, learn more in Blood-In-The-Streets-Yet?-Bob Davis Podcast 909. Second of all you have to wonder if we’re getting to that point.

Predicting The Future Is For Suckers

I don’t like predicting the future. I like to wait and see what happens and consequently make judgements.

Streets Are Sensitive To Shocks

On the other hand word travels fast these days. We’re very sensitive to shock. We often are responding at the same time leaders are responding. Long before any in depth facts can be determined.

Perception Is Reality

Moreover in this environment the old saw ‘Perception Is Reality‘ is more true than ever.

Wait and See

I am often asked what I think of some political development. Joe Biden’s ‘sudden surge’. The ‘Super Tuesday‘ results. I still think ‘wait and see’ is the best approach.

Markets Rule The Roost Right Now

Especially relevant now is the course Coronavirus will take. More importantly the economic effects triggered by the real time reactions to the virus.

Each Podcast Needs Clarification

I have been podcasting about just these topics. Furthermore it seems like each podcast needs more clarification.

Primaries and Candidates

In Blood-In-The-Streets-Yet?-Bob Davis Podcast 909 there’s clarification and amplification. There is also most noteworthy additional thoughts about the primaries and potential presidential candidates.

It’s A Long Way To November

Finally we have a long way to go until early November when we actually vote for candidates and initiatives in local, state, house and senate elections. And when we cast our preference for president.

Electoral College Or Congress?

Even more it will be mid December when the electoral college will choose a president. Or, God forbid, the US Congress. A lot can happen between now and then.

About That Blood In The Streets Question

Maybe it would be better to return to the question at the beginning of this blog. Is there blood in the streets yet? And what does it mean.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Blood-In-The-Streets-Yet?-Bob Davis Podcast 909



Fall Equinox Full Moon-Walk Talk-Bob Davis Podcast 759

Hard to believe it is already fall. These days change is a constant. The fall Equinox every year is a big shift in the midwest. We’ll talk about it live from the deck in Fall Equinox Full Moon-Walk Talk-Bob Davis Podcast 759.

Walk and Talk

Rules of the walk and talk podcast are that it has to be ‘stream of consciousness’. No plan. No prep. A welcome change for me after a long series of deeply prepped podcasts on the elections.

Free Wheeling Talk

Most noteworthy for me is the opportunity for free wheeling talk after weeks of research.

Podcasting As A Medium

We’ll start with the difference between podcasting as a medium and other forms of media. It’s especially relevant that as a podcaster people always ask me how to do a podcast?

Compelling Content

Can a potential podcaster create compelling content for more than a few podcasts?

We’ll talk about it in Fall Equinox Full Moon-Walk Talk-Bob Davis Podcast 759.

What worked Yesterday…

Moreover podcasting has the ability, as I have pointed out recently, to dig deeper into issues. As podcasting evolves things that worked a few short years ago may not work today. As podcasters are we taking advantage of these new opportunities.

Most Media Spreading Poisonous Despair

In addition and perhaps most importantly, most media is focused on creating a sense of urgency that is poisonous. Predicting the future. Telling people whatever is happening is ‘the worst ever’. Rants designed to convince people to think one way or another.


We’re pushed to think and worry about things that have nothing to do with our lives. It all adds up to a huge manipulation of our emotions. I think it gets in the way of living our own lives the way they were meant to be lived.

Nuclear War Anyone?

Finally what’s in your movie queue? What’s in your You Tube feed? For me, suddenly, it’s nuclear war. Why?

Sponsored by Johantgen Jewelers, Reliafund Payment Processors and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Fall Equinox Full Moon-Walk Talk-Bob Davis Podcast 759