Fall Equinox Full Moon-Walk Talk-Bob Davis Podcast 759

Hard to believe it is already fall. These days change is a constant. The fall Equinox every year is a big shift in the midwest. We’ll talk about it live from the deck in Fall Equinox Full Moon-Walk Talk-Bob Davis Podcast 759.

Walk and Talk

Rules of the walk and talk podcast are that it has to be ‘stream of consciousness’. No plan. No prep. A welcome change for me after a long series of deeply prepped podcasts on the elections.

Free Wheeling Talk

Most noteworthy for me is the opportunity for free wheeling talk after weeks of research.

Podcasting As A Medium

We’ll start with the difference between podcasting as a medium and other forms of media. It’s especially relevant that as a podcaster people always ask me how to do a podcast?

Compelling Content

Can a potential podcaster create compelling content for more than a few podcasts?

We’ll talk about it in Fall Equinox Full Moon-Walk Talk-Bob Davis Podcast 759.

What worked Yesterday…

Moreover podcasting has the ability, as I have pointed out recently, to dig deeper into issues. As podcasting evolves things that worked a few short years ago may not work today. As podcasters are we taking advantage of these new opportunities.

Most Media Spreading Poisonous Despair

In addition and perhaps most importantly, most media is focused on creating a sense of urgency that is poisonous. Predicting the future. Telling people whatever is happening is ‘the worst ever’. Rants designed to convince people to think one way or another.


We’re pushed to think and worry about things that have nothing to do with our lives. It all adds up to a huge manipulation of our emotions. I think it gets in the way of living our own lives the way they were meant to be lived.

Nuclear War Anyone?

Finally what’s in your movie queue? What’s in your You Tube feed? For me, suddenly, it’s nuclear war. Why?

Sponsored by Johantgen Jewelers, Reliafund Payment Processors and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Fall Equinox Full Moon-Walk Talk-Bob Davis Podcast 759

Trump Kills Iran Deal-Now What?-Foreign Affairs Update-Podcast 721

President Trump decertified the JCPOA or ‘Iran Deal’ of 2015, on Friday May 11th. Trump has kicked off a firestorm of coverage which has not fully explained what’s going on. Again. Time to find out about the details of the Iran Deal in Trump Kills Iran Deal-Now What?-Foreign Affairs Update-Podcast 721.

Stormy Daniels Sells Newspapers

Moreover coverage of international relations doesn’t usually generate a lot of views, likes or shares. Hence one of the main reasons American media spends a lot of time on salacious stories.

Foreign Policy Isn’t A Campaign Slogan

Furthermore, voters don’t think about these things in election years. Slogans and shouted one liners on the campaign trail get lots of applause from true believers. Build The Wall. Tear Up The Iran Deal. Make America Great Again.

Politicians Make Big Mistakes

Truth is our leaders can make serious mistakes in this arena. Consequently missteps and screw ups can effect all of us for a very long time. Seems like presidents get a lot of support from congress and the people as they blunder about. Therefore, some background some of these mistakes in Time to find out about the details of the Iran Deal in Trump Kills Iran Deal-Now What?-Foreign Affairs Update-Podcast 721.

It’s Not A Treaty

The so called Iran Deal is not even an Executive Agreement, as has been reported. Most noteworthy it is within the president’s discretion to do anything he wants with this agreement. Did Trump ‘kill’ the deal? Is it a mistake? Was Iran violating the terms of the JCPOA?

Constitutional Authority

In addition was it constitutional for President Obama to enter into a political commitment? Did the House endorse elements of the deal? Did the Senate debate the agreement? Find out in Time to find out about the details of the Iran Deal in Trump Kills Iran Deal-Now What?-Foreign Affairs Update-Podcast 721.

Whatever Trump Does Is A Mistake, right?

In conclusion one of the problems with this president is the media’s habit of reacting to anything he does as a mistake. Without defending the president, maybe the specifics should be reported and judgments left to the American people.

Most of all, that’s what I do in this podcast. Find more podcasts on the Iran subject from the campaign trail in 2016, and through the years here.

Sponsored by Reliafund Payment Processors

Trump Kills Iran Deal-Now What?-Foreign Affairs Update-Podcast 721

Harvey Irma North Korea-DACA-Back In A News Rich Environment-Podcast 661

Back to the grindstone in Harvey Irma North Korea-DACA-Back In A News Rich Environment-Podcast 661. As Texas struggles with the aftermath of one major storm, another is on the way. North Korea’s Hydrogen Bomb and a full congressional schedule means we’re suddenly we’re back in a news rich environment.

President Trump Is Santa Claus

Especially relevant is the question of whether the US Federal Government is actually Santa Claus. Make your list, check it twice. While Republicans talk about individual responsibility when it comes to disaster, concerns about debt and overspending go out the window. Another hurricane, another opportunity for presidents to wear the jacket and the hat and show up to help. It’s all about public relations. We’ll talk about it in Harvey Irma North Korea-DACA-Back In A News Rich Environment-Podcast 661.

Hug Some Babies Phase Out DACA

President Trump made the obligatory trip to the hurricane zone over the weekend, then signed an order to phase out DACA at the beginning of the week. A campaign promise fulfilled, or kicking a problem to congress? Is it wrong to suggest a complete immigration reform package passed before phasing out the program with an executive order might be a better path?

It’s a Business, right?

We expect presidents to rule through fiat. “Run It Like A Business!” Problem is Santa Claus can’t do much with executive orders. Real reform requires congressional action. Getting that done requires real political acumen of the president. Businesses can’t print money to pay off their debt. In Harvey Irma North Korea-DACA-Back In A News Rich Environment-Podcast 661.

Tax Reform Means Raising Taxes

Tax Reform now looms as the next legislative failure for a GOP majority. ‘Cutting Taxes’ might mean raising taxes in places people who voted Republican might not expect. Requiring ‘revenue neutral‘ proposals means ‘tax cuts’ rather than spending cuts. With debt over 100 percent of the GDP maybe Santa Claus should stay home. Not a chance. Find out why I say this in Harvey Irma North Korea-DACA-Back In A News Rich Environment-Podcast 661.

Bombs Away

Then there’s North Korea. They’ve got a bomb and a missile. Trump has a saber to rattle. Maybe it will work. Then again maybe the Doom Merchants on You Tube are right about September 23rd, 2017.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Harvey Irma North Korea-DACA-Back In A News Rich Environment-Podcast 661