Cage Match 2020-Chaos America-Bob Davis Podcast 801

When people say happy new year these days they mean welcoming in 2019. When the media says happy new year, they mean 2020. Find out why in Cage Match 2020-Chaos America-Bob Davis Podcast 801.

Political Cage Match Starts Now

Especially relevant here is the end of the government shut down without an agreement on immigration. Trump’s next move doesn’t matter. It’s all about 2020 from here on. Learn more in Cage Match 2020-Chaos America-Bob Davis Podcast 801.

Seems like we just had an election.

First of all, it’s Iowa’s fault

Iowa has scheduled the first caucus or primary in the nation for February 3rd 2020. Consequently a cavalcade clown show is already on the ground in the Hawkeye State in February of this year! For a full schedule of caucuses and primaries click here.

US Senate Is Bull Pen For Presidential Candidates

Furthermore it looks like half the democratic senators are running. For a full list of potential candidates, click here. This is the best argument for repealing the seventeenth amendment and going back to appointing senators.

Even Angelina Jolie might run

Above all this week everyone was triggered by Coffee Guy Howard Schultz. His announcement lasted about 90 seconds before he was heckled. Speculation on whether a Starbucks candidacy would help or hurt Trump was everywhere.

The Republicans are stuck with Trump no matter what.

Finally republicans who think they’ll dump Trump are in for a rude awakening. With the Republican National Committee already a slave to the Trump reelection effort and Republican Convention rule changes, there will be no more grassroots challenges.

Happy New Year 2020! Now about that deserted tropical island. Where do I sign up! (Editor’s Note: Yes I know this is the original promotional video for the ill fated Fyre Fest, but who cares, it gets the tropical island escape idea across.)

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Cage Match 2020-Chaos America-Bob Davis Podcast 801


Trump Kills Iran Deal-Now What?-Foreign Affairs Update-Podcast 721

President Trump decertified the JCPOA or ‘Iran Deal’ of 2015, on Friday May 11th. Trump has kicked off a firestorm of coverage which has not fully explained what’s going on. Again. Time to find out about the details of the Iran Deal in Trump Kills Iran Deal-Now What?-Foreign Affairs Update-Podcast 721.

Stormy Daniels Sells Newspapers

Moreover coverage of international relations doesn’t usually generate a lot of views, likes or shares. Hence one of the main reasons American media spends a lot of time on salacious stories.

Foreign Policy Isn’t A Campaign Slogan

Furthermore, voters don’t think about these things in election years. Slogans and shouted one liners on the campaign trail get lots of applause from true believers. Build The Wall. Tear Up The Iran Deal. Make America Great Again.

Politicians Make Big Mistakes

Truth is our leaders can make serious mistakes in this arena. Consequently missteps and screw ups can effect all of us for a very long time. Seems like presidents get a lot of support from congress and the people as they blunder about. Therefore, some background some of these mistakes in Time to find out about the details of the Iran Deal in Trump Kills Iran Deal-Now What?-Foreign Affairs Update-Podcast 721.

It’s Not A Treaty

The so called Iran Deal is not even an Executive Agreement, as has been reported. Most noteworthy it is within the president’s discretion to do anything he wants with this agreement. Did Trump ‘kill’ the deal? Is it a mistake? Was Iran violating the terms of the JCPOA?

Constitutional Authority

In addition was it constitutional for President Obama to enter into a political commitment? Did the House endorse elements of the deal? Did the Senate debate the agreement? Find out in Time to find out about the details of the Iran Deal in Trump Kills Iran Deal-Now What?-Foreign Affairs Update-Podcast 721.

Whatever Trump Does Is A Mistake, right?

In conclusion one of the problems with this president is the media’s habit of reacting to anything he does as a mistake. Without defending the president, maybe the specifics should be reported and judgments left to the American people.

Most of all, that’s what I do in this podcast. Find more podcasts on the Iran subject from the campaign trail in 2016, and through the years here.

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Trump Kills Iran Deal-Now What?-Foreign Affairs Update-Podcast 721

Podcast 519

Off The Rails. As we head into the long fourth of July weekend, world events aren’t taking the weekend off. On the heels of the British Exit vote, comes the Istanbul attack. Apparently we now live in an upside down world where speech is considered so dangerous, Nigel Farage’s speech to the European Union Parliament – an unelected body – can be considered hate speech, while an actor accepting an award in the United States — where free speech is a constitutional right —  considers opinions opposite to his own on race to be so dangerous those who speak them should ‘sit down and shut up’. Then, inexplicably, in the wake of obvious ISIS style terror attacks in Istanbul, Secretary of State Kerry warns people not to rush to judgement on whether ISIS is involved or not. So let me get this straight. Speech is more dangerous than men with AK-47’s wearing suicide vests? Moreover, the Republican standard bearer – so far – is a trade protectionist who wants to double down on the Bush Steel Tariff debacle, republicans including a former president, are endorsing the ‘presumptive’ democratic nominee while Bernie Sanders of all people came off as the most reasonable person in Washington this week when he warned democrats to heed the results of the British Vote for what it might mean to ‘establishment’ politicians like Hillary Clinton. Off The Rails you say? Hell yes. There is a palpable feeling that all this is leading up to a major event; something that cannot be foreseen that changes everything: The stock market crash of 1929, Pearl Harbor, the JFK assassination, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and 9-11. World changing events after which you say, “Remember what things were like back in…? It’s so different now.” Have you ever been lost hiking? At some point you look up and say, “Where the Hell am I?”. Its feels like that kind of a moment in the world right now. How did we get here? What happens now? A late night podcast from the deck, examining these issues, but not too deeply. It is after all the 4th of July weekend, let’s party like it’s 2016. Sponsored by Brush Studio in the West End, and X Government Cars.