Menacing-Evil-Purpose-Of-Facebook-Bob Davis Podcast 939

More Fake People and Fake Comments

Firstly I’ve detected a big increase in the number of fake people and fake comments on Facebook recently. Learn more in Menacing-Evil-Purpose-Of-Facebook-Bob Davis Podcast 939.

Why Fake Engagement?

Secondly what’s the reason for all this ‘fake engagement’ on the social media giant.

Discord and Disagreement

For example we should be now be aware Facebook encourages discord and disagreement.

Facebook Is The Wellspring Of Discord

Even more Facebook might be the chief cause for the personal and political divide in the US these days.

Dangerous and Destructive

To clarify, yes I’m saying FB is the most dangerous and destructive force in our society.

No Comments Please

Especially relevant to this podcast is a further clarification of why I refuse to allow comments on my FB posts. Get that podcast here.

Incendiary and Divisive Comments…From Bots…Or Worse

In the course of promoting what I do I have seen an increase in the number of clearly fake people making incendiary and divisive comments.

Could Facebook Be Behind It?

Finally I’ll ask this as a question. I wonder if Facebook itself is behind this. And, if they are, why? Check out Menacing-Evil-Purpose-Of-Facebook-Bob Davis Podcast 939.

Negative Reinforcement Always Wins

In the same vein tech writers long ago exposed FB algorithms designed to reward discord and division. Negative reinforcement creates a stronger bond and more engagement than positive reinforcement.


Even more propaganda on social media platforms has always been suspect.

Usual Suspects

For example the Russians. What about the Chinese? Above all political campaigns here in the United States.

Massive Manipulation Of Americans…And The World

Here’s my thing. In short I came the conclusion recently it all might just be FB itself manipulating users for its own purposes or worse, at someone or something’s behest.

Think Twice

Consequently we all might think twice before engaging in back and forth arguments on FB. In addition, we might think twice before commenting at all.


Certainly with so called engagement the core of FB’s existence, if we all stopped commenting what do you think would happen?

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(Editor’s note: The pic shows one of many options for creating fake personas on FB. I use it to show how easy it is. I’m sure they won’t mind if you check out the page, then you can see too!)

Menacing-Evil-Purpose-Of-Facebook-Bob Davis Podcast 939





Election2020-Tom-Steyer-Big-Plans-Bob Davis Podcast 897

Lots Of Ideas And Plans

First of all Tom Steyer is an activist. Second he is a billionaire. He’s running for president and he has a lot of ideas and plans. He’ll tell you about them in Election2020-Tom-Steyer-Big-Plans-Bob Davis Podcast 897.

Democrat Patterns Emerging

These days after a few days on the campaign trail you start to see and hear patterns in all the speeches candidates make. Steyer is no exception. The main theme? President Donald Trump.

Political Red Meat

Certainly Iowans coming out to hear these speeches want political red meat. They’re getting it from Steyer.

Racist! Criminal! Incompetent!

Most noteworthy quotes from Steyer include comparing the republican administration to the holocaust. Trump’s a racist. Incompetent. A criminal.

Go Ahead…Talk

In contrast to cheap talk though, Steyer has put his money where his mouth is for years. NextGen Climate and most recently Need To Impeach have mobilized millions.

Organize Highest Democrat Turn Out Ever

Furthermore Steyer intends to use experience with NextGen America and Need To Impeach to deliver the what he says will be the highest democratic turn out in history. Moreover he says democrats will win big in 2020. He’ll tell you all about it in Election2020-Tom-Steyer-Big-Plans-Bob Davis Podcast 897.

Smart and Detailed

Especially relevant here is the fact that Steyer is smart and detailed. Consequently he talks. A. Lot. That means editing down hours of speaking and questions from the audience into a capsulized version of what actually went down.

Political Coverage True To What Went Down

Furthermore my intention is to take podcast listeners into these events with no judgements. I sincerely hope I was able to do this with Steyer. In addition, this time I talked to some of the people at the event.

Everyone Listen…Republicans Too

In conclusion I am sure my democrat friends will love most of what Steyer has to say. Republicans not so much in contrast. Still, I hope my republican friends can listen to understand the issues.

Actionable Proposals

Above all, despite the red meat, I sense most of the actionable proposals are surprisingly moderate. Even for Tom Steyer. That should concern republicans, because those kinds of ideas are not easily dismissed.

Election2020-Tom-Steyer-Big-Plans-Bob Davis Podcast 897





War-AntiWar-Con-Job-Bob Davis Podcast 891

A Drone Strike Blows Up Internet…And A General

First of all after the US killed an Iranian General with a drone strike, social media went nuts. In addition all the other media went nuts. I think it’s time we sorted it all out in War-AntiWar-Con-Job-Bob Davis Podcast 891.

War-Anti-War Con Job

Furthermore when everyone wants to use the ‘facts’ they agree with and repeat arguments they hear on cable TV news it’s nothing but a war versus anti war con job.

Things Could Go Either Way

Certainly the United States is in a serious situation when it comes to Iran. In the wake of the airstrike things could go either way.

Real News Too Confusing and Complicated

Unfortunately no one was thinking about foreign policy when they voted in 2016. Moreover most Americans consider foreign affairs to be too confusing and difficult to think about.

Real World Too Complicated?

Above all when it comes to the US role in the rest of the world every action has a reaction. The hard part is managing reactions going forward.

You Want A Democracy? Grow Up!

Most noteworthy is the question of exactly what Americans want when it comes to foreign dealings. Sorry but it’s not as easy as a meme or a four line capital letters post on social media. More on that in War-AntiWar-Con-Job-Bob Davis Podcast 891.

Shouting Matches Are Not News

Even more these things aren’t solved with split screen debates on television where guests are encouraged to get into shouting matches. Meanwhile we show pictures of planes and ships.

Explaining The Issue

Finally it’s time to attempt to explain the contours of this story. In contrast to the magpies on the line, I am not going to tell listeners and subscribers what to think or what to do. I will not do your homework for you.

Try Listening First

If we really want to figure this out then different points of view need to be heard.

(Editor’s Note: I mentioned my podcast on political populism and promised a link. Click here)

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War-AntiWar-Con-Job-Bob Davis Podcast 891