Algorithm-Slaves-Bob Davis Podcast 1089

Algorithm Slaves

Firstly these days content creators seem intent on following their audiences. Learn more in Algorithm-Slaves-Bob Davis Podcast 1089..


Secondly that is to say relevance for a creator is more and more about what the audience wants.

Certainly not what the artist or creator wants.

And today’s algorithms often determine the audience.

What Is Creating?

But what if creating is about leading the audience?

To clarify sooner or later creators have to bite the hands that feed them.

Dangers Of A Narrow Audience

Or face an increasingly narrow audience although it may be increasing in size.

Even more when likes and shares and subscriptions become the order of the day why not have AI do everything?

Role Of The Artist

In short what is the role of the human artist?

And what is the process of creativity?

Finally it’s my perception algorithm slaves build silos of opinion which actually limit objective discussion.

In addition what does one learn if they stay in that same silo forever?

Therefore it’s easy to see why many people think on the same tracks and perform in the same ways, in the end.


As a result creators do not grow.

Imprisoned By An Audience

Likewise I have certainly had my struggles being imprisoned by an audience, back in the day.

It’s About Control

However I’m grateful to have arrived at a place where the audience and the ‘shoulds’ don’t control what I do.

Didn’t Want To Talk About This

In Algorithm-Slaves-Bob Davis Podcast 1089 I take on a subject I really didn’t want to talk about.


On the other hand the craven nature of creators on almost every subject suggests it’s time to talk about this.

Audience Dictators

Finally listeners should not be required to dictate content.

Or even asked about it.

Yet you see and hear this all the time.

Likes and Shares

Subsequently likes and shares, and subs, define the future for those who ‘influence’ society as a whole.

Or so they think.

Thus Algorithm-Slaves-Bob Davis Podcast 1089.

Breaking Out

In conclusion content creators might consider breaking out of the self imposed tyranny.

Who Knows Best

In short when it comes to the very human nature of creating, the audience doesn’t always know best.

And neither does the algorithm.

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Algorithm-Slaves-Bob Davis Podcast 1089



Menacing-Evil-Purpose-Of-Facebook-Bob Davis Podcast 939

More Fake People and Fake Comments

Firstly I’ve detected a big increase in the number of fake people and fake comments on Facebook recently. Learn more in Menacing-Evil-Purpose-Of-Facebook-Bob Davis Podcast 939.

Why Fake Engagement?

Secondly what’s the reason for all this ‘fake engagement’ on the social media giant.

Discord and Disagreement

For example we should be now be aware Facebook encourages discord and disagreement.

Facebook Is The Wellspring Of Discord

Even more Facebook might be the chief cause for the personal and political divide in the US these days.

Dangerous and Destructive

To clarify, yes I’m saying FB is the most dangerous and destructive force in our society.

No Comments Please

Especially relevant to this podcast is a further clarification of why I refuse to allow comments on my FB posts. Get that podcast here.

Incendiary and Divisive Comments…From Bots…Or Worse

In the course of promoting what I do I have seen an increase in the number of clearly fake people making incendiary and divisive comments.

Could Facebook Be Behind It?

Finally I’ll ask this as a question. I wonder if Facebook itself is behind this. And, if they are, why? Check out Menacing-Evil-Purpose-Of-Facebook-Bob Davis Podcast 939.

Negative Reinforcement Always Wins

In the same vein tech writers long ago exposed FB algorithms designed to reward discord and division. Negative reinforcement creates a stronger bond and more engagement than positive reinforcement.


Even more propaganda on social media platforms has always been suspect.

Usual Suspects

For example the Russians. What about the Chinese? Above all political campaigns here in the United States.

Massive Manipulation Of Americans…And The World

Here’s my thing. In short I came the conclusion recently it all might just be FB itself manipulating users for its own purposes or worse, at someone or something’s behest.

Think Twice

Consequently we all might think twice before engaging in back and forth arguments on FB. In addition, we might think twice before commenting at all.


Certainly with so called engagement the core of FB’s existence, if we all stopped commenting what do you think would happen?

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(Editor’s note: The pic shows one of many options for creating fake personas on FB. I use it to show how easy it is. I’m sure they won’t mind if you check out the page, then you can see too!)

Menacing-Evil-Purpose-Of-Facebook-Bob Davis Podcast 939