War-AntiWar-Con-Job-Bob Davis Podcast 891

A Drone Strike Blows Up Internet…And A General

First of all after the US killed an Iranian General with a drone strike, social media went nuts. In addition all the other media went nuts. I think it’s time we sorted it all out in War-AntiWar-Con-Job-Bob Davis Podcast 891.

War-Anti-War Con Job

Furthermore when everyone wants to use the ‘facts’ they agree with and repeat arguments they hear on cable TV news it’s nothing but a war versus anti war con job.

Things Could Go Either Way

Certainly the United States is in a serious situation when it comes to Iran. In the wake of the airstrike things could go either way.

Real News Too Confusing and Complicated

Unfortunately no one was thinking about foreign policy when they voted in 2016. Moreover most Americans consider foreign affairs to be too confusing and difficult to think about.

Real World Too Complicated?

Above all when it comes to the US role in the rest of the world every action has a reaction. The hard part is managing reactions going forward.

You Want A Democracy? Grow Up!

Most noteworthy is the question of exactly what Americans want when it comes to foreign dealings. Sorry but it’s not as easy as a meme or a four line capital letters post on social media. More on that in War-AntiWar-Con-Job-Bob Davis Podcast 891.

Shouting Matches Are Not News

Even more these things aren’t solved with split screen debates on television where guests are encouraged to get into shouting matches. Meanwhile we show pictures of planes and ships.

Explaining The Issue

Finally it’s time to attempt to explain the contours of this story. In contrast to the magpies on the line, I am not going to tell listeners and subscribers what to think or what to do. I will not do your homework for you.

Try Listening First

If we really want to figure this out then different points of view need to be heard.

(Editor’s Note: I mentioned my podcast on political populism and promised a link. Click here)

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War-AntiWar-Con-Job-Bob Davis Podcast 891

War-Rumors-Iran-Trump-Bob Davis Podcast 832

Presidential Election Ahead…Cue The War Drums

War and rumors of war. This time between the United States and Iran. These days you don’t know what’s real. We’ll talk about it in War-Rumors-Iran-Trump-Bob Davis Podcast 832.

The Devil’s In The Details

In addition I’ll provide details and perspective you don’t get from breathless cable news channels, talk radio and advocate commentators. Once a crisis develops advocacy media will try to convince viewers for or against.

Complicated Issues

Iran is a much more complicated issue.

First of all, at issue is the so called JCPOA. The Joint Comprehensive Plan Of Action.

The JCPOA was signed by all five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Iran during the Obama administration.

Moreover in exchange for Iranians giving up weapons grade uranium some US and European sanctions dating back forty years were temporarily waived.

The Worst Deal Ever…Might Have Been Working

In 2016 republican presidential candidate Donald Trump campaigned on getting rid of the JCPOA calling it ‘the worst deal I’ve ever seen’. In contrast someĀ  sources say Iran was actually abiding by that agreement. By the way, the deal Trump signed with North Korea recently pledging to de-nuclearize the Korean Peninsula was in fact a communique like the JCPOA, with fewer conditions.

Trump Imposes Sanctions

No matter. President Trump has taken the US out of the deal and imposed sanctions last year. Just recently the US has reimposed sanctions on Iran’s oil exports as well as copper, aluminum and steel most recently. The economic effects have not been good for Iran.

Iran Uses Proxies To Retaliate and Threatens To Start Enriching Uranium

Reportedly Iran has retaliated using Houthi rebels in Saudi Arabia to attack oil pipelines and shipping in the Persian Gulf.

Trump Sends The USS Abraham Lincoln

Trump ordered a US carrier battle group into the gulf. The Saudis want Iran ‘defanged‘ and have called for ‘surgical’ US Airstrikes.

24 Hour Cable News Channels and Talk Radio Love War

Here come endless loops of jets leaving carrier decks. Pundits talking over shock and awe. Headlines across the bottom of screens showing US troops in Iraq.

Deja Vu All Over Again

Finally we have been through all this before. It did not end well. In fact it has not ended. The Iranians are not paragons of virtue but they are no Iraq or Afghanistan either.

In conclusion we ought to think about that before we’re snookered into another war.

(Editor’s Note: I refer to PPP when giving Iran’s per capita income at about 22,000 a year. In US Dollars it’s probably about 8,000 a year. In addition I gave Iran’s oil export total as 1.2 barrels a year. Even more it is roughly 1.2 million barrels a day.)

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War-Rumors-Iran-Trump-Bob Davis Podcast 832








Winter Stories-Grand Solar Minimum-Bob Davis Podcast 810

These days almost everyone across the US thinks their winter has been cold. People in the Upper Midwest have really experienced cold. Especially relevant? It may be about to get a lot colder. Learn more in Winter Stories-Grand Solar Minimum-Bob Davis Podcast 810.

Solar Cycle 25

Ever since Rudolf Wolf started measuring solar cycles back in 1755 they’ve been counting them. Solar Cycles last roughly 11 years, and we are just about to enter Solar Cycle 25.

Maunder Minimum

Moreover there’s more than just an 11 year cycle when it comes to the sun. During the Maunder Minimum, from 1645 to about 1715 solar activity was pretty quiet. Check out Winter Stories-Grand Solar Minimum-Bob Davis Podcast 810.

Little Ice Age

The Maunder Minimum is often referred to as a ‘Little Ice Age’. During this time London’s famous Thames River froze solid. Let’s just say it wasn’t a good time. Some scientists believe we are about to have another minimum. They call it a Grand Solar Minimum. Others refer to this predicted period of low solar activity as a ‘Super’ Solar Minimum.

Climate Change Activists Say It’s A Myth

Full disclosure. Global Warming Theory and Climate Change activists think predictions of cooler temps during a potential solar minimum is a dangerous myth.

A New Ice Age

Sun Cycle 25 begins in 2020. Professor Zharkovia, Doctor Helen Popova and Professor Simon Shephard and Doctor Sergei Zharkov all predict we could have a new ice age by 2030. Batten down the hatches.

If Cold Isn’t Enough There’s Always The Magnetic Field

In addition solar minimums can effect the Earth’s Magnetic fields in chaotic ways. Recently You Tubers have posted many videos suggesting a weakening magnetic field could mean multiple and drifting magnetic fields. Ultimately, they say, it could lead to an actual shift in the 23 degree tilt of the Earth’s axis.

What About Human Behavior

As we head toward sun cycle 25 we’re already in the early stages of the weakening magnetic field. How will this cycle effect our weather? How might sun cycles effect human behavior?

Winter Stories

We examine these questions and tell a few winter stories in Winter Stories-Grand Solar Minimum-Bob Davis Podcast 810.

Sponsored by White Tail Builders of Andover Minnesota

Winter Stories-Grand Solar Minimum-Bob Davis Podcast 810