Winter Stories-Grand Solar Minimum-Bob Davis Podcast 810

These days almost everyone across the US thinks their winter has been cold. People in the Upper Midwest have really experienced cold. Especially relevant? It may be about to get a lot colder. Learn more in Winter Stories-Grand Solar Minimum-Bob Davis Podcast 810.

Solar Cycle 25

Ever since Rudolf Wolf started measuring solar cycles back in 1755 they’ve been counting them. Solar Cycles last roughly 11 years, and we are just about to enter Solar Cycle 25.

Maunder Minimum

Moreover there’s more than just an 11 year cycle when it comes to the sun. During the Maunder Minimum, from 1645 to about 1715 solar activity was pretty quiet. Check out Winter Stories-Grand Solar Minimum-Bob Davis Podcast 810.

Little Ice Age

The Maunder Minimum is often referred to as a ‘Little Ice Age’. During this time London’s famous Thames River froze solid. Let’s just say it wasn’t a good time. Some scientists believe we are about to have another minimum. They call it a Grand Solar Minimum. Others refer to this predicted period of low solar activity as a ‘Super’ Solar Minimum.

Climate Change Activists Say It’s A Myth

Full disclosure. Global Warming Theory and Climate Change activists think predictions of cooler temps during a potential solar minimum is a dangerous myth.

A New Ice Age

Sun Cycle 25 begins in 2020. Professor Zharkovia, Doctor Helen Popova and Professor Simon Shephard and Doctor Sergei Zharkov all predict we could have a new ice age by 2030. Batten down the hatches.

If Cold Isn’t Enough There’s Always The Magnetic Field

In addition solar minimums can effect the Earth’s Magnetic fields in chaotic ways. Recently You Tubers have posted many videos suggesting a weakening magnetic field could mean multiple and drifting magnetic fields. Ultimately, they say, it could lead to an actual shift in the 23 degree tilt of the Earth’s axis.

What About Human Behavior

As we head toward sun cycle 25 we’re already in the early stages of the weakening magnetic field. How will this cycle effect our weather? How might sun cycles effect human behavior?

Winter Stories

We examine these questions and tell a few winter stories in Winter Stories-Grand Solar Minimum-Bob Davis Podcast 810.

Sponsored by White Tail Builders of Andover Minnesota

Winter Stories-Grand Solar Minimum-Bob Davis Podcast 810


Surviving Winter-Minnesota Winter-Tips-Bob Davis Podcast 775

Winter starts on December 22nd. In my neck of the woods it’s already cold and snowing. Time for some most noteworthy ideas about getting through the darkness in Surviving Winter-Minnesota Winter-Tips-Bob Davis Podcast 775.

From Deer Hunting to Ice Fishing

I am not a fan of the season. Some are. Deer Hunting. Ice Fishing. The usual. Minnesota winters are long. Lasting from November through to April. Oh yeah. March is the snowiest month, supposedly. These days it needs to be said. Winter in the Great Northwest is a psychological and physical challenge. Even for you folks in Alaska, half the time it’s colder in Minnesota than Fairbanks in the winter.

When The Going Gets Tough

Yes people from the northern tier of the United States pride themselves on ‘getting through’ the winter. How? Many leave. That’s right. When the going gets tough the tough head to the Caribbean, Mexico and other places that are warmer than Florida and Arizona in the winter. Learn more in Surviving Winter-Minnesota Winter-Tips-Bob Davis Podcast 775.

Get Hot

If you’re stuck here then you do the next best thing. Hot Yoga The hotter the better. During the dead of winter when there is no light, hanging out in rooms warmed up to 105 degrees with 40 percent humidity is as close as it gets to the beach. Of course there’s always the famous immersion into the summer sounds from The Bob Davis Podcasts.

Get Out

Others opt for winter vacations. Skiing. Usually in Colorado, Montana, Wyoming or Idaho. Especially relevant here is skiers from California often comment on how cold Idaho is in December and January. Truth is to Upper Midwesterners its considerably warmer and sunnier than home out west in the early winter months.

Hunker Down

Most of us just hunker down. If you can’t afford some exotic getaway then you’re stuck here.

Beached Whales

Eating is key. I’ll tell you about the best suggestions for what to eat to stay warm without ending up as a beached whale when the sun finally comes out. Moreover some ideas about how to avoid the pitfalls of feel-good social events which revolve around…food.

What To Wear

Above all what do we wear? Certainly coats, gloves and hats, but which ones? Not everyone can afford NorthFace. Even more I’ll tell you where to go to get the good stuff.


In conclusion there’s really only one more subject that is key. Driving. Almost as an afterthought I have to review to do’s and don’ts of winter driving. Especially in the early weeks of the cold and ice, otherwise tough Upper Midwesterners make some of the dumbest mistakes on the road.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul and The Citizens Council on Health Freedom

Surviving Winter-Minnesota Winter-Tips-Bob Davis Podcast 775


Podcast 603-Snowstorm! Predictions Stories Hopes

We Love To Talk About The Weather

n Podcast 603-Snowstorm! Predictions Stories Hopes, people who live in the Upper Midwestern United States love to talk about the weather. Weather is safe. Talking about the weather offers a respite from political nonsense. Everyone has a pet theory about weather in all four seasons in Minnesota, Wisconsin, North and South Dakota and Iowa.

Here It Comes

When it comes to a predicted snowstorm we go into high gear. Snow out west has given way to severe weather predictions for Minnesota. Heavy Snow. Severe Winds. Blowing Snow. The return of winter to the plains and upper midwest. After a long period of unseasonably warm weather the cold returns. We’ll talk about it in Podcast 602-Snowstorm! Predictions Stories Hopes.

March Is The Cruelest Month Maybe

In our neck of the woods we often say March is the cruelest month. 20 days or so before Daylight Savings and the start of spring does not mean daisies and green fields in Minnesota. It could mean deep snow drifts and freezing temperatures.

Biggest Snow Storms In Minnesota

While late February and March is a transition period the standard weather theory is the biggest snow storms come in March. Statistically though, the biggest snowstorms have been in December and January, with only the fourth largest storm in Minnesota history occurring in March.

From November 1940 to Halloween 1991

Everyone here remembers the great Halloween Storm of 1991. Most everyone remembers twin snowstorms that his in January of 1982. The old folks remember the famous Armistice Day storm of 1940. Those did not occur in March. What happens in March though usually, is gloomy, rainy, snowy and cold weather. I’ll provide a list of the biggest storms in Podcast 603-Snowstorm! Predictions Stories Hopes.

We Aren’t Worthy

Warmer weather has lulled us into a false sense of security. Warm is something we Lutheran and Catholic Minnesotans do not deserve. When it is warm for too long in the winter we feel there must be a pay back.

We’re Gonna Get Clobbered

As if on cue, the National Weather Service models predict the possibility of a major winter storm with high winds and so much precipitation and if it is cold enough and conditions just right we will get clobbered. Accumulations of between ten and twenty inches of snow. A major winter storm. Get the details in Podcast 602-Snowstorm! Predictions Stories Hopes.

A Kid’s View of Severe Weather

In Podcast 602-Snowstorm! Predictions Stories Hopes some stories about extreme weather. Tornadoes. Snow Storms. The twister scene of the Wizard of Oz. Twisters that destroyed towns in Xenia Ohio, Siren Wisconsin and in Missouri. Tornadoes that blew over my house when I was a kid. Yes, they do sound like freight trains. Snowstorms that made schoolers happier than Christmas morning.

Turn Up The Heat and Plan The Menu

Get ready to make the trip to the store before the shelves are picked clean, Walking Dead style. Plan your menu. Get ready to settle in. Listen to a ridiculous list of tips for ‘staying alive’ during a snow storm. Get ready to shovel. The National Weather Service is predicting a major winter storm. No one is safe! Look at it this way. It gives us something to talk about on the bus.

Sponsored By Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul and X Government Cars.