Gratitude-Moving Up-2018-2019-Year End-Bob Davis Podcast 792

First of all Happy New Year to subscribers and listeners. It has become a tradition to do a podcast thanking everyone on New Year’s Eve. This is it! Check it out Gratitude-Moving Up-2018-2019-Year End-Bob Davis Podcast 792.

These days running a creative business isn’t easy. Creative Content businesses are the most difficult. When I tell people I am a podcaster, I imagine they think it’s a hobby. Many of us podcasters are blazing new trails in an entirely new business.

Big thanks to the General Manager of the Bob Davis Podcasts, my mom! Moreover I spend a fair amount of time thanking my business networking group in Gratitude-Moving Up-2018-2019-Year End-Bob Davis Podcast 792.

Most importantly, my business networking group will remain anonymous because it is a secret weapon! If you are in business you know until you start networking in an organized group you don’t realize there are other people experiencing the same challenges.

Find out some of the best advice I have heard in Gratitude-Moving Up-2018-2019-Year End-Bob Davis Podcast 792. Similarly clients have also given me great advice over the years. I thank them one by one in this Happy New Year Podcast.

I don’t know about you but it seems like 2018 has been a tough year. Yes, I have certainly had more difficult years. However the challenges of 2018 have been pretty steep. In contrast to those challenges, gratitude has been foremost in my mind every day.

Finally my greatest thanks and gratitude is to the people who have listened and subscribed to these podcasts. Above all the people who have been on board since the beginning. Hard to believe we will hit podcast one thousand early in 2019.

In conclusion let’s not forget Mobile Podcast Command. We will be back out on the road mobile podcasting early in the year and hopefully with more to come in 2019.

Here’s to you and moving on up in 2019!

Sponsored by Johantgen Jewelers of Crystal Minnesota and WhiteTail Builders

Gratitude-Moving Up-2018-2019-Year End-Bob Davis Podcast 792


US Lacks Real Leadership-Live At Osh Kosh 2017-Podcast 652

Tough weeks this summer for the United States. If you’re wrapped in the warm technology and aviation embrace of AirVenture it’s easy to forget the outside world. In the last hours of Air Venture, at a theater in the woods, I had the opportunity to hear the Apollo astronauts describe real leadership. We’ll talk about it in US Lacks Real Leadership-Live At Osh Kosh 2017-Podcast 652.

Real Leadership

Do we fully understand what real leadership is? In the closing weeks of July in Washington, it became clear we don’t have it. Especially relevant is this question of whether we are pulling together as a nation. In US Lacks Real Leadership-Live At Osh Kosh 2017-Podcast 652.

In the late 1950’s the nuclear rival of the United States put a satellite in space. Then the USSR put a dog in space. Finally, they put the first man in space. The reality of this achievement and its implications shocked the US. We had to do something to catch up.

Time Specific Goal Setting

In 1960, President Kennedy made the goal of putting a man on the moon and returning him safely, a national objective. What’s more, the president set a time limit. The US was to accomplish this goal before the end of the 1960’s. This had never done before.

EAA’s evening presentations at the Theater In The Woods are often riveting. At Osh Kosh 2017, the surviving Apollo astronauts joined David Hartman for an incredible forum to discuss their experiences. In US Lacks Real Leadership-Live At Osh Kosh 2017-Podcast 652.

Real Leaders Don’t Tweet

A standing room only crowd heard some great stories about the early efforts of the United States to develop a manned space program. For me, one of the major threads of the conversation was how the bosses at NASA and in the US Government provided the resources and allowed the pilots, managers and scientists at NASA to do the job.

When things got tough they did not publicly ridicule, blame, demand and complain. Leaders stayed on task and on schedule. On July 16th, 1969 Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon. In subsequent missions which proved even more challenging, the leaders only asked what the guys in space and at Mission Control needed.

Pulling Together?

These days some of our top people could take a lesson from the experience of these guys, so young back in the day. We’re not pulling together as a nation. We’re not working specific goals to address problems, so we can move onto making things better. In US Lacks Real Leadership-Live At Osh Kosh 2017-Podcast 652.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

US Lacks Real Leadership-Live At Osh Kosh 2017-Podcast 652

Flight Dreams And Inspiration At EAA OSH17-Podcast 651

Where do you draw your inspiration? Where do your dreams come from? What pushes you to keep going. These days, none of us have an easy task. Some days you’re just grinding it out. We’re talking about inspiration in Flight Dreams And Inspiration At EAA OSH17-Podcast 651.

You Don’t Have To Be A Pilot

Let me say it. I am not a pilot. My interest in this amazing event at Osh Kosh’s Wittman field started with Alpha Systems, a client and supporter of the Bob Davis Podcasts. One of my passions is history. History lives everywhere you look here at OSH17.

The Essence Of What Makes A Great American Event

Listeners and subscribers wonder whether they should bring their kids to this event. What’s it like? Think of the AirVenture show like a well run state fair, where everyone is focused on one idea. For me, this is the essence of what makes a great American Event. In Flight Dreams And Inspiration At EAA OSH17-Podcast 651.

A Dream That Inspires

Flying is like a dream. Clearly it’s a dream for the people who fly. It’s also a dream for those who come to these shows. We all wonder, “What’s it like up there?”. For me though, it’s history that inspires. Whether it is homebuilders, ultra-lights, warbirds, and especially the vintage planes that made so much history in the United States in the 1920’s and 1930’s before World War II.

You hear a lot of talk these days about the political process. What ‘they’re’ doing in the state capitol, or Washington DC. Lots of head shaking and concern.

One of the things that inspires me about this event is the evidence of pilots, engineers and dreamers who focused on their passion. People who made huge contributions to the world through flight. In Flight Dreams And Inspiration At EAA OSH17-Podcast 651.

Don’t Let It Bring You Down

Yes things are changing. Fast. You can see each generation’s contributions flying over your head, parked on the field, or in the exhibition hangers. Some are worried about their personal future. Others have concern about the future of the country. When you come here you realize it’s always been that way and yet, inspired people still made great contributions.

My Airstrip In The Desert

Podcasting is my air strip in the desert. Mobile Podcast Command is my old plane. When you do something that is so new it can be difficult to get businesspeople to understand. Sometimes you wonder why you do it at all. Then you come to an event like this. In Flight Dreams And Inspiration At EAA OSH17-Podcast 651.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul.

Flight Dreams And Inspiration At EAA OSH17-Podcast 651