Handling-Mechanical-Problems-On-Road-Bob Davis Podcast 1131

Handling Mechanical Problems On The Road

Handling mechanical problems on the road is a challenge for anyone. Especially nomads. Details in Handling-Mechanical-Problems-On-Road-Bob Davis Podcast 1131.

Firstly this isn’t my first rodeo.

Bigger Problems

Above all I have been traveling for about ten years in my current rig.

So I have had a few problems to deal with.

However as a full time nomad it’s a bigger problem.

This Is My House

Not to mention the fact that the rig is also my house.

This is important to make clear when the mechanic says, when do you want to pick it up?

Freak Out Quickly

In addition when it happens don’t freak out.

Feel It And Move On

Although emotions are not always easy to overcome in an emergency you have to feel it and move to problem solving.

Padre Island

Accordingly I was on my way to Padre Island National Seashore.

To explain I I was having a great day thinking about where I was going to camp.

Volt Meter

All of a sudden I looked down at Mobile Podcast Command’s volt meter.

To begin with the meter was reading lower than what it should have.

And it was sinking.

Happened Before

Because this had happened before I knew what to do.

I had to find somewhere to address the problem without delay.

Firstly I found an auto repair shop within a mile.

In this situation it’s important to realize you have to take what you get.

Lucked Out

Secondly I lucked into finding a great bunch of guys to help.

Most importantly I tell that story in Handling-Mechanical-Problems-On-Road-Bob Davis Podcast 1131.


In the long run I learned I needed two alternators.

All things considered another lesson.


It’s going to cost you money and you have to be prepared for that.

Opportunity For The Sublime

However this was also an occasion to stop and realize there are always opportunities for sublime experiences.

In brief an opportunity to earn how other people work and what they do.

Life On The Road

As well as having an experience you didn’t plan on.

That’s life on the road.

And I suppose life in general.

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Handling-Mechanical-Problems-On-Road-Bob Davis Podcast 1131

US Lacks Real Leadership-Live At Osh Kosh 2017-Podcast 652

Tough weeks this summer for the United States. If you’re wrapped in the warm technology and aviation embrace of AirVenture it’s easy to forget the outside world. In the last hours of Air Venture, at a theater in the woods, I had the opportunity to hear the Apollo astronauts describe real leadership. We’ll talk about it in US Lacks Real Leadership-Live At Osh Kosh 2017-Podcast 652.

Real Leadership

Do we fully understand what real leadership is? In the closing weeks of July in Washington, it became clear we don’t have it. Especially relevant is this question of whether we are pulling together as a nation. In US Lacks Real Leadership-Live At Osh Kosh 2017-Podcast 652.

In the late 1950’s the nuclear rival of the United States put a satellite in space. Then the USSR put a dog in space. Finally, they put the first man in space. The reality of this achievement and its implications shocked the US. We had to do something to catch up.

Time Specific Goal Setting

In 1960, President Kennedy made the goal of putting a man on the moon and returning him safely, a national objective. What’s more, the president set a time limit. The US was to accomplish this goal before the end of the 1960’s. This had never done before.

EAA’s evening presentations at the Theater In The Woods are often riveting. At Osh Kosh 2017, the surviving Apollo astronauts joined David Hartman for an incredible forum to discuss their experiences. In US Lacks Real Leadership-Live At Osh Kosh 2017-Podcast 652.

Real Leaders Don’t Tweet

A standing room only crowd heard some great stories about the early efforts of the United States to develop a manned space program. For me, one of the major threads of the conversation was how the bosses at NASA and in the US Government provided the resources and allowed the pilots, managers and scientists at NASA to do the job.

When things got tough they did not publicly ridicule, blame, demand and complain. Leaders stayed on task and on schedule. On July 16th, 1969 Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon. In subsequent missions which proved even more challenging, the leaders only asked what the guys in space and at Mission Control needed.

Pulling Together?

These days some of our top people could take a lesson from the experience of these guys, so young back in the day. We’re not pulling together as a nation. We’re not working specific goals to address problems, so we can move onto making things better. In US Lacks Real Leadership-Live At Osh Kosh 2017-Podcast 652.

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US Lacks Real Leadership-Live At Osh Kosh 2017-Podcast 652

Podcast 497

Midnight Deck Radio. It’s that time of year again. Just before the bugs, when the trees are full and the nights are cool. But, the coffee’s on and the Tiki Torches are lit, time for some Midnight Deck Radio. As we wait for the planet Mercury to transit between the Earth and the Sun in the 6:00 hour Central Daylight Savings Time on Monday, May 9th, it’s time to update Bob Davis Podcast Listeners for the week ahead. You wouldn’t know it if you listened to talk radio or to the 24 hour cable television channels, but there isn’t much to talk about in politics until the next spate of primary elections. Even then, there won’t be any real fireworks until just before both mainline party conventions late this summer. That doesn’t stop the media machine though, rehashing and churning away with more opinion and commentary on the same issues again and again, and again. How many times can we talk about whether or not Hillary Clinton will be indicted (um, no she won’t) or how Donald Trump is the ‘presumptive’ nominee of the Republican party? One of the things I’ve learned doing the weekly ‘Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show’ is how prescient the Bob Davis Podcasts can be when it comes to forecasting political events and issues ahead of the curve. The podcasts have been talking for weeks about the potential for an establishment fight over the ‘presumptive’ Trump nomination. Just before the weekend all the stories broke about republican establishment types concerned about the down ticket, former presidents who say they won’t attend the convention, establishment donors and potential candidates refusing to endorse the ‘presumptive’ nominee. Which brings us to the media itself. A New York Times article last week about White House Media advisor and Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes has lots of people talking about how the White House ‘controls’ or thinks it controls the media. The main point of the story was Rhodes’ comments about how reporters sometimes copy and reprint whole press releases word for word, because no one actually does any real reporting work anymore when it comes to news. This is was an ongoing topic of conversation when The Bob Davis Podcasts was on the road in Mobile Podcast Command covering the primary election season in Iowa, South Carolina, Florida and Texas this spring. Yes there are a few actual reporters in Washington and New York who work sources and check out stories, but for the most part these days if you’re watching the 24 hour cable channels or listening to the radio you’re getting nothing more than a rehash of someone else’s writing and very often, it’s a press release written up as a new story without any fact checking or source confirmation. What missing is the kind of information people need to be able to discern what are facts and whether those facts are important or not. This is one of the reasons why American Politics isn’t a process for problems solving but a national representation of an increasingly tribal population. How do we build a future when all we’re really concerned about is what tribe each other belongs to and whether we can talk to each other? Digital media can help with that, or it can exacerbate the problem. How do podcasts make a difference? What’s the mission of this podcast these days? Sponsored by X Government Cars and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul.