Adventure-Freedom-History-Bob Davis Podcast 1155

Adventure Freedom History

Adventure, Freedom and History in Death Valley and The Eastern Sierras.There’s so much to see and so many thoughts! Details in Adventure-Freedom-History-Bob Davis Podcast 1155.

Death Valley Eastern Sierras

Firstly my last podcast dealt with the Eastern part of Death Valley. Podcast 1155 deals with the Western Part of Death Valley and the Eastern Sierras.

Freezing In Lone Pine California

Secondly I am doing this podcast as I exit the freezing northern reaches of Lone Pine California and head for warmer parts of Southern California.

Most importantly heavy winds and near freezing temperatures make it pretty cold up in the mountains.


That is to say given the elements I don’t know how the pioneers even considered trekking up the Sierras with their belongings and animals.

Donner Party

Certainly the Donner Party experience led to later western emigrants to seek a southern route.

Death Valley Days

This literally led through Death Valley.


Altogether I love the history in the west.

Western History

But the Death Valley Sierra area is jam packed with all kinds of historical stories.


Even more every view is packed with beauty.

Heading South

With this in mind while I retreat to warmer climes I am doing this podcast in Mobile Podcast Command as I head south.


Above all this is a great time to discuss issues of freedom.

At the present time I am struck by the number of people I know who feel deeply constrained in their jobs,


Even more life seems also to be exerting a tremendous weight on shoulders ‘back in the world’.


All things considered I think this is one of the reasons people are so interested in nomad life.

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Adventure-Freedom-History-Bob Davis Podcast 1155

Podcast 535

Sturgis 2016 & The Black Hills. A trip to Sturgis 2016 turns into a tour of the Black Hills. Lots of riders come up here for the motorcycle rally but they head out on day trips to the many historic and interesting places in the Black Hills. Deadwood, and of course Mount Rushmore to name two. Lots of history in the Black Hills, especially in Deadwood. In Sturgis 2016 & The Black Hills I stop in Deadwood and have a great conversation about the history of the town, the history of the West and what it meant then and today, with a local historian in character as ‘Colorado Charlie Utter’. Then it’s onto Mount Rushmore and Keystone, South Dakota. A listener to the Bob Davis Podcasts emailed recently to suggest that some of the political podcasts contained some ‘repetitive thoughts’, as she put it. It seems like, when you talk about politics these days in any form, you come to an impasse and it’s almost always about the voters, or the political parties, or the candidates or the media and the fact that almost everyone is disappointed in the choices they have. The great thing about coming to Sturgis, and by extension these other cool places in the Black Hills, is that you forget about politics. It took awhile to come up with a theme for Sturgis 2016 & The Black Hills, Podcast 535 but it finally came to me. With all the talk about the founding fathers and the US Constitution, maybe it’s time for a new myth, a new ‘theme’ from American History. The fact is, the story told by the dime western novels, Hollywood and later TV pales in contrast to the real history of the west. The Hollywood version of the west made it seem like it all happened in Zane Grey’s Arizona, or the Sierra Nevada’s or California. Part of Western History did take place in those places in the late 1800’s and even early 1900’s. Many characters and themes later portrayed in Hollywood Westerns and popular TV shows happened a lot sooner – in the 1870’s – in places like Deadwood. Independence, self reliance, working harder and smarter and the opportunity to reinvent yourself, and to jettison your past are all themes that echo throughout the region’s history and across the area from Deadwood and Rapid City, to Mount Rushmore. As Colorado Charlie suggests maybe that inclusive, opportunistic theme is what’s missing a lot of times in the rest of America. Sponsored by X Government Cars and Brush Studio in The West End.