Facebook’s-Real-Evil-Purpose-Bob Davis Podcast 939

More Fake People and Fake Comments

Firstly I’ve detected a big increase in the number of fake people and fake comments on Facebook recently. Learn more in Facebook’s-Real-Evil-Purpose-Bob Davis Podcast 939.

Reposting Podcast 939

Moreover not only is Facebook’s user experience poor, so is the experience for advertisers. See the editor’s note at the bottom of this blog to learn more about the trials and tribulations of content creators and advertisers on FB

Why Fake Engagement?

Secondly what’s the reason for all this ‘fake engagement’ on the social media giant.

Discord and Disagreement

For example we should be now be aware Facebook encourages discord and disagreement. From the time of my first post on this subject new information has come to light.

Facebook Is The Wellspring Of Discord

Even more Facebook might be the chief cause for the personal and political divide in the US these days.

Dangerous and Destructive

To clarify, yes I’m saying FB is the most dangerous and destructive force in our society.

No Comments Please

Especially relevant to this podcast is a further clarification of why I refuse to allow comments on my FB posts. Get that podcast here.

Incendiary and Divisive Comments…From Bots…Or Worse

In the course of promoting what I do I have seen an increase in the number of clearly fake people making incendiary and divisive comments.

Could Facebook Be Behind It?

Finally I’ll ask this as a question. I wonder if Facebook itself is behind this. And, if they are, why? Check out Facebook’s-Real-Evil-Purpose-Bob Davis Podcast 939.

Negative Reinforcement Always Wins

In the same vein tech writers long ago exposed FB algorithms designed to reward discord and division. Negative reinforcement creates a stronger bond and more engagement than positive reinforcement.


Even more propaganda on social media platforms has always been suspect.

Usual Suspects

For example the Russians. What about the Chinese? Above all political campaigns here in the United States.

Massive Manipulation Of Americans…And The World

Here’s my thing. In short I came the conclusion recently it all might just be FB itself manipulating users for its own purposes or worse, at someone or something’s behest.

Think Twice

Consequently we all might think twice before engaging in back and forth arguments on FB. In addition, we might think twice before commenting at all.

(Editor’s note: I am doing a new post for podcast 939 due to two reasons. First replacing an image for a podcast with Facebook clunky and byzantine image ‘scraping’ process is slower than just copying and pasting a new post with a new SEO title and some minor changes, Second, Facebook also has images with any artwork that uses the Facebook logo, but slightly changes it. So much for the social media giant’s promotion of ‘free speech’.)

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Facebook’s-Real-Evil-Purpose-Bob Davis Podcast 939

Trump-Democrats-Ruin-Thanksgiving-Christmas-Bob Davis Podcast 865


I don’t think it matters where you come down on the process of impeaching Donald Trump. What’s especially relevant is the fact that the media has been praying for this. Due to this, politics will only continue to permeate our culture. Has it reached terminal toxicity? One can only hope. Learn more in Trump-Democrats-Ruin-Thanksgiving-Christmas-Bob Davis Podcast 865.

Live From My Garage

I did not want to do an overtly political podcast about this nonsense in Washington. So come with me to run some errands and we’ll talk about it, as we go live from my two garages.

High Crimes Expertise

Even more I wasn’t on the call with the President of the Ukraine, so I don’t know what was said. Sure I can read the so called ‘transcript’ but I’m not an expert when it comes to high crimes. What about you?

Run Its Course

Consequently whether you see what is going on now in Washington as the Democratic Campaign for the Presidency or a Witch Hunt, this thing has to run its course. Unfortunately.

Not Going Away

Certainly this whole thing isn’t going away anytime soon. Find out why in Trump-Democrats-Ruin-Thanksgiving-Christmas-Bob Davis Podcast 865

Ruining Christmas and Thanksgiving

Therefore prepare to have your crazy uncle Joe and your Brother In Law ruin Thanksgiving and Christmas this year.

Latin America Style Corruption

As far as I am concerned and above all, I have come to the conclusion that the United States Government is pretty well shot through with corruption, legal and illegal.

For Some Time

Furthermore I can make the case this has been true for some time.

Government Too Powerful

It’s all due to the growth of government power we the people have allowed.

Shut Down Santa and Mrs Claus?

Who wants to shut down Santa Claus?

Perfumed Princes In Washington DC

Consequently I won’t be breathlessly relating the latest development in the impeachment saga, attacking or defending the president or any of these other perfumed princes and princesses in the capitol.


Finally my biggest concern is how these kinds of issues spread to our screens like a cancer.


My own analysis of the president’s current approval ratings in battleground states is key.

All Bets Are Off

The democrats may have had the president in 2020 in those battlegrounds. Too bad for them. Now all bets are off.

Gossip Is News

Maybe someday the American People will turn away from this constant barrage of political gossip. Don’t hold your breath, though.

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Trump-Democrats-Ruin-Thanksgiving-Christmas-Bob Davis Podcast 865