Podcast 27

Considering the circus the Nidal Hasan trial has become, now almost three years after the attack, it is interesting to hear views expressed in the direct aftermath of the Fort Hood ‘shootings’. Is the attack at Fort Hood the first act of domestic terrorism on US soil since September 11th, 2001? Could US Army Major Nidal Hasan be a victim of PTSD, even though he has not yet been deployed to a combat AO?


Podcast 26

What happens when we learn new skills? We become obsessed, miss lunches, and play with new equipment. Very excited about my new ISDN codec, pre amps and other massive craziness in ‘obsessive compulsive land’. I did this podcast at 3 in the morning. Lots of talk about the future of podcasts. The latest economic and political news and updates on Bob’s obsessive activities of the last few weeks. Or, “Why I Missed My Lunch With David Strom!”
