Podcast 66

Lots of talk these days about the US Congress and the Federal Government. When the State Legislatures are back in session, there will be a lot of talk about what they are doing to us. But what about your local government? Town and cities? And what about your local School Boards. Someone has to run these local government entities. I hosted a local government forum in New Brighton, Minnesota recently, and learned they’re dealing with the same issues as the Federal and State governments. It reminds me, at the local level, citizens can have a big impact. All you have to do is get involved. Sponsored by www.Xgovernmentcars.com.

Podcast 65

On October 1st 2013, the United States Government ‘shut down’. While this has happened seventeen times before, you’d think it has never happened. This is a frustrating issue for many reasons. While some people are upset, I think we should actually celebrate! Podcast 65 takes a look at the coverage, and complexities of politics as usual in Washington DC. Join me live from the backyard of the Broadcast Bunker, for one last warm day in the Fall of 2013. Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul.