Podcast 40

This is a draft of a speech I gave to a Mora, Minnesota tea party group before the election of 2010. This is the ‘famous’ speech where I told them they had to expect compromise from the politicians they elected. Didn’t go over too well. The thing that’s interesting is; with the tea party’s help republicans won in 2010 and this is exactly what happened in the Minnesota Legislature. They compromised on their principles, raised spending and avoided real reforms like Wisconsin pushed head on. In the MNGOP’s defense, they did not have a republican governor to sign the bills the majority might have passed. So, they had to compromise. I guess I’m not Huey Long, but I had a stump speech!


Podcast 39

Finally! Podcast 39. Take a break from the depressing headlines about health insurance, and Obama, and take a journey through West Dallas, Texas, with Bonnie and Clyde, circa 1930. A remake of the Penn/Beatty 1967 classic is shooting now. Is it possible to remake a classic? How would you tell the story? This is  one of my favorite podcasts and a favorite of many listeners. Bonnie and Clyde is a passion for me, and doing this podcast was pure joy.


Podcast 38

At the beginning of the tea party movement, they were pretty rough around the edges. Some might suggest they still are. When a one of them showed up at my Senate District meeting spouting quotes from Jefferson, it provoked me. I did some research and discovered the people who founded this country were pretty special. Discussion here about republican government, versus the mob.
