Being-Present-In-Impatient-World-Bob Davis Podcast 859

14 Seconds

Latest news says most people have a fourteen second attention span these days. If it doesn’t happen within that time frame people freak out. How to be present in this environment in Being-Present-In-Impatient-World-Bob Davis Podcast 859.

Multi Tasking

Moreover the incidences of people running red lights and the use of devices in cars while driving is an epidemic. There’s a ton of multitasking Then there’s traffic.

Checked Out While Driving

It’s especially relevant that some of the most checked out people appear to be driving.

Point System For Freeway Driving

First of all I share my special point system for driving. I’ll share what I’ve learned about our collective state of mind, from just trying to drive around traffic obstacles on the freeway.


Consequently the idea of being present when we do whatever it is we do apparently has to be reintroduced.

No Self Help Books

In contrast to most social media posts and memes I do not glean self help books for bromides. This isn’t about religion. My suggestions about how to stay present are not the result of five years on top of a mountain in Tibet.

Least Zen Person Until Now

In fact if you know me you know I am the least zen person on the planet. In addition I suffered from not being present for years. Learn more in Being-Present-In-Impatient-World-Bob Davis Podcast 859.


Certainly I will start with business which has taught me a lot about patience. I see a lot of people every day who seem over scheduled and over worked. I often wonder what they accomplish. One of the reasons I started a business was to avoid that kind of life.

Unique Business Challenges

Even more I am surprised at my early judgements about my business. What it was about. How it would make money. After 6 years I feel like I finally understand what I am doing in business for myself including the unique challenges of podcasting as a business.

Fully Engaged

Above all without Tony Robbins and Zig Ziglar, motivational coaching and a pile of books on being an entrepreneur I have finally arrived at a space where I am fully engaged. Find out how in this podcast.

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Being-Present-In-Impatient-World-Bob Davis Podcast 859