Podcast 82

What do we do in Minnesota when it is cold? We go to the mall! Podcast 81 gets you set for the week of December 9th, 2013, at the cornucopia of modern American capitalism know as “The Mall”. What are the top stories this week? Obamacare, Inequality, The Pope and the Vatican Bank, Minimum Wage and the FBI turning on your webcam without you knowing! Bob Davis gives you a heads up and some context for how to argue these issues. By the way I keep calling this Podcast 81, but it is, in fact Podcast 82. Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul, Minnesota.

Podcast 80

Back from Thanksgiving with a story to tell about rehab, and what to look for in the coming week’s news. ObamaCare woes, Republican and Democrat Politics, Driving cross country as fast as you can, left lane drivers in Minnesota and Wisconsin, Impeach Obama signs on the overpass, a tour of the Capitol in Washington DC, and signs the economy may be trending down. There’s a lot to talk about! Sponsored by Baklund.com.

Podcast 79

A lot to think about this on the weekend before Thanksgiving, 2013. The 50th commemoration of the JFK assassination, the difference between a Senate rule, tradition and the US Constitution, the developing dud that is Comet ISON, and more. And, one of the things I’ve have wanted to prepare for is covering a story as it is happening, on the scene. As a family emergency calls me to Virginia, I get to see what will be required to leave the broadcast bunker at a moment’s notice. This is a test of this system. Sponsored by the incrediwearstore.com.