Podcast 73

If there is one topic in the news these days its the failure of Healthcare.gov. Rather than telling everyone what to think about this new policy, I suggest a longer arc, with some ideas to think about going forward. If there was ever a ‘teachable moment’ for policies that extend the power of the state, this is it. Still, what does it mean? What’s the alternative? How do we go about improving it, repealing it, or positioning against it in future elections. Join me for one of the few podcasts exclusively about the ‘Affordable Care Act’ on this late-night podcast. Sponsored by Baklund LLC; The Problem Solvers. www.baklund.com. (By the way election day is November 5th, not the 7th, as stated in the podcast).

Podcast 72

Happy Halloween! And what would Halloween be without a scary Halloween story? If you’ve been listening to the podcasts you know I have been doing some creative writing. In this podcast, I will narrate or read the results of my writing ‘get together’ every Wednesday. Recently we did a writing exercise using random words. I got lucky. I got the words ‘oozing’ and ‘curve’, which turned out to be perfect for Halloween. Plus an update on how to pronounce Nihilist! Sponsored by incrediwearstore.com.

Podcast 71

In an effort to get more podcasts out, I am trying something new. Walking and talking with no editing. Bob Davis Uncut! On Podcast 71 I take a break from politics and talk about radio, podcasting, Thebobdavispodcasts.com, writing and why I have two gloves for the left hand. Podcasting is growing by leaps and bounds as a new medium, which means The Bob Davis Podcasts are growing and that makes me very happy. Positive changes are ahead for this page, and for the podcasts and the podcast sponsors. Podcast 71 is sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul. And a subliminal tribute to the late Lou Reed.