Focus-Johantgen Jewelers-Crystal Minnesota-Bob Davis Business Blog
I have a growing list of clients. Therefore I am activating my actual blog page to focus on individual local businesses. The first installment is Johantgen Jewelers, in Crystal Minnesota. Learn more in Focus-Johantgen Jewelers-Crystal Minnesota-Bob Davis Business Blog.
Everything’s A Commodity
Doesn’t it seem like everything is a commodity these days? In this kind of environment people are often surprised to get great service from locally owned businesses. That is what it is all about for Johantgen Jewelers in Crystal, Minnesota. More than one customer of this venerable local business has commented that they wish they would have known about Johantgen’s years ago.
Where To Find Johantgen Jewelers
You can find Johantgen Jewelers in the Crystal Shopping Center. You can also listen to the Bob Davis Podcasts, to learn more about because there’s always lots of information about Johantgen’s in the podcasts.
Going Back To The 1800’s
Johantgen’s history dates back to the late 1800’s. From the storied North Side of Minneapolis to Crystal. It’s most noteworthy the business has been in the same family since that time.
Rave Reviews
First of all, when it comes to Jewelry repair, Johantgen’s gets rave reviews. They reset stones, crowns, resize rings and more. Johantgens also does great design. I’ve often has conversations with owner Todd Johantgen. He always gets excited about a new crown or setting or design he has worked out for a customer.
Vintage Watches and Rolex Repair
Moreover Johantgen’s does great watch repair and restoration. Johantgen’s has a truly amazing display of vintage watches you have to see to believe. Some of them are well over one hundred years old. They make great gifts. Moreover they service Rolex watches.
A Personal Jeweler Can Make A Huge Difference
With so much shopping for jewelry and other products and services on line, people forget having a great local jeweler can make a huge difference in what you end up with. Johantgen’s has some of the best deals on gemstones around Minneapolis and Saint Paul. Not to mention the long term service after the sale.
Service and Sales
For example, when you’re shopping on line, how do you feel a gemstone? Feel the weight of the stone. See the stone in normal light? What happens if you have to send it back? Are you talking to a real jeweler who can put that stone in a beautiful setting, and will work with you to make sure it’s right? What about getting it serviced?
Check Johantgen’s Out Online
Finally, Johantgen’s is also on line. Check out their website and contact page here. Lots of great content about jewelry fashion for the final weeks of 2018 and early 2019, and more information about Johantgen’s.
In conclusion, I am happy to advertise and support a local business. I think this is one of the things local podcasters have the potential to do so well.
Johantgen’s Jewelers in the Crystal Shopping Center at 115 Willow Bend, Crystal Minnesota.
I know these guys. I enjoy working with them and I know their biggest concern is to make their customers happy.