Podcast 71

In an effort to get more podcasts out, I am trying something new. Walking and talking with no editing. Bob Davis Uncut! On Podcast 71 I take a break from politics and talk about radio, podcasting, Thebobdavispodcasts.com, writing and why I have two gloves for the left hand. Podcasting is growing by leaps and bounds as a new medium, which means The Bob Davis Podcasts are growing and that makes me very happy. Positive changes are ahead for this page, and for the podcasts and the podcast sponsors. Podcast 71 is sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul. And a subliminal tribute to the late Lou Reed.

Podcast 70

What happens at a Tea Party meeting? Aren’t those people crazy? Ever wonder what I do when I go out to speak? Join me live for the recording of Podcast 70 at the West Metro Tea Party in Plymouth, Minnesota. Well, MOST of podcast 70. I felt the need to editorialize in the Broadcast Bunker Studio, just a little. Sponsored by www.baklund.com; The Problem Solvers.

Podcast 69

Some final thoughts on the government shut down ‘debacle’. Calling for a civil war? How dumb are you? Believe it or not, some writers on the left are calling it a republican victory, even though republicans and tea party people seem to think of it as a loss. What’s the difference between political optics and political science? Policy versus Politics. And a final call to action. Sponsored By: Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul.